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Old, Closed Posts > Book suggestions for December: Alternate History

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message 51: by Gary (new)

Gary Tenuta (code9) | 1 comments Alternate history. Hmmm... How far back in history actually qualifies as an "alternate history" story? According to my novel, The Ezekiel Code (, we've been living with an altered history since August of 2006. Pardon the shameless plug. :-)

message 52: by Kristjan (new)

Kristjan (booktroll) | 200 comments @Gary ... your link is broken :)

Your book looks interesting, but I am afraid you will have to explain your presmise of an alternate history; it was not clear from what I found on the website.

message 53: by Cheri Howard (new)

Cheri Howard | 25 comments Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, Book 1), Lian Hearn

message 54: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments Cheri, I just read that not so long ago, and I don't think it's an alternate history so much as a historical fantasy. From what I remember of the author's notes, she just used ancient Japan as an inspiration.

message 55: by Cheri Howard (new)

Cheri Howard | 25 comments ah, ok — good point

message 56: by Rob (last edited Sep 16, 2008 11:05AM) (new)

Rob (cossy) | 8 comments I don't have anything to add but to second the Guns of the South. Turtledove's book is certainly interesting. Coincidently, I'm reading the Yiddish Policeman's Union at the moment. Its usually bad luck to recommend a book I haven't finished yet. As soon as I do the book always seems to take a dive. Its good so far, although it lightly pushes gentiles away. I'd rather skip the Eyre Affair since I've successfully avoided it for years already. Thursday Next, c'mon! I don't think I could read an entire book with that being the main character's name.

message 57: by Rindis (new)

Rindis | 30 comments The Proteus Operation by James P. Hogan

message 58: by Angie (last edited Sep 16, 2008 07:53PM) (new)

Angie | 342 comments Ink and Steel by Elizabeth Bear

Some Description:

Two kingdoms in two different worlds but tied together as both ruled by queens bound by magic but each in jeopardy of seeing their regime end. For England’s Queen Elizbath I, Prometheus Club playwrights Will Shakespeare and Kit Marley risk their lives to keep her safe and on the throne Faerie Queen Mab’s only wordsmith is Kit who crosses the veil between the two realms, but has other supporters too.

Sounds neat! It is a prequel to two other books but the authors website says to read them in any order.

message 59: by Jon (last edited Sep 25, 2008 12:38PM) (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 889 comments I haven't posted any recommendations for Alternate History here because it's not a genre I've had much success with. While I loved Harry Turtledove's original four Videsso cycle novels, I haven't tried any of the more modern (i.e. closer to our times) novels. Perhaps I prefer the safety of far distant (i.e. ancient) history to what if-ing the Civil War or World War II. I read and like Eric Flint's first novel (I think it was 1632?) but I didn't like the sequel(s). I also liked Dan Simmons's Illium but I'm not sure that falls in this alternate history category.

So, I guess I'll stop rambling now, not make any suggestions and wait for the poll. :)

message 60: by Erfman (new)

Erfman | 5 comments Pastwatch by Orson Scott Card

message 61: by [deleted user] (new)

I bought The Years of Salt and Rice by Kim Stanley Robinson a while ago and haven't gotten to it yet. I would love to read it as a group and discuss it!!

message 62: by Danielle (new)

Danielle (vargasgirl) | 8 comments ewww I could get down with Pastwatch...I love it!

message 63: by Andrew (new)

Andrew | 1 comments I would second Philip K Dick's Man in the High Castle as one of the best Alternative History books out there

A slightly easier read would be Harry Turtledove's The Guns of The South. I would also recommend the Great War Series, the Colonization Series, and the Cross Time Traffic Series. The later is more of an alternative earths category.

Eric Flint's 1812 The Rivers of War is a good choice. I am bias because I love his Ring of Fire series

I would also suggest Orson Scott Card's Tales of Alvin Maker series. While the book does not focus on a historical event it takes place in an alternative history. I think they are considered young adult but it one of the best books set in an alternate history.

message 64: by Hotspur (new)

Hotspur (hotspurot) | 28 comments I second Brooke's suggestion (Years of Rice and Salt). I am an admirer of Robinson's but this one was hit right out of the park. Fabulous.

message 65: by Hotspur (new)

Hotspur (hotspurot) | 28 comments Kudos to Terence for DRAGON WAITING and LEST DARKNESS FALL.

I'm far less enthusiastic about FATHERLAND, telegraphed plot, not exceptional characterizations..


message 66: by Hotspur (new)

Hotspur (hotspurot) | 28 comments Does UCHRONIA still exist? That's the clearinghouse for this sort of thing.


message 67: by Angie (last edited Oct 02, 2008 06:28PM) (new)

Angie | 342 comments The Eight by Katherine Neville

message 68: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) L.E. Modessit's Of Tangible Ghosts is a good, alternate history series. There are 3 books so far.

message 69: by Stephen (new)

Stephen (sawinkler) Years of Rice & Salt definitely has a vote from me, as does Yiddish Policeman's Union.

For the sake of throwing out something new, I'll say, if memory serves, that Chung Kuo by David Wingrove would fit; it's a look at a world that assumes Chinese dominance.

message 70: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan | 32 comments Ash: A Secret History by Mary Gentle, is a nice alternative history, if quite long.

message 71: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan | 32 comments I mean the whole thing, I think in some places the book is split into 3 bits! It only works when you have read the end of the last bit!

message 72: by Linda (new)

Linda (mslinda8393) His Majesty's Dragons sounds great. I loved the Eyre Affair--it got me in the mood to read more great literature. Alternate history can be a bit difficult to keep up with if not written well.

Tera (TheBookishAbyss) I've been wanting to read Darwinia...I second that choice!!

message 74: by Kersplebedeb (new)

Kersplebedeb | 32 comments Quick question: when is this supposed to be decided by? While December is more than a month away, it would be great to have ample time to get a copy of whatever it is we'll be reading.

message 75: by Gbina (new)

Gbina | 20 comments I'm for Yiddish Policeman. Because it is this Hugo winner and I need more motivation and a deadline if I am actually going to read it. ;)

message 76: by Jim (new)

Jim | 5 comments I vote for "The Man in the High Castle" and "Darwinia"

message 77: by Brad (new)

Brad (judekyle) | 1607 comments Maybe a bit outside the sci-fi realm, but I would love to see us read The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth. It's a Pulitzer Prize winner, it's alternate history, and it packs a hell of a punch.

message 78: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thelastwolf) Conquistador by S. Stirling

Lots to discuss. It gave me much to think about:

1945: An ex-marine has discovered a portal that permits him to travel between the America he knows-and a virgin America untouched by European influence. 21st century: The two realities collide...

message 79: by Carolyn (last edited Nov 07, 2008 06:32AM) (new)

Carolyn (seeford) | 203 comments Here's a good one I read years ago:

West of Eden by Harry Harrison It is the first in a trilogy, but it can stand alone.
Teaser: "Sixty-five million years ago, a disastrous cataclysm eliminated three-quarters of all life on Earth. Overnight, the age of dinosaurs ended. The age of mammals had begun. But what if history had happened differently? What if the reptiles had survived to evolve into intelligent life? In West of Eden, Harry Harrison has created a rich, dramatic saga of a world where the descendants of the dinosaurs struggle with a clan of humans in a battle for survival."

I also second Conquistador and Man in a High Castle - both would be great reads!

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