Damaged and the Knight Quotes

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Damaged and the Knight (Damaged, #2) Damaged and the Knight by Bijou Hunter
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Damaged and the Knight Quotes Showing 1-30 of 45
“When I’m with you, I feel like a different kind of man. I feel better than I’ve ever felt, but a man with all that good in his heart can’t do what needs to be done. So I returned to the man who doesn’t feel. I know I hurt you by doing that, but it was what needed to be done for me to survive. What I do for Cooper is about making people bleed before they do the same to us. That kind of job won’t allow for mistakes just cause my heart belongs to a beautiful angel.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“I don’t want kids.”
“My family has a genetic defect and I don’t want to pass it on.”
“What kind of defect?”
“We’re assholes.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“You like to say fucking a lot, don’t you?” I muttered while adding the sweatpants to the cart.
“It’s like verbal salt. I enjoy sprinkling it on everything.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“When you smile, it’s like the world is perfect. But when you say that ugly shit about yourself, I can barely keep from tearing this world apart for hurting you the way it has.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Aaron sketched up a tattoo design for me. We’ll start on it soon, but he thinks I can’t handle all the pain in one sitting, so he’s breaking it into parts.”
“What’s the tattoo of and where will it be?” he asked, glancing over my breasts.
“A fallen angel and it won’t be on my boobs, Judd.”
Laughing at my tone, he didn’t seem to hear the first part. I saw when the words registered. “Why fallen?” he asked, his gaze harder now.
Holding his gaze, I refused to back down. “You know.”
“Fuck you for thinking that makes you fallen.”
“Fuck you for thinking you know what I am.”
Judd suddenly laughed. “What?”
Grudgingly, I smiled. “Whatever. You’re irritating me.”
“Where’s the tat going to be? Something around your heart shaped ass maybe?”
“Heart shaped?”
Judd wiggled his eyebrows at me. “I love that damn ass of yours. Shit, this morning when you walked over to get your clothes, I about jizzed myself.”
“Yummy. Best breakfast conversation ever.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“We should have sex.”
“We will,” he said, giving me a grin. “Not the way you mean.”
“Come again?”
“And again and again.”
Rolling my eyes, I ignored his grin. “Do you want to go somewhere and have sex?”
“Sex sounds too clinical.”
“Fuck then.”
Judd frowned. “No, I fuck other women. I don’t know what it would be called with you. Sex sounds like how my mom whispers the word though.”
“So do you want to go somewhere?”
“Because you’re not looking at me like you did in the parking lot that day. You’re looking at me like this is an errand you need to run. The Arby’s you need to get out of your system. I want you to look at me like you did that day.”
“I don’t know how I looked at you.”
“Don’t expect me to imitate the facial expression. I only have three of them and I’m not angry or coming. That only leaves the expression you’re looking at right now.”
“You’re too fucking precious with all your sweet talk.”
Judd’s eyes narrowed, but I saw him fighting a grin.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“My roommate has a gerbil,” Ryan said, grinning. “The little guy got loose and crapped all over my bed. It’s just been a crazy day.”
Nodding at his silly story, I heard a familiar voice. “That’s fucking fascinating,” Judd said from behind me. “Then, what happened?”
Judd was stalking me apparently.
He pulled a chair to the table. “What are we having for dinner?”
“Who are you exactly?” Ryan asked.
“Tawny’s man. I don’t do names or handshakes, so save it, kid.”
When Ryan looked at me for help, I shook my head. “I have no control over him. If I did, he wouldn’t be here.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Judd said, caressing the back of my hair. “I like that sweater on you. Very autumn. Looks good with your eyes.”
“Please, go away.”
“I can’t. I’m your ride tonight.”
“Should I leave?” Ryan asked.
Judd glanced at my date. “Just catch onto that, did you?”
Ryan stood up. “See you around, Tawny.”
“Can’t you stay and ignore him?”
Judd’s eyes narrowed. “No, he can’t.”
“We can still talk,” I said, praying Ryan would stay. “He might leave if we treat him like static in the background.”
Ryan considered staying until Judd’s amused expression faded. “She’s not fucking you, if that’s what you’re holding out for. In fact, you ain’t even getting a goodnight kiss. Well, unless you want that to be the last thing your lips ever do before I rip them off your face.”
“I’m going to leave,” Ryan said, giving me a tight smile. “See you around.”
“If you see her,” Judd growled, “you just keep on walking.”
Nodding, Ryan hurried away, leaving me alone with Judd who switched into the seat across from me.
