Space Opera Fans discussion

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Reader Discussions > What are you reading right now? For 2023

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
This is a continuation of a previous thread

Please post below just as you would in that other thread to let us know what space opera book(s) you are currently reading, or just finished. And what did you think of it.

message 2: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 436 comments I just started "Behind the Throne" by K.B. Wagers

message 3: by NewHampsterCommuter (last edited Jan 06, 2023 03:31PM) (new)

NewHampsterCommuter | 9 comments I just started Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey, the first in the series on which The Expanse television series was based. I wanted to see if I would like the books as much as the show, so I first read The Butcher of Anderson Station and The Churn, two prequels, and they were great. So, I'll be busy for a while (lots of books to go), in addition to rereading All Systems Red for the group read. The month is off to a great start!

message 4: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
I’ve been binging on fantasy for the past couple of weeks. Earlier this week the new Tolari Space Universe book came out, and the launch party was this afternoon. I’ll be reading that book next: Rembrandt's Station by Christie Meierz.

message 5: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Currently reading several graphic novels, as well as nearing the end of both The Silver Ships and Hammered.

message 6: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished Rembrandt's Station yesterday. Good enough to reread, but it didn’t suck me in as much as The Marann did. Likely just me being able to relate to Marianne more than to Bertie.

And I’m back to reading fantasy again, until some new space opera catches my attention or I need a fix of aliens or something.

message 7: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Finished The Silver Ships. A promising start nosedives into tropey Marty Stu territory, but I didn’t really hate it or anything.

My review:

message 8: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Taking a break from reading fantasy, and rereading Mirabile by Janet Kagan which has a lot of really crazy critters on a planet colonized about three generations ago, with the humans arriving on slower than light ships. I reread this one just about every year.

I’ll be back reading fantasy this weekend, because a book I preordered is coming out.

message 9: by Glen (new)

Glen | 4 comments Watched Altered Carbon on Netflix and became interested in this story. Damn Netflix for not finishing the story. 200 pages left in book one and I have to say as first book by Richard K. Morgan this is incredibly well written. The book does differ from the plot of the first season here and there but, it’s not a distraction at all. Rarely are adaptations going to be even 75% close to the source material in my experience.
Regardless, I love how Morgan writes and it’s so easy to read with a flow to the words and dialogue neither being weighed down by the other. Look forward to the other two books in the series. If anyone knows of similar authors or books to pick up after this please let me know.

message 10: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished rereading Mirabile. I think I need to wait a couple of years before the next reread. I’ve reread it too many times.

Read more fantasy.

Now I’m reading Old Man Space Ranger by Douglas Michaels. Sort of so-so. I’m about 34%. It has a similar feel as Backyard Starship by J.N. Chaney which I eventually gave up on, but in this case the main character is 57yo.

message 11: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Teresa wrote: "in this case the main character is 57yo."

Hey, *I’m* 57! I can be an old man space ranger too!

message 12: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Old Man Space Ranger lost my attention. I haven’t completely given up on it yet. After trying various other books I’ve settled on rereading The Scent of Metal by Sabrina Chase. Perfect example of space opera with alien tech, although at least in this book of the series there’s no trying to keep the government from the tech - while exploring Pluto the explorers get sent faster than light, so there’s no way to tell government anything until book (3?).

message 13: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished rereading Scent of Metal, now on book 2 of the series: One Blood by Sabrina Chase. Will likely reread the whole series, unless I get distracted by a shiny new book.

message 14: by Nick (new)

Nick (dreydak) | 45 comments Currently Reading Legacy (catchup from a past group read I missed) and I also started Skyward by one of my favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson

message 15: by Adam (new)

Adam Collings (adamcollings) | 6 comments I've recently been reading the Starman books (Mutiny on Mars, The Runaway Asteroid, and Journey to the Farthest Planet) by Michael D. Cooper. They've been out of print for a while, but a friend of mine as secured the rights to republish them.

