The Acid House Quotes

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The Acid House The Acid House by Irvine Welsh
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“I was anti-everything and everyone. I didn't want people around me. This aversion was not some big crippling anxiety; merely a mature recognition of my own psychological vulnerability and my lack of suitability as a companion. Thoughts jostled for space in my crowded brain as i struggled to give them some order which might serve to motivate my listless life.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“This is what being alive's all about, all those fucked up feelings. You've got to have them; when you stop, watch out.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“Aye Oedipus, yir a complex fucker right enough”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
tags: puns
“-The renegade robots are now long dead, the metal ones rusted, the human ones bled.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“This social worker lassie turns round n gies us a stroppy look. Ah jist smiles bit she looked away aw fuckin nippy likes. Disnae cost nowt tae be social. A social worker thit cannae be fuckin social; that's nae good tae nae cunt, thon. Like a lifeguard thit cannae fuckin swim. Shouldnae be daein that kinday joab.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“Nae cunt kens”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
tags: humor
“You said, when we embarked on this great adventure together, that lots of laughter was essential in a relationship.
I agreed.
You also made the point that a great deal of sex was of equal importance.
Again, I agreed. Wholeheartedly.
In fact I remember your exact words: laughter and sex are the barometers of a relationship. This was the statement you made, if I remember correctly.
Don't get me wrong. I couldn't agree more. But no at the same time, ya fuckin cow.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“It could have been suicide or an accident, or perhaps that grey area in between.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“— Yuv fucked this one up, ya daft cunt, the man said to him, raising a pint of eighty shillings to his lips.
— Eh? What? Boab was surprised again.
— You, Boab Coyle. Nae hoose, nae joab, nae burd, nae mates, polis record, sair face, aw in the space ay a few ooirs. Nice one, he winked and toasted Boab with his pint. This angered, but intrigued Boab.
— How the fuck dae you ken? Whae the fuckin hell ur you?
The man shook his head, — It's ma fuckin buisness tae ken. Ah'm God.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“Kev shuddered. This was crazy, but there it was; his name, spelt by an insect...
— Boab? Is that really you? Fuckin hell! Eh, buzz twice fir aye, once fir naw.
Two buzzes.
— Did eh, what's his name, did God dae this?
Two buzzes.
— Whit the fuck ur ye gaunny dae?
Frantic buzzing.
— Sorry Boab... kin ah git ye anything? Scran, likesay?”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“Ah made yous cunts in ma ain image. Yous git oan wi it; yous fuckin well sort it oot. That cunt Nietzsche wis wide ay the mark when he sais ah wis deid. Ah'm no deid; ah jist dinnae gie a fuck. It's no fir me tae sort every cunt's problems oot. Nae other cunt gies a fuck so how should ah? Eh?”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“... if yir gaunny git hung fir stealin a sheep ye might as well shag it n aw.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“— So what! So fuckin what!
— So ye hud they powers, ye jist couldnae be bothered usin thum. That's why ah'm interested in ye Boab. You're jist like me. A lazy, apathetic, slovenly cunt. Now ah hate bein like this, n bein immortal, ah canny punish masel. Ah kin punish you though, mate. That's whit ah intend tae dae.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“— C'mon, she says, moving into the darkness. I look into the darkness, but I can't see her, I can only hear her voice. — C'mon, she shouts.
— I can't, I shout.
— Don't be scared, she says.
But I am. I look back onto the observation floor and it's light. Out here is light and she's trying to lead me into the darkness. I know if I start after her now I'll never be able to catch up with her. It's not normal dark down there, it's not shades of dark; it's ugly, stark, pitch blackness. I turn around, back into the white and yellow light. As well as her voice down there, others are present. Voices which have nothing to do with her but everything to do with me.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“Awareness is seventy percent of the solution.”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House
“He looked like a mound of bacterial sludge from a sceptic tank; a lump of toxic waste; a spillover from a council tip”
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House