Minx Quotes

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Minx (The Splendid Trilogy, #3) Minx by Julia Quinn
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Minx Quotes Showing 1-30 of 51
“You don't always have to kiss a lot of frogs to recognize a prince when you find one

-Henrietta Barett”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“Sometimes Hen...I think I would give my life just for one of your smiles.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“You have a mother?"
He quirked a brow. "Did you think mine was some sort of divine birth? My father was a remarkable man, but even he was not that talented.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“You don't have to kiss a lot of frogs to recognize a prince when you find one."

-Henrietta Barrett, (Minx, Splendid Trilogy book #3)”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“How delightful! Dunford had just come into an unexpected inheritance. She rather hoped it was something good. One of her friends had just unwillingly inherited thirty-seven cats.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“I don't know why people persist in believing women are inferior, when it is quite clear that men are the more feeble-minded of the two.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: gender
“He watched her as she carried the stone over to one of the walls and set it down. She exhaled and wiped her brow. Then she glared at him.
He smiled—one of his best, he thought. "You ought to bend your legs when you lift the stones," he called out. "It's better for your back."
"It's better for your back," she mimicked under her breath, "lazy, good-for-nothing, stupid little—"
"Excuse me?"
"Thank you for your advice." Her voice was sweetness personified.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“All three men looked at the woman in the doorway, but they all saw different things.
Alex saw a rather attractive young lady with a remarkable air of vitality in her silver eyes.
John saw the woman he'd come to like and admire tremendously this past week, looking rather fetching and grown-up in her new gown and coiffure.
Dunford saw an angel.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: love
“The pig reached the assembly of servants, and the maids shrieked, running in every possible direction. Stunned by the sudden movement, the pig stopped, raised its snout; and let out a hellish squeal—and then another, and another, and...
"Will you shut up!" Dunford commanded.
The pig, sensing authority, didn't just shut up—it actually laid down.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“He always smelled like warm wood and brandy, even when he hadn't had a drop of drink. Funny how he managed that. Funny how his smell was in her bed.
Henry's eyelids fluttered open.
Funny how he was in her bed.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“He yawned again, this time very loudly, and lazily opened his eyes.
"I'm sorry I woke you up," she said quickly.
"Was I sleeping?"
She nodded.
"So there really is a God," he muttered.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“If I wanted Belle," he cut in, "I would have asked her to marry me." He pulled her more tightly against him. "Henry, I love you. I'd love you if you wore a sackcloth. I'd love you if you had a mustache." He paused and tweaked her nose. "Well, the mustache would be difficult. Please promise me you won't grow one.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: love
“I wasn't in any danger," Henry said quickly. "Dunford likes to exaggerate."
"He does?" Alex asked, raising his brows.
"He was very anxious," she told him, then turned to Emma as if she had to explain. "He gets very anxious."
"Anxious?" Emma echoed.
"Dunford?" Alex asked at the very same time.
"You must be joking," Emma added, in a tone that suggested there could be no other possible alternative.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“I don't think Henrietta suits anyone," she replied. Then she offered him her cheeky smile, and Alex saw in an instant why Dunford was falling like a rock for this girl. She had spirit, and although she didn't realize it yet, she had beauty, and Dunford didn't have a chance.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“Hush up, minx. You're a funny one, but you're certainly more likable than unlikable.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
"When you said you weren't angry..."
"Were you?"
"I was rather annoyed," he admitted.
"But not angry?" She sounded as if she didn't believe him.
"Believe me, Henry, when I get angry, you'll know."
"What happens?"
His eyes clouded over slightly before he answered. "You don't want to know."
She believed him.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“He rolled his eyes. Why was he surprised about anything having to do with her? Of course she'd be able to lift a large stone. She was Henry. She could probably lift him.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“Two hours later he was ready to kill her. Even his outraged mind, however, recognized that murder was not a viable option, and so he contented himself with devising various plans to make her suffer.
Torture was probably too trite, he decided, and he didn't have the stomach to use it on a female. Although ... He looked over at the person in the baggy breeches. She appeared to be smiling as she lugged the stones. She was no ordinary female.
He shook his head. There were other ways to make her miserable. A snake in her bed perhaps? No, the blasted woman probably liked snakes. A spider? Didn't everyone hate spiders?”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“They marched back to the kitchen in silence, the only sound being Rufus's growl when Dunford tried to pet him.
"Can a rabbit growl?" he asked, unable to believe his ears.
"Obviously he can.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“No," he said hoarsely, "the chair will do just fine, thank you."
"If I know you are uncomfortable, I shan't be able to sleep." She sounded remarkably like a damsel in distress.
Dunford shuddered. He had never been able to resist playing hero. Slowly he got to his feet and walked to the empty side of the bed.
How bad could it be?”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“Tarryton did so, but not before saying, "I wouldn't be surprised if Billington came up to scratch on this gel."
"Billington, Farnsworth, and a few others," Alex said with his most affable smile.
"Ashbourne?" Dunford's voice was colder than ice.
"Shut up.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“On the way over, however, it slid off the shovel and onto Henry's shoes.
Pity, that.
She whirled around. He waited for her to burst out with, "You did that on purpose!" but she kept silent, motionless except for a slight narrowing of her eyes. Then, with a flick of her ankle, the slop spattered onto his trousers.
She smirked, waiting for him to say, "You did that on purpose!" but he also remained silent. Then he smiled at her, and she knew she was in trouble.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“At any rate," she prattled on, awkwardness making her words run together, "I really can't get up to get my clothing, and my dressing gown appears to be just out of reach. I'm not exactly certain how this is so, but it is, so perhaps you ought to get up first, as I've already seen you—"
"Shut up.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“He sighed, wondering how his life had been turned upside down by this woman in less than forty-eight hours. Correction: by this woman, a pig, and a rabbit.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“The waltz allowed him to get just close enough to her to detect that maddening scent of lemons, and he inhaled it as if it would save his life. ”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: love, waltz
“He took a step toward her, his clothing slipping from his fingers. 'There has been a terrible mistake.'
'Yes, there has,' she said, her entire body shaking with emotion. 'I was mistaken to think I could ever be enough of a woman to please you, to ever think that I could learn what it means to be anyone else but me.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“Leaning forward, he set out to conquer Miss Henrietta Barrett the same way he'd conquered women across Britain.
Simply by being himself.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“Of course. The team on your carriage was beautiful. They are yours, aren't they?"
He ignored her and walked ahead until his foot connected with soft mushy ground. "Shit," he muttered.
He glared at her, thinking himself a saint for not going for her throat.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
“She shrugged. "I'm surprised your mother didn't inform you of my presence. Or Belle. She has spoken about you a great deal."
His eyes narrowed as his heart sank. "You've become friendly with Belle?" He saw all his hopes for a flirtation with this girl going up in smoke.”
Julia Quinn, Minx
tags: humor
“He wanted to laugh at the poetic justice of it all. After a couple of years of chasing after women and then a decade of having them chase after him, he'd finally been brought down by a slip of a girl, fresh out of Cornwall, whom he was honor-bound to protect.”
Julia Quinn, Minx

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