Enjoying the series so far. There's a slowly building alien mystery that ties them together.

message 16: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished One Blood, now rereading the last book of the series: Soul Code. Well current last, because the author may eventually write a fourth one of course.

message 17: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished Soul Code. Have a large pile of free previews to wade through in search of something that holds my attention. No upcoming preorders, but there are some Indy authors I follow who never do preorders who are likely to publish a new one in the next month.

message 18: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments I read Hammered and Hammered and Hammered.

message 19: by Arslan (new)

Arslan Güngil | 1 comments Malazan: Book of the Fallen Booke 4: House of Chains
Stormlight Archive Book 3: Oathbringer
Mistborn, Book 1
The Wheel of Time Book 3: The Dragon Reborn, audiobook re-read.

message 20: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Currently rereading April by Mackey Chandler.

message 21: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Just about to start The Last Astronaut.

message 22: by Nick (new)

Nick (dreydak) | 45 comments I just finished Legacy. I wrote a quick book review on Goodreads which is here:

Instead of reading Skyward, I switched modes a bit and am now reading a different Brandon Sanderson novel, Tress of the Emerald Sea After that I will check start Skyward.

message 23: by Jerry (new)

Jerry Scot | 1 comments Just finished We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by Dennis E. Taylor Very fun read, will be returning to the Bob's soon. And just started Foundation by Issac Asimov. Been wanting to read this series for a long time.

message 24: by Trike (last edited Jan 31, 2023 02:07PM) (new)

Trike | 699 comments Jerry wrote: "And just started Foundation by ..."

Have you watched the series on Apple TV? It’s an excellent but not one-to-one adaptation.

message 25: by Nate (last edited Feb 01, 2023 09:48PM) (new)

Nate Reed | 2 comments Just finished children of dune starting god emperor of dune. This is my second read through with the dune series I hope god emperor of dune is betrer this second time through I have heard a lot of people say in reviews its better the second time through heres hoping fingers crossed 🤞 lol 😆

message 26: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
I finished rereading April by Mackey Chandler the day after I started it, but decided it was just a bit too soon to binge the whole series. I’ve been (re)reading fantasy while waiting for something new to catch my attention. Hopefully Bob & Nikki #31 will drop soon. The only preorders I have for the next month are fantasy.

message 27: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Started Stars and Bones by Gareth L. Powell. Too soon to tell if it’s strictly Space Opera, but it’s definitely space adventure.

Also reading the non-fiction Spaceships: An Illustrated History of the Real and the Imagined, the brand new 2nd edition. I’m only just to the 1930s but it’s really interesting so far and has given me lots of spaceship names for my list.

Larger pic:

message 28: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
I’ve been off reading fantasy, but the new Bob and Nikki book finally appeared! I’m not finding it in Goodreads search yet, but will edit this comment after it is indexed. Name is Unfriendly Relations, by Jerry Boyd. Space opera but from the blurb this story is going to be set mostly on Earth again.

message 30: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Thanks LJ!

Finished reading Unfriendly Relations. Goodreads search here in comments doesn’t want to show me the book for some reason. Bob and his crew did get off planet in this book, although yes most of the book they were on Earth.

message 31: by bob (new)

bob morrell (wallet55) | 13 comments Reading (listening) “The Last Human” by Zack Jordon. Entertaining thus far.

message 32: by James (new)

James Liu | 1 comments I've reread the first 3 books of the Dune series. I think Dune is still mesmerizing, and I still think Dune Messiah is not nearly as gripping. Children of Dune is better to me than DM, but I'm not super attracted to Herberts philosophy of prophecy/religion these days. Trying to decide whether to reread God Emperor, which I remember as a very impressive book.

message 33: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Trike wrote: "Started Stars and Bones by Gareth L. Powell. Too soon to tell if it’s strictly Space Opera, but it’s definitely space adventure."

Stars and Bones is quite good. 4 stars. It’s a compelling combination of elements from other Sci-fi stories/movies, but at this late stage of the genre there’s precious little new to be had, so I don’t hold it against him. “Remix” is good; “derivative” is bad. This is a solid remix.

message 34: by Helyna (new)

Helyna Clove | 1 comments First poster over here, hi everyone! I'm reading Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot. It's pretty fun, features warring factions, oppression of alien people, lots of assassiny spy organizations with weird tech, and a good mix of character types. Libraries are held in high regard which is a great tidbit. Bit of a slower pace considering the action-y plot, but cool so far.

message 35: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Helyna wrote: "First poster over here, hi everyone! "

Hi! 👋

Helyna wrote: " I'm reading Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot. It's pretty fun, features warring factions, oppression of alien people, lots of assassiny spy organizations with weird tec..."

