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message 1: by Donna, Chief Inspector (last edited Mar 27, 2023 07:47PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 1863 comments Mod

Partner challenge
Runs April - June 2023

Welcome to the School for Good & Evil. The first thing that must be done is that every student must decide if they are inherently good or evil. You can only study one or the other here at this school. One partner must study good and the other must study evil.

Once you have decided which line of study that you will follow, you can find your classes here. To prepare for your 3 tests, you will want to complete as many tasks as you can. Only the most prepared heroes & villains will pass their finals. Oh, and you will be competing against your partner in the finals. Good luck and may the best side win!

*Please note that the 3 tests will run over 3 different weekends. Each test will require one book (minimum 100 pages) that must be read in a 2-day period. You will get one day to study and prepare for your test. Books cannot be started until the test begins. The winner will be determined by whoever wins 2 of the 3 tests. The winning partner will get 100 bonus points. The books for your regular classes will be done at your pace and only be scored if you complete them.

Testing Schedule
Snow Ball: April 22-23
Circus of Talents: May 20-21
Trial By Tale: June 24-25

✨Books must be minimum 100 pages
✨Books may be started before the challenge BUT must be finished after the start of the challenge. This does NOT apply to TEST books. They must be started after the test starts
✨Re-reads are allowed

Posting Completed Books
Post your completions in this format

Date Read:

Book Points for Classes
5 points per completed class task

message 2: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments I want to be part of the good side of school.

message 3: by Jane (last edited Apr 01, 2023 05:42AM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments That's fine, I'll be evil then. :-)

message 4: by Jane (last edited Jun 20, 2023 10:37AM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class tasks

32 / 33
(view spoiler)

message 5: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: ✨Read a book where it is hard to tell who is good or evil
Immortal Flame (Cipher's Kiss #1) by Heather Walker Immortal Flame
Author: Heather Walker
Pages: 245
Date Read: 4/1-23
Score: 5

message 6: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Beautification Class
Task: Read a book with the author’s initials in BEAUTIFICATION
Book: Violeta by Isabel Allende
Author: Isabel Allende
Pages: 322
Date Read: 4/1/23
Score: 5

message 7: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 17, 2023 02:05PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class Tasks
(view spoiler)

message 8: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Beautification Class
Task: A Book with BEAUTY in the title
Book: Beauty and the Clockwork Beast (Steampunk Proper Romance, #1) by Nancy Campbell Allen
Author: Nancy Campbell Allen
Pages: 352
Date Read: 4/2/23
Score: 5

message 9: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Beautification Class
Task: Read a book with a smiling character on the cover
Book: Country Strong (Painted Pony Creek #1) by Linda Lael Miller
Author: Linda Lael Miller
Pages: 384
Date Read: 4/3/23
Score: 5

message 10: by Jane (last edited Apr 03, 2023 11:24AM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Uglification Class
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book with the author’s initials in UGLIFICATION
Ronja Røverdatter by Astrid Lindgren Ronja Røverdatter
Author: Astrid Lindgren
Pages: 191
Date Read: 4/2-23
Score: 5

message 11: by Jane (last edited Apr 03, 2023 11:24AM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Special Talents
Task: ✨Read a book with a character that is talented (your interpretation)
One Hundred Lessons (Aspen Cove, #15) by Kelly Collins One Hundred Lessons
Author: Kelly Collins
Pages: 192
Date Read: 4/3-23
Score: 5

message 12: by Jane (last edited Apr 03, 2023 11:45PM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Uglification Class
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book with an ugly character (your interpretation)
Sapphire Flames (Hidden Legacy, #4) by Ilona Andrews Sapphire Flames
Author: Ilona Andrews
Pages: 359
Date Read: 4/4-23
Score: 5

message 13: by Thereadingbell (last edited Apr 04, 2023 04:25PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: Read a book with one of the bold words below in the text or title.
Book: Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty
Author: Liane Moriarty
Pages: 388
Date Read: 4/3/23
"Maybe she should just forgive him." Page 73
Score: 5

message 14: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 08, 2023 07:44AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Good Deed Class
Task: Read a book where a character does a good deed (your interpretation)
Book: Said No One Ever by Stephanie Eding
Author: Stephanie Eding
Pages: 320
Date Read: 4/4/23
Ellie Reed takes care of Marilynn's animals and take care of a list of things to get for her while she was recovering in a nursing home.
Score: 5

message 15: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Princess Etiquette Class
Task: Read a book with the word POSTURE in the text
Book: The Stopover (The Miles High Club, #1) by T.L. Swan
Author: T.L. Swan
Pages: 521
Date Read: 4/4/23
"His Posture is straight and his jaw is square and strong." Pg 35
Score: 5

message 16: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: Read a book with a survivor
Book: The Accident by Gillian Jackson
Author: Gillian Jackson
Pages: 279
Date Read: 4/5/23
Score: 5
The MC is a survivor of a car accident where she loses her leg.

