The Power Quotes

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The Power (The Secret, #2) The Power by Rhonda Byrne
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The Power Quotes Showing 1-30 of 167
“What you feel about another person, what you think or say about another person, what you do to another person – you do to you. Give judgment and criticism and you give it to yourself. Give love and appreciation to another person or anything, and you give it to yourself.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Start telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it!”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“You have to feel love to harness its power!”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Life is simple. Your life is made up of only two kinds of things – positive things and negative things.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“If you have more negative things than positive things in your life, then something is very wrong and you know it.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Life is responding to you. Life is communicating with you. There are no accidents or coincidences: every single thing has a frequency, and when anything comes into your life, it means it's on the same frequency as you are.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Life isn’t happening to you; life is responding to you. Life is your call! Every area of your life is your call. You are the creator of your life. You are the writer of your life story. You are the director of your life movie. You decide what your life will be – by what you give out.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Turn away from the things you don't love and don't give them any feeling, because they are fine as they are but they have no place in your life.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Every day is an opportunity for a new life. Every day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future – through the way that you feel.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“The better you feel about money, the more money you magnetize to yourself.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“When you are feeling happy, and you keep feeling happy, then only happy people, circumstances and events can come into your life. If you feel stressed, then only more stress can come into your life through people, circumstances and events.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“You are rewarded not according to your work or your time but according to the measure of your love.” Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Many people don't know about the power of good feelings, and so their feelings are reactions or responses to what happens to them. THey have their feelings on automatic pilot, instead of deliberately taking charge of them. When something good happens, they feel good. When something bad happens, they feel bad. They don't realize that their feelings are the cause of what is happening to them. As they react with negative feelings to something that has happened, they give out more negative feelings, adn they receive back more negative circumstances.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Whether your thoughts and feelings are good or bad, they return as automatically and precisely as an echo.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“You cannot exercise much power without gratitude because it is gratitude that keeps you connected with power.” Wallace Wattles (1860-1911) NEW THOUGHT AUTHOR”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“You can't change a negative situation with bad feelings. If you keep reacting negatively, your bad feelings will magnify and multiply the negativity.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“When you play you feel really good – and really good circumstances come into your life. Seriousness brings serious circumstances. Life is supposed to be fun!”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Faith is to believe that which you do not yet see; and the reward of this faith is to see that which you believe. - Saint Augustine of Hippo P.g64”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
tags: faith
“Turn away from the things you don’t love and don’t give them any feeling, because they are fine as they are but they have no place in your life.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Gratitude is the great multiplier.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Everything in the universe is magnetic and everything has a magnetic frequency. Your feelings and thoughts have magnetic frequencies too... Whatever you feel, whether good or bad, determines your frequency, and like a magnet you attract the people, events, and circumstances that are on the same frequency.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Money is only a tool for you to experience the things you love in life. When you think about the things you can do with money, you will feel much more love and joy than when you think only of money. Imagine being with what you love, doing what you love, and having the things you love, because you will then feel far more love than you will if you only think about money.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“There are no accidents or coincidences in life - everything is synchronicity - because everything has a frequency. It's simply the physics of life and the universe in action.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“The Power,”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“If you have been living your life saying to yourself, “I will be happy when I have a better house,” “I will be happy when I get a job or promotion,” “I will be happy when the kids are through college,” “I will be happy when we have more money,” “I will be happy when I can travel,” or “I will be happy when my business is a success,” you will never have those things because your thoughts are defying the way love works. They’re defying the law of attraction. You have to be happy first, and give happiness, to receive happy things! It can’t happen any other way, because whatever you want to receive in life, you must give first! You are in command of your feelings, you are in command of your love, and the force of love will give back to you whatever you give out.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power
“Be careful of your mood and feelings, for there is an unbroken connection between your feelings and your visible world.”
Rhonda Byrne, The Power

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