Elizabeth Z

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Blood Jade
Elizabeth Z is currently reading
by Julia Vee (Goodreads Author)
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22 hours, 54 min ago

Dead Mountain: Th...
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The River We Reme...
Elizabeth Z is currently reading
by William Kent Krueger (Goodreads Author)
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Jun 02, 2024 10:40AM

Stephen King
“The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.”
Stephen King

191713 Austin Fantasy and Science Fiction (Book) Club — 109 members — last activity Jul 15, 2024 07:16AM
A group for members of the AFSFBC Meetup group. https://www.meetup.com/austin-fantasy-and-science-fiction-book-club/
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