The Meaninglessness of Meaning Quotes

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The Meaninglessness of Meaning The Meaninglessness of Meaning by Abhaidev
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The Meaninglessness of Meaning Quotes Showing 1-24 of 24
“The search for meaning is as meaningless as the meaning itself.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“A musician doesn’t know how he creates music. A writer doesn’t know how plots come to his mind. A painter doesn’t know why he painted what he painted. Yeah, artists are humble folks, because deep down they know they are not doing the creating. But once they become successful, once they achieve fame, they turn arrogant.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was not convincing the world that he didn’t exist; the greatest trick he ever pulled was making us believe we have free will.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“There is no God but Belial. I’ll tell you why. Darkness is faster than light. Hopelessness persists longer than hope. Hatred spreads quicker than love. There is no limit to pain. Happiness, however, has a limit. We must all hail Belial. The one true God.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“The only reason I am inside the Palace of Illusions is that I am afraid of being declared insane. I know it is all fake. I know everyone is conspiring against me (everyone in this simulation). And I still can’t get out. It’s like a man speeding his bike towards the edge. He knows his future. Yet he can’t make a turn, for he has a stunt to perform for others to watch. This condition is subdued insanity. When you know you are not sane, yet have to act like everything is all right with the world you live in. It is insanity deferred. Insanity postponed. Only to haunt you all the time. An undercurrent. Not manifested in totality.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“I can tell you good news, but it will be false. I can tell you bad news, but it will be true. Make a choice!”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“People believe what they want to believe and then look for reasons to reinforce their beliefs.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“God is both gross and divine. God is both righteous and unrighteous. He is both he and she. He is both pain and pleasure, the good and the bad. God is every aspect of this existence. It is it. That’s it. Good and bad are what humans attribute to things, people and events according to their sense of morality.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“Walking on the path of Buddha is a slippery slope. One bad experience, just one mistake, and enlightenment goes wrong. One becomes a raging beast, instead of a God.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“I can get whatever I want, whenever I need, yet I am not free. I am confined. I am held captive. I am serving a life sentence in a Norwegian jail.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“Sometimes resignation brings relief. When you lose hope, you no longer bother struggling. You just stay benumbed like a vegetable and let your head chopped off by a guillotine so that it ends, once and for all.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“True freedom is solipsism. True freedom is believing that the world will cease to exist the moment you die. True freedom is realizing that only you have free will, while the others are mere puppets, hive minds. True freedom is, therefore, nothing less than insanity.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“I think true freedom is being yourself no matter what. True freedom is living authentically. As if there are no spectators. You are the subject, and you are the object under observation. Only you exist. Only you! And no one else. You live the way you live when you are alone in your room. You behave the way you behave when you are alone in your room. You are under the spotlight. It is you who switched it on. And it is you who is focusing the same on yourself.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“The reason I don’t care about the approval and acknowledgment of my batchmates and colleagues is that most of them are basically losers. They will latch on to anyone famous in their circles, who can help them get jobs or with their business. They derive their importance and identities through association. These very people will latch on to me for the same, once the time comes. In short, they are irrelevant flies to me, looking for a turd to sit on. Once I become a piece of turd, the flies will come. A turd doesn’t care about the flies.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“If surviving and passing on one’s genes is the whole point, then animals do it much better. And they do it without cribbing. We humans, however, find it difficult to even survive. We crib a lot. We are bogged down by our thoughts.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“The moment you try making something poetic, it turns into propaganda. And we should avoid making art propaganda. True art, I believe, is always apolitical. True art is always devoid of agenda.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“Even though we are tied down, it doesn’t stop us from flying. In fact, sometimes we dare to fly for the very reason that we are tied. There can be no freedom without restraint. Only one who has restraints knows what it means to have freedom.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“One moment I want to be the most famous person in the world, the next, I desperately want to live a life of obscurity. True freedom is being completely unknown.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“I need constant stimulation. I need to flow like a river. Constantly challenged, but uninterrupted.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“I want an intense life. Intense sorrow and intense happiness. Intense loneliness and intense kinship. Intense love and intense hatred. Intense regret and intense hope. Intense pain and intense pleasure. Only then will I feel alive.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning
“What is life, after all, if not a big, elaborate dream sequence?”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning