The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Clubs > Cooking Club

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message 1: by goule (last edited Oct 12, 2022 05:42PM) (new)

goule | 399 comments

The smell hits you first, before you even walk in. Someone is cooking, and they're doing it very well. Other students linger by the door as you walk closer, peering inside with them. The inside of the room resembles someone's home kitchen. The walls are a pale yellow, almost cream-colored. Several long wooden counters, with matching cabinets, stretch out in the room. Toward the back are tables set up almost like a restaurant. There are even corner booth tables. The wood of these tables and counters are much the same color as the walls, with the circular tables covered by lacy tablecloths of varying shades of red, white, and purple. The back wall holds several large refrigerators and a metal door is marked with a snowflake, denoting it as a freezer. Ovens are embedded into the back row of counters. Cooking utensils are carefully placed in drawers and holders, with a row of hooks filled with aprons not far from them. But the thing that catches your attention next is a scream. Tiny screams from tiny gingerbread men fleeing from...something. You, like every other student that is looking in, realize who this room belongs to as one snake-like familiar snaps up several gingerbread men, and a set of candy-crowned talons impale one more to the countertop. They look — delicious, and you find yourself joining in the feast of the gingery little creations as a timer dings. Another familiar that looks very much like a strawberry coated in chocolate wraps itself around a ladle in a steel pot and brings a sampling of golden soup over to you. "Care for a taste?"



current members
Haru Evergreen ( eclipse )
Meghan Grace ( book dragon )
Kai Yun Yang ( goule )
Michael ( michael )
Aemilius Nazario ( birdsong )
Nick ( sierra )

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