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The Adventures of...
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Pyotr Kropotkin
“To emancipate woman, is not only to open the gates of the university, the law courts, or the parliaments to her, for the "emancipated" woman will always throw her domestic toil on to another woman. To emancipate woman is to free her from the brutalizing toil of kitchen and washhouse; it is to organize your household in such a way as to enable her to rear her children, if she be so minded, while still retaining sufficient leisure to take her share of social life. It will come. As we have said, things are already improving. Only let us fully understand that a revolution, intoxicated with the beautiful words, Liberty, Equality, Solidarity, would not be a revolution if it maintained slavery at home. Half humanity subjected to the slavery of the hearth would still have to rebel against the other half.”
Piotr Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread

“Pylades: I’ll take care of you.
Orestes: It’s rotten work.
Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
Anne Carson, Euripides

Brandon Sanderson
“Our weakness doesn’t make us weak. Our weakness makes us strong. For we had to carry it all these years.”
Brandon Sanderson, Rhythm of War

Arkady Strugatsky
“All these conversations had left a certain sediment in his soul, and he didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t dissolving with time, but instead kept accumulating and accumulating.”
Arkady Strugatsky, Roadside Picnic

Erik Jan Harmens
“Als ik niet begrijp hoe dingen gaan, wil ik dat de wereld ophoudt met draaien, zodat ik tijd heb om te begrijpen hoe het gaat. Maar de wereld houdt niet op met draaien. Terwijl ik één ding probeer te begrijpen, komt er een tweede bij, dat ik ook probeer te begrijpen, maar ik was nog niet klaar met het begrijpen van dat eerste. Alsof je met je linkerhand hete soep opschept en tegelijkertijd met je rechterhand een broodje met pindakaas probeert te smeren. En dan is er vaak een derde ding dat ik moet begrijpen, maar ik heb geen handen meer vrij.”
Erik Jan Harmens, Pauwl

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