2011 Reading Challenge
Participants 146,863
Books Pledged 9,565,567
Avg. Books Pledged 65
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Wendy Darling has read 406 of 400 books in 2011.
  • Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
  • Damage by Anya Parrish
  • That Summer by Sarah Dessen
  • Last Breath by Rachel Caine
  • Angelfall by Susan Ee
  • Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
  • Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott
  • Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
  • Mind Games by Carolyn Crane
  • Junk Miles by Liz Reinhardt
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-50 of 74 (74 new)    post a comment »

message 1: by Arphaxad (new)

Arphaxad 500!? *faints*

message 2: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling This is a momentous reading year, since I re-discovered my love for YA. I really need to spend more time writing and less time reading, though!

message 3: by Arphaxad (new)

Arphaxad Wow! I'm completely gobsmacked, though I did notice you've been reading pretty much a different book every day (more than that, given the above). You must read incredibly fast!

message 4: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling I do read pretty fast, but I'm also a. on work sabbatical at the moment b. am an insomniac c. have a husband who's been traveling quite a lot and d. usually take books with me to the beach/park or to places where I have to wait anyway.

If I were reading adult books, there's no way I'd come anywhere close to this number, though. I think I've only read a handful this year.

message 5: by Cory (last edited May 17, 2011 07:46PM) (new)

Cory My dear god. This deserves praise.

You have crippled my puny 61 book progress.

message 6: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Hah, you guys! Someone else I know has 600 books up. I'm going to try not to cheat by doing picture books, etc, but you never know...it all depends on how much I've slacked off come December.

message 7: by Vinaya (new)

Vinaya Ha! The next time someone gives me grief about my 365-book challenge, I am totally pointing them in your direction!

message 8: by Cheese (new)

Cheese *picks jaw up off floor*

And I thought I was a badass....You are officially my hero.

message 9: by Steph (new)

Steph Sinclair Omg, that's amazing! I'll be lucky if I hit my 100.

message 10: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling I actually just saw someone has a 1200 book goal. She does review mostly chapter and picture books, though.

Have you guys peeked at your stats for your challenges? It's pretty interesting. Apparently I am stingy with my 5s (which I knew) but I give way more 1s than I thought I did, hah.

message 11: by Lucy (new)

Lucy My stats were a perfect bell curve for awhile. I was impressed with myself.

message 12: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Contrary to how it may appear, I swear that I do sometimes leave the house. I'm hoping I don't burn out on reading at some point this year and have to face an accusatory widget everyday.

message 13: by Cheese (new)

Cheese Wendy Darling wrote: "Contrary to how it may appear, I swear that I do sometimes leave the house. I'm hoping I don't burn out on reading at some point this year and have to face an accusatory widget everyday."

Thats what I did, though I didn't read nearly as many lol. Now my widget likes to tell me how behind I am. Makes me twitch a little.

message 14: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Cheese wrote: "Now my widget likes to tell me how behind I am. Makes me twitch a little."

Aw. It would make me anxious, too. You show it who's boss, Cheese!

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Wendy, I want to be you in my next life!

message 16: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie Lol And here I thought I was doing good. You motivate me. :)

message 17: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Well, the flip side is that I was accused of being an alien by "friends" this weekend because of my reading habits. ;) You two seem to keep pretty busy with your books too! We all motivate each other for sure.

message 18: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie I've definitely increased my amount of reading since joining goodreads. Love this site...not sure what I did before. Haha

message 19: by Flannery (new)

Flannery "Friends"? "FRIENDS"? How dare you! We didn't mean that you were any alien anyway, we meant that were an "alien."

(view spoiler)

message 20: by Wendy Darling (last edited Jun 12, 2011 11:28PM) (new)

Wendy Darling What? WHAT? Friends don't call friends aliens, "friend." I'm not sending you any more recommendations for gruesome serial killer-y books.

message 21: by Wendy Darling (last edited Jun 12, 2011 11:26PM) (new)

Wendy Darling Well. Keep in mind that the majority of my 2011 shelf is probably filled with much less edifying reading material than your "read" shelf is.

Although the selection currently showing up there does reflect three of my favorite books that I've read this year: DEADLINE (I know, I know, shut up Wendy), ULTRAVIOLET, and THE REAPERS ARE THE ANGELS.

message 22: by Kogiopsis (new)

Kogiopsis I thought I was ambitious.
Lesson learned.
*bows before the master*

message 23: by Wendy Darling (last edited Jun 13, 2011 12:02AM) (new)

Wendy Darling Sometimes I think I should probably be more selective about what I read, although I actually do pick up a lot of books that I abandon, too. GoodReads has been so great for getting good recommendations, though. I find much more reliable reviews here than anywhere else, especially within my friends. (No quotation marks this time!)

