Laura Morrison

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Purity and Danger
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“For beauty to work, there must be a surface capable of receiving the wound.”
Timothy Morton, Realist Magic

“In the event of beauty, a non-self part of my inner space seems to resonate in the colors on the wall, in the sounds pouring into my ears. Hugely amplified, might this resonance actually kill me? “A beautiful way to die” – to be destroyed by vibrations that removed myself from myself.”
Timothy Morton, Realist Magic

Martin Heidegger
“only he who already understands can listen”
Martin Heidegger, Being and Time

Adam Smith
“And hence it is, that to feel much for others and little for ourselves, that to restrain our selfish, and to indulge our benevolent affections, constitutes the perfection of human nature; and can alone produce among mankind that harmony of sentiments and passions in which consists their whole grace and propriety. As to love our neighbour as we love ourselves is the great law of Christianity, so it is the great precept of nature to love ourselves only as we love our neighbour, or what comes to the same thing, as our neighbour is capable of loving us.”
Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments

A.H. Almaas
“Your environment wasn't supportive, wasn't loving, did not respond to you ... The fundamental thing that happened, and the greatest calamity, is not that there was no love or support. The greater calamity, which is caused by the first calamity is that you lost the connection to your essence. That is much more important than whether your mother or father loved you or not.”
A.H. Almaas

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