The Imaginal Veil Quotes

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The Imaginal Veil The Imaginal Veil by H.M. Forester
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The Imaginal Veil Quotes Showing 1-10 of 10
“Hell, man. There you have it. I’ve told you about the locks and you have the keys – or if not you can fashion them. What more can you ask of me?”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“Learning how to learn is all about the preliminary work of clearing the undergrowth, deadwood and detritus, and tilling the soil; preparing the ground for future growth, like a good gardener or farmer.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“Hell, man. There you have it. I’ve told you about the locks and you have the keys – or if not you can fashion them. What more can you ask of me?”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“[W]hereas most spiritual and religious traditions aim for perfection, depth psychology’s aim is for individuation and wholeness of being.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“[W]hether it’s a regular dream or a lucid dream, it may simply be taking place at a psychic level. But what we’re really aiming for is engagement, through active imagination, at the imaginal level.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“The Christians quite literally demonised the daemon. It’s a tutelary spirit – though it can also be something of a trickster – Christians call it a Guardian Angel. You might say it’s an ally. An inner ally.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“The opposition are ‘puppets of an age-old and shadowy right-wing elite. They work to keep humanity enthralled. Using and abusing us, encouraging and promoting disharmony in an eternal cosmic struggle, and siphoning off our negative energies for their own nefarious purposes. Evil incarnate – and disincarnate.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“All this attending educational lectures and reading is greatly tempting, of course, and a great many would-be students spend their whole lives in such study. But in reality they have reached an unseen or unobserved impasse, and are merely milling around base camp and congratulating themselves and their fellow wayfarers on having achieved such dizzying heights.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“You’re the keyboard wizard; the Google Scholar; the armchair expert; the one with a quote for every occasion. That’s your Hallmark, if you will excuse the jest ...”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil
“[I]f you’re looking to me to give you a Red Pill to magically transport you to the mundus imaginalis, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. Red Pills are few and far between. ... However, ... what I can suggest is that much the same effect may be obtained by cutting down on one’s intake of Blue Pills, which are in far, far more abundant supply, sadly.”
H.M. Forester, The Imaginal Veil