P.S. A 300 book goal isn't anything to sneeze at, Anila!

message 24: by Kogiopsis (new)

Kogiopsis Not necessarily, but your goal is worthy of bowing and scraping and pure unreserved awe.

message 25: by Sandy (new)

Sandy Wendy Darling wrote: "I do read pretty fast, but I'm also a. on work sabbatical at the moment b. am an insomniac c. have a husband who's been traveling quite a lot and d. usually take books with me to the beach/park or ..."

NIGHT OWLS UNITE. I knew there was a reason we were friends (besides your awesome reviews, obviously) when I kept seeing you up at 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. =)

*bows down to Wendy and her 500-book challenge*

message 26: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling I get most of my reading done at night, Sandy! I don't know how people with normal sleep schedules do it. :) You're doing great on your challenge, too. I still live in fear of falling behind and being mocked by the GoodReads challenge widget.

message 27: by Nafiza (new)

Nafiza You are amazing. I finished my 200 book challenge and was happy I didn't have the widget nyahing me. I can't believe you've already read 310. (I spend most of my time watching Korean dramas, haha.)

message 28: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Grrr...I just saw this. Congratulations, Nafiza! Are you going to up your challenge? Stop reading? Just go waaay over the goal? :)

message 29: by Nafiza (new)

Nafiza Probably go over the goal. And most definitely get pickier with the books I choose to read. :D

message 30: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling That is never a bad policy! But somehow I still end up with a lot of stinkers. I think it's appalled fascination that sometimes spurs me on.

message 31: by Nafiza (new)

Nafiza Wahahah! Appalled fascination is indeed an awesome description and so very apt. I keep wondering how much lower they can sink and they keep surprising me. I think it might be worth it to drudge through all the bad ones for the rare good ones - but my friend pointed out that it is so easy to become accustomed to disappointments that even a mediocre book will seem awesome. She has a point.

Cassi aka Snow White Haggard This is potentially the most INSANE goal I have ever seen.

message 33: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling I was pretty consistently 10% - 11% ahead of schedule, but I've fallen behind to 8% ahead. :/ Being me, I've had a few worried thoughts about it, as if I don't meet the goal something really, really horrible will happen.

Cassi aka Snow White Haggard LOL. I like to pick goals that I'm fairly certain I'll accomplish because otherwise I get really discouraged. I just wanna succeed!

message 35: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin Wow and I thought I was a fast reader!

message 36: by Trini (new)

Trini OK..How in the world do you do it? I so want to read like you!!

message 37: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling I haven't been reading much over the past month, so I fear I may have to adjust my challenge, Caitlin and Trini. Sometimes that pesky life thing just gets in the way of all that glorious reading time! *sigh*

message 38: by Holly (new)

Holly Holy...crap. You've read 349 books already this year?!

*bows before you*

message 39: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Hah, well...I had to downsize my goal from 500 books to 400 since I had a nearly 2 month gap during the summer. I think I'm okay to meet 400 and possibly go over some. :)

message 40: by Shelley (new)

Shelley Go Wendy Go! If I can do it, you can do it! :O) Funny, when the year started I honestly thought two things would happen. 1. I would find a job and reading would become secondary 2. that I would never in a million years believe I could finish this challenge because at least ONE of my books would be picked up. HA!

message 41: by Hikachi (new)

Hikachi 400 books in a year... *faints* My friends already called me crazy with my 150-then target. I wonder what they'll say about you. xD

message 42: by Mel (new)

Mel (Daily Prophecy) Way to go! :D Nice goal. Unfortunately I don't have enough time, but I hope that I can set such a goal myself some day :) Good luck!

message 43: by Georgia (new)

Georgia one word: WOAH!

message 44: by Stephenie (new)

Stephenie WOW! WOW! WOWZERS!

message 45: by Pricky (new)

Pricky Wendy, I'm totally going to up my challenge next year cuz of you. No where near the 400! But I think I might do 100...

message 46: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell 2 more to go!!!

message 47: by Jasprit (new)

Jasprit omg 400 books this year that is AMAZING! well done Wendy :)

message 48: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Oh jeez, where have my notifications been since SEPTEMBER? Thank you all so much for your lovely comments!

My original goal was 500, but I had to bring it down a few months ago. I'm glad I made it to my updated goal, though...let's see how far I can go. :)

message 49: by Stacey (new)

Stacey Lucky wow Congrats on 400 books!!!! :)

message 50: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell Congrats Wendy!!!

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