message 17: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: Read a book where it is hard to tell who is good or evil
Book: Tell Me What Really Happened by Chelsea Sedoti
Author: Chelsea Sedoti
Pages: 399
Date Read: 4/5/23
Score: 5

message 18: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Curses & Death Traps
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book with the letters NEMESIS in any order in the title/series
The Shifter Romances The Writer (Nocturne Falls, #6) by Kristen Painter The Shifter Romances The Writer
Author: Kristen Painter
Pages: 364
Date Read: 4/10-23
Score: 5

message 19: by Donna, Chief Inspector (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 1863 comments Mod
Current Scores

Jane: 20

message 20: by Jane (last edited Apr 19, 2023 10:30AM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: History of Villainy
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book where a villain dies
Dying to Read (The Cate Kinkaid Files, #1) by Lorena McCourtney Dying to Read
Author: Lorena McCourtney
Pages: 321
Date Read: 4/17-23
Score: 5
The character that tries to kill 2 people in a fire , loses his own life in that fire.

message 21: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Uglification Class
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book where a character wears a cape or disguise
Unwanteds by Lisa McMann Unwanteds
Author: Lisa McMann
Pages: 390
Date Read: 4/19-23
Score: 5
A character uses a spell to disguise himself as the MC.

message 22: by Donna, Chief Inspector (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 1863 comments Mod
Please check the Q&A & the test thread for updates.

message 23: by Thereadingbell (last edited Apr 23, 2023 06:02PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Snow Ball
Task: Read a book with a hot guy/girl on the cover
Book: Red Velvet (Blackwood Cellars, #2) by Carla Luna
Author: Carla Luna
Pages: 288
Date Read: 4/22/23
Score: 1

message 24: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Snow Ball
Task: Read a Book with Hot Guy
Book: The 7th Canon by Robert Dugoni
Author: Robert Dugoni
Pages: 335
Date Read: 4/22/23
Score: 4

message 25: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Snow Ball
Task: Read a book with hot guy
Book: White Wedding (Blackwood Cellars, #3) by Carla Luna
Author: Carla Luna
Pages: 288
Date Read: 4/23/23
Score: 5

message 26: by Thereadingbell (last edited Apr 23, 2023 06:09PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Snow Ball
Task: Read a book with Hot Guy
Book: The Do-Over (The Miles High Club, #4) by T.L. Swan
Author: T.L. Swan
Pages: 553
Date Read: 4/23/23
Score: 10

message 27: by Thereadingbell (last edited Apr 23, 2023 06:16PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Snow Ball
Task: Read a book with Hot Girl
Book: Sizzle Reel by Carlyn Greenwald
Author: Carlyn Greenwald
Pages: 336
Date Read: 4/23/23
Score: 13

message 28: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Congrats Thereadingbell.

This was a very bad reading weekend for me as I was out all weekend.

I didn’t read anything at all.

I will hopefully do better next time.

message 29: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Jane wrote: "Congrats Thereadingbell.

This was a very bad reading weekend for me as I was out all weekend.

I didn’t read anything at all.

I will hopefully do better next time."

Thank You! I have had times where my weekends were so filled, I didn't get a challenge done as well. Better Luck on the next one!

message 30: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Henchman Training
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book with at least one of the 5 strategies for training henchmen in the text
The Dragon Finds Forever (Nocturne Falls, #7) by Kristen Painter The Dragon Finds Forever
Author: Kristen Painter
Pages: 348
Date Read: 4/21-23
Score: 5
1. Command: Pg 135: And now I command you to do it.
2. Taunt: Pg 1: About taunting her.
3. Trick: Pg 110: A trick of his mind?
4. Bribe: Pg 62: Her father had bribed all the right officials...
5. Bully: Pg 4: Her father was a bully.

message 31: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: ✨Read a book tagged Fairy Tales
Soundless by Richelle Mead Soundless
Author: Richelle Mead
Pages: 267
Date Read: 4/24-23
Score: 5
Tagged fairy tales 15 times

message 32: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Curses & Death Traps
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book where someone is poisoned
Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2) by Veronica Rossi Through the Ever Night
Author: Veronica Rossi
Pages: 341
Date Read: 4/25-23
Score: 5
MC is poisoned
Tagged fairy tales 15 times

message 33: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test: Animal Communication Class
Task: ✨Read a book where a character communicates with an animal or insect
Southern Potions (Sweet Tea Witch Mysteries, #9) by Amy Boyles Southern Potions
Author: Amy Boyles
Pages: 208
Date Read: 4/25-23
Score: 5
MC communicates with animals

message 34: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: ✨Read a book with a survivor
Dykkerklokken og sommerfuglen by Jean-Dominique Bauby Dykkerklokken og sommerfuglen
Author: Jean-Dominique Bauby
Pages: 135
Date Read: 4/25-23
Score: 5
MC survives a stroke

message 35: by Donna, Chief Inspector (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 1863 comments Mod
Current Scores