“Alone at last.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Lark wrapped an arm around me and started to speak until Bailey’s startled voice interrupted us. A huge football player had her pinned against the wall and she was yelling for him to back off. Instead, he crowded her more while playing with her blonde hair.
“Hey!” I yelled as Lark and I rushed over.
Six four and wide shouldered, the guy was wasted and angry at the interruption. “Fuck off, bitches,” he muttered.
Bailey clawed at his neck, but he had her pinned in a weird way, so she couldn’t get any leverage.
While I was ready to jump on him in a weak attempt to save my friend, someone shoved the football player off Bailey. I hadn’t even seen the guy appear, but he stood between Bailey and the pissed jerk.
“Fuck off, man,” the asshole said. “She’s mine.”
“Nick,” Bailey mumbled, looking ready to cry. “He humped my leg. Crush his skull, will ya?”
Nick frowned at Bailey who was leaning on him now.
The football player was an inch or two bigger than Nick and outweighed him by probably fifty pounds. Feeling the fight would be short, the asshole reached for Bailey’s arm and Nick nailed the guy in the face. To my shock, the giant asshole collapsed on the ground.
“My hero,” Bailey said, looking ready to puke. She caressed Nick’s biceps and asked, “Do you work out?”
Running his hands through his dark wavy hair, Nick laughed. “You’re so wasted.”
“And you’re like the Energizer Bunny,” she cooed. “My bro said you took a punch, yet kept on ticking.”
Nick started to speak then heard the asshole’s friends riled up.
I was too drunk to know if everything happened really quickly or if my brain just took awhile to catch up.
The guys rushed Nick who dodged most of them and hit another. The room emptied out except for Nick, the guys, and us. I grabbed a beer bottle and threw it at one of the guys shoving Nick.
When the bottle hit him in the back, the bastard glared at me. “You want to fight, bitch?”
“Leave her alone,” Nick said, kicking one guy into the jerk looking to hit me.
As impressive as Nick was against six guys, he was just one guy against six. A losing bet, he took a shot to the face then the gut. Lark grabbed a folding chair and went WWE on one guy. I was tossing beers in the roundabout direction of the other guys. Yet, Bailey was the one who ended the fight by pulling out a gun.
“Back the fuck off or I’ll burn this motherfucking house to the ground!” she screamed then fired at a lamp. Everyone stopped and stared at her. When she noticed me wide-eyed, Bailey frowned. “Too much?”
Grinning, I followed Lark to the door. Nick followed us while the assholes seemed ready to piss themselves. Well, except for an idiot who looked ready to go for Bailey’s gun.
"Dude,” Nick muttered, “that’s Bailey Fucking Johansson. Unless you want to end up in a shallow grave, back the fuck off.”
“What he said!” Bailey yelled, waving her gun around before I hurried her out of the door. The cold air sobered up Bailey enough for her to return the gun to her purse. She was still drunk enough to laugh hysterically as we reached the SUV.
“Did you see me kill that lamp?”
“You did good,” I said, groggy as my adrenaline shifted to nausea and the alcohol threatened to come back up on me.
Nick walked us to the SUV. “Next time, you might want to wave the gun around before you get drunk and dance.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Bailey growled, crawling into the backseat. Then, realizing he saved her, she crawled back to face him. “You were so brave. I should totally get you off as a thank you."
“Maybe another time,” he said, laughing as she batted her eyes at him. “Are you guys safe to drive?”
Lark nodded. “I’m sober enough to remember everything tomorrow. Trust me that there’ll be mocking.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Cooper grinned. “You should listen to me, man. After all, I’ve got a way with the ladies.”
When Judd said nothing, I realized he wasn’t even looking at Cooper. Everyone followed his gaze until we realized he was glaring at Mac.
Tucker laughed for the simple reason that he was hammered. Maddy rubbed his face and they started making out.
Bailey rolled her eyes. “What did Mac do? Should I kick his ass?”
Cooper patted his sister. “You could so take him too, midget.”
Nuzzling Judd, I ignored Cooper tugging my shirt as if to separate me from my man.
“I never liked him even a little bit.”
“You touched his arm.”
Bailey stepped closer and slapped Cooper’s hand off me. “Judd, the only way to make things right is to cut off Mac’s arm and feed it to our dogs.”
“Sounds about right,” Judd muttered, still glaring at Mac who moved around the large packed family room as if trying to dodge the eyes on him.
“Bailey,” I whispered, giving her the look.
“What I meant was that Tawny is all kinds of loyal and shit, so cutting off Mac’s arm, while fun, isn’t necessary. Trust your woman.”