I hadn’t heard of Bluebird before. The sample looks interesting.

message 36: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Currently rereading April #3 The Middle of Nowhere by Mackey Chandler. I’m trying to strike a balance between waiting long enough between rereads of the series and having the series fresh enough on my mind when the new book comes out in a month or two.

message 37: by Ally (last edited Feb 20, 2023 01:03PM) (new)

Ally | 98 comments Hello, I'm still stuck reading LitRPG on but there is more than that on RR. Just read a short novel which is Sci-fi but not space opera.
Don't worry it's not LitRPG !
I though I would mention it to help the author. And it's free !

message 38: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 436 comments I am halfway through Down Among the Dead by K.B. Wagers. It's the middle book in a trilogy and pretty grim. One of the main characters (trying to avoid spoilers here) has had a major breakdown. On a positive note, lots of action and definitely space opera. I expect I will read the final book to see how it all turns out.

message 39: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished Middle of Nowhere. Started needing some aliens so now I’m rereading Nor Crystal Tears by Alan Dean Foster which I haven’t read in about twenty years. This is marked as third in his series about Flinx and Pip, but it’s a prequel told from the POV of an alien, about their first contact with humans. I’m about 20% in and so far it is holding my attention a lot better than the last time I tried to reread a book by this author.

message 40: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Read enough of Nor Crystal Tears to scratch my itch for aliens, but it stopped holding my attention and I put it aside. Back to rereading April series, now on #5 A Depth of Understanding

message 41: by Nate (new)

Nate Reed | 2 comments I'm currently reading Prince of thorns by Mark Lawrence it's quite good so far I'm reading it and Heretics of dune which is quite good also and I just finished Reading Watership Down such a classic.

NewHampsterCommuter | 9 comments Now I am up to Cibola Burn in the Expanse series. I really liked the television series, and I am happy to have the actors there in mind while I listen to the audiobooks. Once again, though, the books far surpass the show. The books are far more comprehensible, which makes the whole protomolecule plot line more interesting to me, whereas before it just annoyed me. They are also very well paced. So if you liked the show, you'll love the books.

message 43: by Trike (last edited Feb 25, 2023 06:59AM) (new)

Trike | 699 comments I’m listening to the Siobhan Dunmoore series by Eric Thomson on Hoopla, and this is pretty solid Space Opera. It kind of feels Star Trek-inspired, mostly because the bad guys remind me very strongly of Klingons. Finished the first book and 10% into the second. Definitely recommend.

No Honor in Death by Eric Thomson No Honor in Death
The Path of Duty by Eric Thomson The Path of Duty
Like Stars in Heaven by Eric Thomson Like Stars in Heaven

message 44: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished rereading April #6 And What Goes Around by Mackey Chandler.

Currently reading a new book Micah's Ordeal by Alice Sabo. This is #4 in her Children of a Changed World Bundle: Books 1 - 3 series, which takes place after her A Changed World Box Set: The Complete 5 Book Series. Not space opera at all. In between SF and fantasy. Post apocalyptic, making progress rebuilding civilization.

message 45: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished Micah’s Ordeal. If you liked the previous books you’ll like this one.

Back to rereading the April series. Finished #7 They Said it would be Easy and just started #8 It's Always Something. Not sure when #14 will drop. Several months ago the author estimated March, but he’s not doing it to a deadline.

I don’t have any books preordered for March, but do have a couple of fantasy preorders for April that should be very good.

message 46: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Finished rereading It's Always Something by Mackey Chandler which is April series #8. Now rereading #9 A Sudden Departure

message 47: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Got distracted from my reread of the April series by a new to me fantasy series: The House Witch by Delemhach. I’m about halfway through the second book and enjoying it very much. Humor, romance, and really quirky magic system.

message 48: by Nick (new)

Nick (dreydak) | 45 comments I recently finished Conan - Blood of the Serpent by S.M. Stirling. I love any Conan material! I also finished Queen of Deception: A Marvel Legends of Asgard Novel by Anna Stephens, which I had the pleasure of reading a pre-release in exchange for a book review. Anything Norse is right up my alley. I also just finished Star Wars: Planet of Twilight by Barbara Hambly to finish off the Star Wars: The Callista Trilogy. Star Wars is what brought me to reading mainstream fiction as a kid and has led me to so many awesome Sci-Fi and Fantasy authors and stories.

message 49: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
I highly recommend The House Witch series if you like fantasy.

Back to rereading the April series. Currently on #11 All in Good Time by Mackey Chandler. I have no clue when the new one will drop but I’m hoping for it in the next six weeks.

message 50: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments Just finished Tuf Voyaging by George R.R. Martin, a re-read for the first time since 1986. If anything, I actually enjoyed it more this time around. Giant spaceships! Planetary politics! Cats!

My review, a few minor spoilers but nothing major:

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