Status Updates From The Sword Unbound (Lands of...

The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2) The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Status Updates Showing 1-30 of 189

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Samuel Leask
Samuel Leask is on page 121 of 589
5 hours, 10 min ago Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Cora is on page 98 of 589
12 hours, 13 min ago Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Thomas is 17% done
While I don't mind following Bor instead of the supposed heroes of the saga, it feels like Hanrahan is doing the same to him tthat he did to Olva and Alf in book 1: he's a pure audience surrogate, there to observe what's going around him, nothing more. That said, the way these chapters set up the war between Necrad and Summerswell is amazing: that's part of the reason I came back to this world
Sep 14, 2024 08:14AM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Kristi is on page 420 of 589
Sep 12, 2024 09:53AM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Thomas is 2% done
The first chapter absolutely nailed this return to the Lands of the Firstborn. If it keeps this up, this book will turn this saga into what it deserves to be: something epic
Sep 11, 2024 01:48PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school)
Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school) is on page 263 of 589
This book is impossible to put down
Sep 11, 2024 12:32AM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school)
Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school) is on page 179 of 589
I may be repeating myself so let me just reiterate one last time: I want nothing but the best and brightest for Alf; all this man wants is for his friends to be friends again and nothing is working and there’s a lot of talks of war that he doesn’t want to get involved in but may have no choice, so may he have nothing but happiness in his future to make up for everything that’s going on around him
Sep 10, 2024 11:29PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Kristi is on page 338 of 589
Sep 10, 2024 06:59PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school)
Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school) is on page 62 of 589

Also everyone needs to stop being mean to Alf please and thank you
Sep 10, 2024 05:56PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Kristi is on page 318 of 589
Sep 10, 2024 04:02PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Kristi is on page 250 of 589
Sep 09, 2024 04:05PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Kristi is on page 51 of 589
Sep 08, 2024 07:28PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

MexX is 60% done
Aug 31, 2024 02:44PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Ash is on page 186 of 589
Aug 21, 2024 02:11PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Kemery Myers
Kemery Myers is on page 304 of 589
This is definitely the most patient I've ever been with a long book. I don't know how people can wait hundreds of pages for things to happen in books... While Bor's chapters made the setting up for 200pgs in the beginning readable, Alf's chapters are getting tiresome. The last 30pgs are finally starting to get somewhere at least 😵‍💫
Aug 18, 2024 03:02PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Ash is on page 50 of 589
Aug 18, 2024 02:13PM Add a comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school)
Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school) is on page 29 of 589
I think I’m going to be a little slow getting into this bc I don’t have a lot of time anymore and bc I don’t really remember as much as I thought I did??
Aug 14, 2024 10:26PM 1 comment
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school)
Megan (sporadic hiatus due to law school) is starting
We get maps AND a list of characters; my memory is very grateful <3
Aug 10, 2024 08:44PM 2 comments
The Sword Unbound (Lands of the Firstborn, #2)

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