The Setting Sun Quotes

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The Setting Sun The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai
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The Setting Sun Quotes Showing 1-30 of 165
“This I want to believe implicitly: Man was born for love and revolution.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Last year nothing happened
The year before nothing happened
And the year before that nothing
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I am afraid because I can so clearly foresee my own life rotting away of itself, like a leaf that rots without falling, while I pursue my round of existence from day to day.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“When I pretended to be precocious, people started the rumor that I was precocious. When I acted like an idler, rumor had it I was an idler. When I pretended I couldn't write a novel, people said I couldn't write. When I acted like a liar, they called me a liar. When I acted like a rich man, they started the rumor I was rich. When I feigned indifference, they classed me as the indifferent type. But when I inadvertently groaned because I was really in pain, they started the rumor that I was faking suffering. The world is out of joint.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“To wait. In our lives we know joy, anger, sorrow, and a hundred other emotions, but these emotions all together occupy a bare one percent of our time. The remaining ninety-nine percent is just living in waiting. I wait in momentary expectation, feeling as though my breasts are being crushed, for the sound in the corridor of the footsteps of happiness. Empty. Oh, life is too painful, the reality that confirms the universal belief that it is best not to be born.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I like roses best. But they bloom in all four seasons. I wonder if people who like roses best have to die four times over again.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I want to spend my time with people who don't look to be respected. But such good people won't want to spend their time with me.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“In spite of my suffering, at the thought that I was sure to end up by killing myself, I cried aloud and burst into tears.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Anyway, you can be sure of one thing, a man's got to fake just to stay alive.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Victims. Victims of a transitional period of morality. That is what we both certainly are.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I drink out of desperation. Life is too dreary to endure. The misery, loneliness, crampedness — they're heartbreaking.[...] What feelings do you suppose a man has when he realizes that he will never know happiness or glory as long as he lives? Hard work. All that amounts to is food for the wild beasts of hunger.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Mother, recently I have discovered the one way in which human beings differ completely from other animals. Man has, I know, language, knowledge, principles, and social order, but don't all the other animals have them too, granted the difference of degree? Perhaps the animals even have religions. Man boasts of being the lord of all creation, but it would seem as if essentially he does not differ in the least from other animals. But, Mother, there was one way I thought of. Perhaps you won't understand. It's a faculty absolutely unique to man - having secrets. Can you see what I mean?”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I have no desire for others to take it on themselves to analyze my thoughts. I am without thoughts. I have never, not even once, acted on the basis of any doctrine or philosophy.I am convinced that those people whom the world considers good and respects are all liars and fakes. I do not trust the world.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Addiction is perhaps a sickness of the spirit.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“As for love . . . no, having once written that word I can write nothing more.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
tags: love
“Now even if I die, no one will be so grieved as to do himself bodily harm. No [...] I know just how much sadness my death will cause you. Undoubtedly you will weep when you learn the news--apart, of course, from such ornamental sentimentality as you may indulge in--but if you will please try to think of my joy at being liberated completely from the suffering of living and this hateful life itself, I believe that your sorrow will gradually dissolve.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“At this moment, as I stood on the verge of tears, the words "realism" and "romanticism" welled up within me. I have no sense of realism. And that this very fact might be what permits me to go on living sends cold chills through my whole body.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“In our lives we know joy, anger, sorrow, and a hundred other emotions, but these emotions altogether occupy a bare one per cent of our time. The remaining ninety-nine per cent is just living in waiting.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I must go on living. And, though it
may be childish of me, I can't go on in
simple compliance. From now on I must
struggle with the world. I thought that
Mother might well be the last of those
who can end their lives beautifully and
sadly, struggling with no one, neither
hating nor betraying anyone. In the
world to come there will be no room for
such people. The dying are beautiful,
but to live, to survive – those things
somehow seem hideous and
contaminated with blood.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“In the present world, the most beautiful thing is a victim.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Logic, inevitably, is the love of logic. It is not the love for living human beings.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I am convinced that those people whom the world considers good and respects are all liars and fakes. I do not trust the world. My only ally is the tagged dissolute. The tagged dissolute. That is the only cross on which I wish to be crucified. Though ten thousand people criticize me, I can throw in their teeth my challenge: Are you not all the more dangerous for being without tags?”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“The real things are apt to be deviant.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Any man who criticizes my suicide and passes judgment on me with an expression of superiority, declaring (without offering the least help) that I should have gone on living my full complement of days, is assuredly a prodigy among men quite capable of tranquilly urging the Emperor to open a fruit shop.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Humanity? Don't be silly. I know. It is knocking down your fellow-men for the sake of your own happiness.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“It is painful for the plant which is myself to live in the atmosphere and light of this world. Somewhere an element is lacking which would permit me to continue.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Oh, life is too painful, the reality that confirms the universal belief that it is best not to be born.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I am sure that the reason why I wept and stormed as if I had gone off my head was that the combination of physical exhaustion and my unhappiness had made me hate and resent everything.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“I would far prefer to be told simply to go and die. It's straightforward. But people almost never say, "Die!" Paltry, prudent hypocrites!”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
“Scoundrels [...] simply don't die. The ones who die are always the gentle, sweet, and beautiful people. [...] Scoundrels live a long time. The beautiful die young.”
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun

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