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The Way of Peace
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Gabor Maté
“We can't form proper relationships until we have the capacity to be alone and be comfortable with ourselves. And, the more comfortable we can be alone - which is different from being lonely, by the way - the more capacity to be with yourself and to ground yourself in your own truth, the more likely we are able to form meaningful and positive relationships.

A lot of people run into relationships to solve their problems, then there's the initial 'in-love phase' where everything is just ideal, and then reality hits. And then all of a sudden that person who you're so infatuated with becomes your enemy and you hate them so much.

I've experienced such hatred for my wife over the years when I've been disappointed or dissatisfied. Because I was looking to her to fill me. And nobody can fill you from the outside. So once you are no longer dependent on it, then you can enter into a healthy relationship.

Or.. to put it more positively, a relationship can be a real ground for mutual growth. So you can enter into a relationship.. you're not going to be perfect, carry a certain degree of trauma, a certain degree of dysfunction, etc. But if both people are committed to the truth more than "who's right" and working it out and if the fundamental love is there, then you can grow together.”
Gabor Maté

George Orwell
“It is not possible for any thinking person to live in such a society as our own without wanting to change it.”
George Orwell

“You can't help women by hurting men and you can't help men by hurting women. We're stuck with each other. We're fellow travelers on this journey through life and if I'm going on a long road trip, I'd sure rather be stuck in the car with someone who sees me as a fellow traveler than an adversary or potential exploiter.”
Karen Straughan

Ailton Krenak
“O pensamento vazio dos brancos não consegue conviver com a ideia de viver à toa no mundo, acham que o trabalho é a razão da existência.”
Ailton Krenak, A Vida Não É Útil

“Our economics, social life, politics and schools have insisted that having more toys is better than having fewer toys; that buying stuff is good for us; that we have to keep up with or exceed others in our consumption; that a high-paying job can take the place of meaningful work; that low-paying meaningless jobs that demean our humanity are better than none and we should be grateful for them because they will turn us into decent citizens; and that a free market has the same powers as a just God.

But capitalism rests ultimately not on innovation or entrepreneurship or brains or even a free market - those are just stories we like to tell ourselves because they make those who are successful look good. At its base, industrial capitalism's success rests on exploitation of resources, racism, child abuse, sexism and war.

But even more than all these, contemporary capitalism rests on consumption: government and corporate consumption of resources, technology, and scientific research, and citizen consumption of market goods. We are asked to consume not only material goods, but ideas, policies, whole worldviews that are presented with all the persuasive skills and battering psychological hype that can be bought.

We are under assault, being laid siege by hype: corporate hype, political hype, military hype, educational hype, commercial hype. And as our civil rights have declined in recent years, freedom has come to mean the freedom to choose among 16 brand names of one product.

This is the harvest of a culture so bent on growth with all possible speed that it will pour 100,000 chemicals in the earth and atmosphere, into our lakes, groundwaters and oceans, before it has a clue about the long-term effects of a single one of them.”
Gary Holthaus

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