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Book and Author of the Month > June 2024 READER Nominations

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
This thread is for nominations for READER category for June 2024.

READER books need to be
* currently in print in either hardback or paperback (or both). Requiring a special order from a store or website counts, but not if the book is only available used.
* currently available in multiple ebook formats, from multiple vendors
* Space Opera, which means a spaceship has to be involved in the story somewhere.
* If it is part of a series, it needs to be suitable to being read without having read other books in the series.
* Please no blatantly erotic books, as some of our members are not full adults yet.

* you may nominate one book on this thread.
* you may second as many nominations as you like on this thread.
* it is okay to nominate the same book on more than one nomination thread, as long as it meets the criteria
* books we already have on our bookshelf will be disqualified if they were added less than two years ago
* If a book you nominate or second is selected, you are expected to post at least one comment about it on the thread about the book.
* On the 22nd I will draw a book randomly, with each second being one raffle ticket for the book. That is, a book with three seconds (so four of us want it) will get three chances in the pool.

It is likely helpful if you know something about a book that has been nominated if you mention it in this thread, whether it is for or against the book.

message 2: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments Ribbon Dance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is scheduled to be released June 4. Can I nominate a book if it hasn't quite been released yet? (if so, I nominate Ribbon Dance)

message 3: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited May 08, 2024 11:56AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
If we don’t get another book seconded, I’ll second Ribbon Dance since I’ll be reading it too. It’s iffy because we haven’t done a group read of Trader’s Leap and I seriously doubt it will be a book that’s an entry point. (Hmm I better check the bookshelf on that - not seeing it).

message 4: by John (new)

John R | 118 comments I'd like to nominate Lake of Souls: The Collected Short Fiction by Ann Leckie.

Its a collection of both sci-fi and fantasy short stories, split about 50/50.

Three of the short stories are set in the Imperial Radch universe.

The title story, a novelette, follows a sentient crustacean—called a “lobster dog” by the anthropologist who crash-lands on its planet—as it leaves home, looking for answers about its world and existence.

message 5: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments In that case, I nominate Trader's Leap too, in case that is better to read before Ribbon Dance.

message 6: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Summary so far:
Ribbon Dance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Nominated by Audrey. Awaiting seconds.
Lake of Souls: The Collected Short Fiction by Ann Leckie. Nominated by John. Awaiting seconds.

Nominations are supposed to close tomorrow, but I’ve decided to let them go into sudden death. After Ribbon Dance is published (June 4) and I’ve at least started reading it to check quality, if we don’t have any seconds yet, I’ll second it.

message 7: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
I second Ribbon Dance, which closes our sudden death nominations.

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