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The Kite Runner
Owlseyes is currently reading
by Khaled Hosseini (Goodreads Author)
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Owlseyes Owlseyes said: "

"I wanted to tell them that, in Kabul, we snapped a tree branch and used it as a credit card. Hassan and I..."
page 112
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  (page 323 of 371)
"in this country even flies are pressed for time

half dozen kites flying high

west wind I think

I hadn't flown a kite in a quarter of a century

suddenly I was 12 again

for you 1,000 times over

I ran"
3 hours, 48 min ago

Why I am Not a Mu...
Owlseyes is currently reading
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  (page 7 of 428)

Another attempt at reforming Islam from within also ended in tragedy.
Sudanese theologian Mahmud Muhammad Taha tried to minimize the role of the Koran as a source of law.(...) He was tried again, and was publicly hanged at seventy-six years of age in Khartoum in January 1985."
Aug 30, 2024 01:20AM

The Phenomenon of...

Owlseyes Owlseyes said: " "Let us then acknowledge the situation honestly: not only the "Imitation of Christ" but also the Gospel itself needs to undergo this correction, and the whole world will make them undergo it."
(T. de Chardin)
in: The Sheer Silliness of Teilhard de Cha
...more "

  (page 168 of 320)
"By the end of the Tertiary era, the psychical temperature in the cellular world had been rising for more than 500 million years. From branch to branch, from layer to layer, we have seen how nervous systems followed pari passu the process of increased complication and concentration." Aug 30, 2024 01:11AM

See all 269 books that Owlseyes is reading…
Brian Griffith
“It was St. Francis who made the first Christmas menagerie, which portrayed the animals coming to kneel before the baby Jesus. Some people think it’s the most beautiful image Christian civilization ever produced.”
Brian Griffith, War and Peace with the Beasts: A History of Our Relationships with Animals

“What have you done today with your inheritance of time?”
David Gustafson

Paul Joseph Watson
“We are witnessing the uglification of the world, the Globalist goal is to make the whole planet identical in its atomizing dreariness by dulling our senses they hope to dull our very life essence. This is all inherently totalitarian, but in an Age of Ugliness a work of beauty is an act of defiance.”
Paul Joseph Watson

“If artists, writers and musicians were not just a little delusional, they would all have office jobs.”
David Gustafson


a paranoid schizophrenic who believes the voices promising them an alternate future are real.”
David Gustafson

58198 Q & A with Lawrence M. Schoen — 62 members — last activity Mar 04, 2014 01:49PM
Discussion about Science Fiction and Fantasy, about writing, about language and linguistics in sf & f, about Klingon in particular, about small press ...more
142309 Underground Knowledge — A discussion group — 21319 members — last activity 3 hours, 18 min ago
This global discussion group has been designed to encourage debates about important and underreported issues of our era. All you need is an enquiring ...more
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