The Whispering Skull Quotes

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The Whispering Skull (Lockwood & Co., #2) The Whispering Skull by Jonathan Stroud
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The Whispering Skull Quotes Showing 1-30 of 40
“- Plan F, we follow Plan F, right now.
- Is that the one where we run away?
- Not at all. It's the one where we beat a dignified emergency retreat.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Death is fugitive; even when you're watching for it, the actual instant somehow slips between your fingers. You don't get that sudden drop of the head you see in movies. Instead you simply sit there, waiting for something to happen, and all at once you realize you've missed it.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Well, I make that one murder victim, one police interrogation and one conversation with a ghost,” George said. “Now that’s what I call a busy evening.”
Lockwood nodded. “To think some people just watch television.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“This was classic Lockwood. Friendly, considerate, empathetic. My personal impulse would have been to slap the girl soundly around the face and boot her moaning backside out into the night. Which is why he's the leader, and I'm not. Also why I have no female friends.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Well,' Lockwood said, "if you judge success by the number of enemies you make, that was a highly successful evening.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“It wasn't the body," he said. "I've seen worse things in our fridge.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Our eyes adjusted; we gazed at what was in the room. And then I felt the floor pitch under me, as if we were suddenly at sea. George cleared his throat. I put out my hand to clench his arm.

Lockwood stood slightly behind us, waiting.

"Your parents?" I was the first to find my voice.

"Close," Anthony Lockwood said. "My sister.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Lockwood gave a sudden exclamation; when I looked at him, his eyes were shining. 'On second thoughts, we can scrap my last suggestion,' he said. 'Stuff the mingling. Who wants to do that? Boring. George - this library. Where is it?”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“They were hot, itchy, and hard to see out of, plus the wool covered our mouths and made it difficult to speak. Aside from that, it was a joy to wear them.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“If she’d repeatedly fallen over while crossing soft ground, you could have sewn a crop of beans in the chin-holes she left behind.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“I see things . . . beautiful things . . .”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Okay, maybe I’d been a little ratty, but there’s something about rotting corpses leaping at my face that puts me a bit on edge.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Burglary’s more fun than socializing, I always say.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“I opened my mouth to speak – but before I could do so, the ghost gave its response. It was brief, pungent, and to the point.

I passed it on.

Lockwood started. ‘Charming! Hold on – was that from you or the ghost?’

‘The ghost, of course.’

George whistled. ‘I’m not sure I should write that down.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Lucy, I’ve been meaning to say: that was an impressive move back there – what you did with the rapier.’


‘You aimed it perfectly, right between their heads. An inch to the left, and you’d have skewered George right between the eyes. Really sensational accuracy there.’

I made a modest gesture. ‘Well . . . sometimes you just do what has to be done.’

‘You didn’t actually aim it at all, did you?’ Lockwood said.


‘You just chucked it. In fact, it was pure blind luck that George lost his balance and fell out of the way. That’s why he wasn’t kebabbed by you.’

Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Hey, Flo! It’s Lockwood!’

Silence. The figure straightened abruptly; I thought for a moment it was going to turn and run. But then the voice came again, faint, hostile and guarded. ‘You? What the bloody hell do you want?’

‘Oh, that’s fine,’ Lockwood murmured. ‘She’s in a good mood.’ He cleared his throat, called out again. ‘Can you talk?’

The distant person considered; for a few seconds we heard nothing except the sloop and slosh of the river along the shore. ‘No. I’m busy! Go away.’

‘I’ve brought liquorice!’

‘What, you’re trying to bribe me now? Bring money!’ More silence; just the sucking of the water. Away in the haze a head was cocked to one side. ‘What kind of liquorice?”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“A window to the Other Side.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Kipps is the worst, though. He really hates us, doesn’t he?’

‘Not us,’ Lockwood said. ‘Me. He really hates me.’

‘But why? What’s he got against you?’

Lockwood picked up one of the bottles of water and sighed reflectively. ‘Who knows? Maybe it’s my natural style he envies, maybe my boyish charm. Perhaps it’s my set-up here – having my own agency, no one to answer to, with fine companions at my side.’ He caught my eye and smiled.

George looked up from his comic. ‘Or could be the fact you once stabbed him in the bottom with a sword.’

‘Yes, well, there is that.’ Lockwood took a sip of water.

I looked back and forth between them. ‘What?’ I said. ‘When did this happen?”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“You,’ I said. My throat was dry; I could barely speak.

‘Not the greatest welcome I’ve ever had,’ the voice said, ‘but accurate. Yes, I can’t deny it. Me.’
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Don’t lean in so much,” Lockwood advised. “You were a bit off balance there. Try holding your arm forward a little more. Like this.…” He turned my wrist, and altered my stance by gently adjusting the position of my waist. “See? Is that better?” “Yes.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“The men dug some way down, I believe they struck the coffin."
"Excellent. We can deal with it now. George here is good with a spade, aren't you George?" "Well I certainly get plenty of practice." George said.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Lucy,’ Lockwood said, ‘the last time I saw body language like yours was when we were chatting to Martine Grey about her missing husband, and afterwards found him at the bottom of her freezer.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Lucy, you look delightful," he said. "George, you'll have to do. Oh, here's something for you, Luce. Might go well with that excellent dress." He took my hand and placed in it a necklace of pretty silver links, with a small diamond suspended as a pendant. It was really very beautiful. "What?" I stared at it. "Where'd you get this?" "Just something I had. I suggest you close your mouth when you wear it-it's more elegant that way.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Wrong. I’m not alone. I have my friends.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“This was classic Lockwood. Friendly, considerate, empathetic. My personal impulse would have been to slap the girl soundly round the face and boot her moaning backside out into the night. Which is why he’s the leader, and I’m not. Also why I have no female friends.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“This is cozy," George said. "Nice cologne, Kipps. I'm being genuine there." "Thanks.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Quit worrying. I even brushed my teeth as well." "My God, you have made an effort.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“Well,” Lockwood said, “if you judge success by the number of enemies you make, that was a highly successful evening.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“You want me to talk with a dangerous Type Three ghost inside another haunted zone, with who knows what other Visitors around? Are you both mad? You expected me to agree to that?”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull
“- Plan F, we follow Plan F, right now.
- Is that the one where we run away?
- Not at all. It's the one where we beat a dignified emergency retreat.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull

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