Jane: 55

Snowball Test

Thereadingbell: 13 - passed

message 36: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
History of Villainy
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book where a villain eats their nemesis
On the Edge (The Edge, #1) by Ilona Andrews On the Edge
Author: Ilona Andrews
Pages: 336
Date Read: 4/28-23
Score: 5

message 37: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
History of Villainy
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book where a villain sets a trap for their nemesis
By The Book (Magical Bookshop, #4) by Liz Hedgecock By The Book
Author: Liz Hedgecock
Pages: 225
Date Read: 4/28-23
Score: 5

message 38: by Jane (last edited May 01, 2023 04:38PM) (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
Task: ✨Read a book where someone can shift into an animal or plant
The Vampire's Accidental Wife (Nocturne Falls, #8) by Kristen Painter The Vampire's Accidental Wife
Author: Kristen Painter
Pages: 382
Date Read: 5/1-23
Score: 5
lots of shifters.

message 39: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
Henchman Training
Task: 🦹‍♂️Read a book with a henchman (your interpretation)
Goldfinger (James Bond, #7) by Ian Fleming Goldfinger
Author: Ian Fleming
Pages: 224
Date Read: 5/4-23
Score: 5
Oddjob is Goldfinger's henchman

message 40: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
Task: ✨Read a book where someone can control the weather
Freaky Mage (Mystic Caravan, #11) by Amanda M. Lee Freaky Mage
Author: Amanda M. Lee
Pages: 322
Date Read: 5/6-23
Score: 5
Nadia can control the weather

message 41: by Jane (new)

Jane | 824 comments Class/Test:
Task: ✨Read a book where someone can manipulate water using magic
Emerald Blaze (Hidden Legacy, #5) by Ilona Andrews Emerald Blaze
Author: Ilona Andrews
Pages: 399
Date Read: 5/7-23
Score: 5
Stephen Jiang is a Aquakinetic and can control the weather

message 42: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 07, 2023 05:22PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: ✨Read a book where someone has to eat bugs or hunt food to survive
Book: The Lake House by Sarah Beth Durst
Author: Sarah Beth Durst
Pages: 368
Date Read: 4/25/23
Score: 5
The 3 main characters have to hunt to survive.

message 43: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 07, 2023 05:49PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: ✨Read a book tagged Fairy Tales
Book: Kiss of the Spindle (Steampunk Proper Romance #2) by Nancy Campbell Allen
Author: Nancy Campbell Allen
Pages: 361
Date Read: 5/7/23
Score: 5
MPG Fairy Tales

message 44: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 08, 2023 07:41AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Princess Etiquette Class
Task: Read a book where someone takes dance lessons
Book: The Turning Pointe by Vanessa L. Torres
Author: Vanessa L. Torres
Pages: 320
Date Read: 5/8/23
Score: 5

message 45: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 08, 2023 01:51PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: Read a book with one of the bold words below in the text or title. 5 Rules
1. The Evil attack. The Good defend.
Book: Like Father Like Daughter (Flesh & Blood #1) by Christina Kaye
Author: Christina Kaye
Pages: 279
Date Read: 5/8/23
Score: 5

Pg 24 No way I could defend myself against his allegations.

message 46: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 09, 2023 08:19AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: Read a book with one of the bold words below in the text or title. 5 Rules 3. The Evil hurt. The Good help.
Book: Troubled Waters (Elemental Blessings, #1) by Sharon Shinn
Author: Sharon Shinn
Pages: 470
Date Read: 5/9/23
Score: 5
"I send Miela to come help you?" pg 15

message 47: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 09, 2023 08:17AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Spells
Task: Read a book where someone can manipulate water using magic
Book: Love & Heart Braking (Magical Dating Agency, #3) by Kelly St. Clare
Author: Kelly St. Clare
Pages: 434
Date Read: 5/9/23
Score: 5
A water mage uses water during battle.

message 48: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 10, 2023 03:23AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Surviving Fairy Tales
Task: Read a book with one of the bold words below in the text or title.
5 Rules 4. The Evil take. The Good give.
Book: Air Awakens (Air Awakens, #1) by Elise Kova
Author: Elise Kova
Pages: 342
Date Read: 5/9/23
Score: 5
"Two sorcerers can give birth to a Commons." pg 14

message 49: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 10, 2023 03:24AM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Spells
Task: Read a book where someone can control the weather
Book: Heroes The Greek Myths Reimagined (Stephen Fry's Great Mythology, #2) by Stephen Fry
Author: Stephen Fry
Pages: 540
Date Read: 5/10/23
Score: 5
The Greek Gods control the weather.

message 50: by Thereadingbell (last edited May 10, 2023 06:28PM) (new)

Thereadingbell | 79 comments Class/Test: Spells
Task: Read a book where someone can shift into an animal or plant
Book: Kiss of Snow (Psy-Changeling, #10) by Nalini Singh
Author: Nalini Singh
Pages: 432
Date Read: 5/10/23
Score: 5
MC Shifts into a wolf.

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