Owner's Share Quotes

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Owner's Share (Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, #6) Owner's Share by Nathan Lowell
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Owner's Share Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27
“I made a mental note to figure out some way to stop making mental notes and start making real notes. That way I might be able to delegate a few of them, and even remember what they were.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“We can live in fear, or not.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“As soon as you think you know what’s going on, that’s the first sign that you haven’t a clue.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“My father always told me that chasing after everything I wanted was a fool’s game, but that wanting everything I had would bring me happiness.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Ms. Arellone and Ms. Maloney were still debating decor, and I waited to see who would win. In a test of stubbornness between either of them and a rock, I’d bet on the rock to lose. We”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“What I do know is that worrying about it keeps me from doing the things I can do. If I can compartmentalize that by saying ‘Trust Iris,’ that’s good enough for me.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“When you work for yourself? The boss is a jerk. Try not to let it bother you.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“You’re such a bundle of what-ifs and might-bes, you’re letting what you have slip away. My father always told me that chasing after everything I wanted was a fool’s game, but that wanting everything I had would bring me happiness.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“My father always told me that chasing after everything I wanted was a fool’s game, but that wanting everything I had would bring me happiness”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“When you get to be my age, people are sometimes fooled into thinking you know something.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all,”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“One might argue that I could have been smarter, but hindsight is a useless guide to the past. At best it gives us the lessons we need to take into the future”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“It’s because I don’t know much about this place and I’m constantly asking the kinds of questions that nobody else does because they already know the answers. I’m so dumb, I have to ask.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“she made her money by being a shrewd judge of character. Mean people only see other people as mean. It’s all they know, and they distrust anybody who isn’t”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“when you let fear rule your life, your life isn’t worth keeping”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Anything we do now means we won’t have to do it later, and we’ll be that much closer to getting underway.” “True,”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Nothing teaches ya what ya don’t know like trying to teach somebody else, now does”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“She kissed me on the top of my head. “Thank you, dear.” She made little shooing motions with her fingers. “Now, get out of my way. I have work to do, and I can’t be tripping over captains while I’m doin’ it. Scoot. Shoo. Go captain something.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Well, ain’t you Mister Wisdom!” she said with a grin. “That’s Captain Wisdom to you.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“You’re either the bravest man I’ve ever met, or the dumbest.” “Those aren’t mutually exclusive,”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Chief Gerheart opened the conversation with, “So, Captain? What are you going to do when you’re filthy rich?” She’d recovered some of her spark and I liked the attention.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Maybe he was just one of those people who didn’t like change.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“When you own the cookie store, you get your choice of cookies, Captain Wang.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Christine is his daughter. Sole heir. Thirty-one. Likes her nightlife, I understand.” I sipped carefully before speaking. “And she’s the new CEO?” “Uh huh.” I glanced over to where Kirsten studied my face over the rim of her cup. “What does she know about running a shipping company?” “Not. One. Damn. Thing.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“You have some complaints about how I run this ship, Chief?” I snapped at her and regretted it even as the words left my mouth. She shook her head briefly. “No, Captain.” She gave the title special emphasis. “You’ve turned the ship around since you’ve been here, given us all new life.” She paused, staring into my face without flinching. “It’s how you’re running your life that worries me.” “What’s the matter with the way I’m running my life?” The hardness in her face softened a bit. “You’re an idiot.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“I left her there sitting at the console watching the approaching planet, and trying to get her mind around the difference between what she believed and what she knew.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share
“Negotiations lasted a couple of stans but in the end, I believe we pounded out a lasting agreement.”
Nathan Lowell, Owner's Share