Keeping Her Quotes

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Keeping Her (Losing It, #1.5) Keeping Her by Cora Carmack
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Keeping Her Quotes Showing 1-14 of 14
“Life’s too short to waste time living it any other way.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“WAIT, WAIT! JUST one more!”
“Bliss, there are children waiting.”
And they probably hated us, but I was just so glad to see her smiling that I didn’t care.
“Yeah, well, they all just jumped on the bandwagon. Most of them weren’t alive when I read Harry Potter for the first time.”
I turned to the Canadian family behind me and said, “I’m so sorry. This is the last one, I promise.” Then I took one more picture of Bliss pretending to push the luggage cart through the wall at the Platform 9¾ monument at King’s Cross Station.
A little boy stuck his tongue out at Bliss as we left. I pulled her away before she could follow suit.
“That kid better watch it. I’m totally a Slytherin.”
I shook my head, smiling.
“Love, I’m going to need you to pull back on the crazy a bit.”
“You’re right. Realistically, I’m a Ravenclaw.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“If we did have a child, and he came to you with something like this, would you tell him to take the money, to take the job that didn’t mean anything? Why am I even asking, I know what you’d say. You’d tell him to do the thing he loved, the thing that made him feel more alive. Life’s too short to waste time living it any other way.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“In life, it’s so easy to get tunnel vision, to imagine this world is a movie set and your story—­what you see through your eyes and think with your brain and feel with your heart—­is the only thing that matters. But the world was so much bigger than that. Life was so much bigger than that. Sometimes, I couldn’t understand how it could hold all of us, all of the hope and hurt of humanity.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
tags: life
“God, all those months of seeing Kelsey’s pictures and hearing about her travels, and I had been raging with jealousy. And now it was my turn.
I wanted to mind the gap at the tube station and eat fish and chips and try to make the Queen’s guards laugh. I wanted to see Big Ben and the Globe and the London Bridge and Dame Judi Dench. Or Maggie Smith. Or Alan Rickman. Or Sir Ian McKellen. Or anybody famous and British, really.
Holy crap. This was really happening.
And I wasn’t just a tourist. I was visiting with someone who’d grown up in the city. With my fiancé.
Take that, world.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“My odds were looking about as good as a main character in Game of Thrones.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
tags: lol
“Garrick: "The only thing I care about is fucking you so hard you can’t see straight.”
Bliss: Annnd . . . aneurysm.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“Call it an issue. Call it baggage. But I really hated lies. They're ugly things, festering like wounds, spreading like disease. They're winner-less crimes that hurt everybody in the end.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
tags: lies
“You would think that I'd be a bit more comfortable talking about sex, now that I'd had it and all. You would also think that at my age I would be able to successfully insert the straw into a Capri sun juice pouch. I was 0-2 there.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“She was my everything
the lungs that allowed me to breathe
the heart that had to beat
the eyes that let me see
She'd become a part of me, and all that was left was a piece of paper to tell the world we were as inseparable as I already felt we were”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“Lo había dicho tantas veces que ya no significaba nada. Como cuando dices mucho una palabra y deja de sonar de esa forma, convirtiéndose en algo ajeno y extraño en tu cabeza.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“Esa un bosque de problemas de autoestima a punto de ocurrir, y yo me encontraba precisamente en medio de todo.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“Bueno, algunos de nosotros somos bendecidos por tener carreras que nos gustan y son simples porque las amamos. Otros consiguen trabajos que son, ¿qué dijiste? ¿Aburridos? Pero tal vez algún día crecerás para amarlo.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her
“Between the shower steam and her skin, our tiny bathroom felt like a furnace. I never would have thought I could feel such peace while my heart hammered and my skin burned, but that’s what she brought me. I’d always thought love was this complicated, messy, frankly ugly thing. Possibly because, growing up, I’d not had much of an example for what a relationship should be. I didn’t know it could be any other way. But Bliss chased away the gray and made everything seem black and white. No matter the question, she was the answer.
She was my everything—­the lungs that allowed me to breathe, the heart that had to beat, the eyes that let me see.”
Cora Carmack, Keeping Her