Ready Player One Quotes

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Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1) Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
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“It's chick flick disguised as a sword-and-sorcery picture. The only genre film with less balls is probably... freakin' Legend. Anyone who actually enjoys Ladyhawke is a bona fide USDA-choice pussy!”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“It occurred to me then that for the first time in as long as I could remember, I had absolutely no desire to log back into the OASIS."

- Wade Owen Watts
Ready Player One”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“When it came to my research, I never took any shortcuts. Over the past five years, I’d worked my way down the entire recommended gunter reading list. Douglas Adams. Kurt Vonnegut. Neal Stephenson. Richard K. Morgan. Stephen King. Orson Scott Card. Terry Pratchett. Terry Brooks. Bester, Bradbury, Haldeman, Heinlein, Tolkien, Vance, Gibson, Gaiman, Sterling, Moorcock, Scalzi, Zelazny.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“That there was nothing so wrong in the world that we couldn’t sort it out by the end of a single half-hour episode (or maybe a two-parter, if it was something really serious).”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“It was the dawn of new era, one where most of the human race now spent all of their free time inside a videogame.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Screw you, Aech! And your dead grandma!”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“You don’t live in the real world, Z. From what you've told me, I don’t think you ever have. You're like me. You live inside this illusion." She motioned to our virtual surroundings.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“I have a thing for evil bald bad guys. The Kurgan is too sexy.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“We told each other what movies we were currently watching and what books we were reading.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“I mean, did you ever hear of Wikipedia? It’s free, douchebag.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Anyone smart enough to accomplish what they have should know better than to risk everything by talking to the vultures in the media.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“It’s their own fault for not knowing all the Schoolhouse Rock! lyrics by heart.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“So I swallowed all of the dark ages nonsense they fed me. Some time passed. I grew up a little, and I gradually began to figure out that pretty much everyone had been lying to me about pretty much everything since the moment I emerged from my mother’s womb. This was an alarming revelation. It gave me trust issues later in life.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“And each year, more gunters called it quits, concluding that Halliday had indeed made the egg impossible to find. And another year went by. And another. Then, on the evening of February 11, 2045, an avatar’s name appeared at the top of the Scoreboard, for the whole world to see. After five long years, the Copper Key had finally been found, by an eighteen-year-old kid living in a trailer park on the outskirts of Oklahoma City. That kid was me. Dozens of books, cartoons, movies, and miniseries have attempted to tell the story of everything that happened next, but every single one of them got it wrong. So I want to set the record straight, once and for all.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“The rest of the trailer reeked of cat piss and abject poverty.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“I was in love with her. I could feel it, deep in the soft, chewy caramel center of my being. And”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“I was having the best game of my life. This was it. I could feel it. Everything was finally falling in to place. I had the glow.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it’s also the only place where you can find true happiness.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Anonymity was one of the major perks of the OASIS.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“What happens when you die? Well, we're not completely sure. But the evidence seems to suggest that nothing happens. You're just dead, your brains stop working, and then you're not around to ask annoying questions anymore. Those stories your heard? About going to a wonderful place called 'heaven' where there is no more pain or death and you live forever in a state of perpetual happiness? Also total bullshit. Just like all that God stuff. There's no evidence of a heaven and there never was. We made that up too. Wishful thinking. So now you have to live the rest of your life knowing you're going to die someday and disappear forever."
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“I moved from one room to the next, mowing down every NPC in my path. The guards returned fire, but their bullets pinged harmlessly off my armor. I never ran out of ammo, because each time I fired a round, a new round was teleported into the bottom of the clip. My bullet bill this month was going to be huge.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“None of that had changed, or could be changed by anything as inconsequential as her gender, or skin color, or sexual orientation.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Then, one glorious day, our principal announced that any student with a passing grade-point average could apply for a transfer to the new OASIS public school system. The real public school system, the one run by the government, had been an underfunded, overcrowded train wreck for decades. And now the conditions at many schools had gotten so terrible that every kid with half a brain was being encouraged to stay at home and attend school online.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“If I was feeling depressed or frustrated about my lot in life, all I had to do was tap the Player One button, and my worries would instantly slip away as my mind focused itself on the relentless pixelated onslaught on the screen in front of me.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“What about The Simpsons, you ask? I knew more about Springfield than I knew about my own city.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Sitting alone in the dark, watching the show on my laptop, I always found myself imagining that I lived in that warm, well-lit house, and that those smiling, understanding people were my family. That there was nothing so wrong in the world that we couldn’t sort it out by the end of a single half-hour episode (or maybe a two-parter, if it was something really serious).”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“We lived in the Portland Avenue Stacks, a sprawling hive of discolored tin shoeboxes rusting on the shores of I-40, just west of Oklahoma City’s decaying skyscraper core.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Widespread famine, poverty, and disease. Half a dozen wars. You know: “dogs and cats living together … mass hysteria!”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Mr. Morrow, IOI owns this network..." "Of course they do!" Morrow shouted gleefully. 'The own practically everything! Including you, pretty boy! I mean did they tattoo a UPC code on your ass when they hired you to sit there and spout their corporate propaganda?”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
“Sir, the only problem is that you’re a complete fucking moron,” I said.”
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One