Prior Bad Acts Quotes

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Prior Bad Acts (Kovac and Liska, #3) Prior Bad Acts by Tami Hoag
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Prior Bad Acts Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“Perps didn't always get their just deserts in this life. That was one of the reasons she kept believing in God, the hope that he would kick ass in the afterlife.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“For guys, life was nothing but one big pissing contest. It was a pure damn wonder women didn’t take over the world while men were busy trying to prove who had the biggest dick.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“Studies have shown that many heads of Fortune Five Hundred companies are sociopaths.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“Just like that. It’s time I started paying attention, before I end up like Stan Dempsey, living alone with an arsenal and one lawn chair in the backyard.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“For guys, life was nothing but one big pissing contest. It was a pure damn wonder women didn’t take over the world while men were busy trying to prove who had the biggest dick. He”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“He shook his head at himself as he walked out into the night. For guys, life was nothing but one big pissing contest. It was a pure damn wonder women didn't take over the world while men were busy trying to prove who had the biggest dick.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“But that’s what bravery is: to be afraid and do what you have to do anyway. You can’t have courage without fear.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“THE BEST TIME for a controlled release of bad news to the public is Friday afternoon. Taxes are going up, the economy is going down, more troops are being deployed to some third world hot spot the announcements are made on Friday afternoon. People are busy ending their workweek, getting ready for a few days of freedom, getting out of wherever early for a weekend at a lake. There's a good chance a lot of attention will be anywhere but on the news.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“It was the pure damn wonder women didn't take over the world while men were busy trying to prove who had the biggest dick.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“It was a pure damn wonder women didn't take over the world while men were busy trying to prove who had the biggest dick.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“News that Karl Dahl had escaped had reached him via the ten o'clock news Friday night. Stan could hardly remember the next cou- ple of hours. He had gone into a rage. The pressure in his brain had been such that he had believed his head was going to explode, that he would be found that way on the floor of his living room, and every- one would assume he had killed himself.
He had overturned furniture. He had kicked a hole in a wall. He had gone into a closet and brought out every gun he owned. He had emptied his service weapon into his couch. That none of his neigh- bors had called the police was testimony to how his neighborhood had gone down over the years.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“She didn't look like she would hold up to much. She was petite---thin, really, except for the store-bought breasts; attractive, but in a way that didn't appeal to him. It wasn't any one thing. She was dressed well in camel slacks and a rust-colored silk blouse. She was nicely made-up. But there was something about her that made him think cheap. Something in the gaunt hollows of her long face, the shape and set of her eyes, the limp blond hair shagged off at shoulder length. Or maybe it was just that Kovac had taken an instant hatred to her because he had it in his head that this was the woman David Moore had been screwing while his wife was lying in a hospital bed.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“I want a divorce," she said bluntly.

"What?" He looked more nervous than surprised. "Why?"

"Don't pretend to be shocked, David. You don't want to be married to me. I don't want to be married to you. I don't even know who you are anymore. But I do know all about your extracurricular activties with the prostitutes."

He was actually stupid enough to try to correct her. "Escorts.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
tags: humor
“As a prosecutor she had been able to knit a defendant's criminal life together that way when preparing for trial, bridging one step up to the next on the criminal evolutionary scale. And she would try like hell to get it all past the presiding judge.
Now she was the judge. And as a judge, she had to adhere to a different standard.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts
“The idea of the boy's being involved in any of that made Liska's skin crawl. He looked so sweet, seemed so polite, so vulnerable. The fact that he had had so much sadness and tragedy in his life tripped the Mother switch in her and made her want to put an arm around him and comfort him. He wasn't much older than Kyle, her firstborn. It was difficult for her not to look at Bobby Haas and see Kyle, and want to protect him.”
Tami Hoag, Prior Bad Acts