“I do trust her,” Judd muttered. “I still want to stab Mac’s face.”
“Yeah, that takes me back,” Cooper said, grinning at Farah who frowned. Rolling his eyes, he sighed. “Trust your woman. You know, what the dipshit said.”
“Don’t call her a dipshit,” I told Cooper who glared down at me. “I’m not having a staring contest with you.”
“Cause you’d lose.”
“Farah,” I said and she wrapped her arms around Cooper who sighed.  
Seeing a way to fix my other problem, I hugged Judd to me. As he looked down and grinned, I murmured, “Pay attention to me.”
Exhaling hard, Judd caressed my face. “Sorry, but that guy had your fingers on him. I feel like I should make an example of him, but I won’t. That wouldn’t be respectable.”
Bailey leaned in and whispered, “Are you training him too?”
“I’m training everyone,” I whispered back.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Wanna take a nap? Cooper and Farah do it all the time.” A lazy grin lit up Judd’s face and I rolled my eyes. “Napping isn’t code.”
“I don’t nap, babe. I wouldn’t mind hanging out at home while you napped though. I wasn’t planning on doing anything today besides watching some crap on DVR.”
Staring up at him, I felt strangely nervous to say the words. Finally, I forced them out. “Can I sleep over tonight?”
Judd gave me another lazy grin. “Where else would you sleep, angel?”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Aw, here is the owner of your sac,” Vaughn announced when I appeared. “Take good care of it, darlin. Judd lives a dangerous life and balls are occasionally necessary.”
“He can sign them out for special occasions.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“I started to grin until I heard laughing and sensed we were on display.
Glancing at them, I tightened my grip on Judd as if to say, “So what? He’s mine. Suck it.”
Judd though wasn’t interested in their laughter. He glared hard at them and literally growled like a dog.
While I giggled at the sound, the men shut up and moved away.
When Vaughn saw this display, he yelled out, “Whipped is a good look on you, brother.”
“I’m packing, Outlaw. Don’t make me pull it out.”
At the same moment, Judd, Vaughn, and I thought of the same thing and started laughing.
“Yeah, don’t pull it out here, baby,” I said, giggling. “I’m the only one who should be looking at it.”
Judd leaned his head back and sighed. “It’s not my fault, you know. All of the blood left my brain the minute you sat on my lap.”
“Poor bastard,” I whispered in his ear as I nibbled on the lobe.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Shrugging, I glanced at Judd who was watching someone in the corner. When I looked back at Cooper, he was studying the hair in my eyes.
“You look tired,” he said, reaching out to brush away the hair.
Cooper’s hand never reached my face before Judd grabbed his wrist and yanked it away.
In that instant, everything shifted. The men stepped closer, eyeballing each other as the heat of their anger became palatable.
I thought to step between them and calm things before violence broke out. Then, I remembered when I tried to break up a fight between my uncle’s dogs. If Farah hadn’t pulled me out of the way, I’d have been mauled. That day, I learned if predators wanted to fight, you let them while staying as far back as possible.
“I’ll let this go because it’s your woman,” Cooper muttered, dark eyes still angry. “If you pull this shit again and it’s not your woman, you and I will have a problem.”
Once Cooper walked away, Judd finally relaxed.
I just stared at him as he led me to a booth because a group of old timers were at his table. Sitting next to him, I caressed his face, soothing him. He finally gave me a little grin.
Suddenly, Vaughn appeared and took the spot across from us. “Why do you look so pissed off?”
“He almost went feral on Cooper for trying to touch me.”
Vaughn gave us a lazy grin. “So losing his balls makes a man stupid, eh? Good to know. Just another reason to keep mine attached.”
Judd exhaled hard. “You wouldn’t want anyone touching your woman. One day, you’ll know that despite your love affair with your balls.”
“A man should love his balls,” Vaughn said, still grinning. “What if I touch her?” he asked, his hand moving slowly towards my face.
“I’ll stab you in the fucking eye.”
Grinning, Vaughn put down his hand. “You’re pretty damn sexy when you go drama queen, O’Keefe.”
“He is, isn’t he?” I said, sliding closer to Judd. “I wish we were naked right now.”
Both men frowned at me, but I only smiled and Judd adjusted in the booth as his jeans grew too tight. “Stop,” he warned.
“I’m not afraid of you.”
“I could make a liar of you.”
“You won’t though because you wish you were inside me.”
Judd exhaled hard like a pissed bull and adjusted in the booth again.
I just laughed and rested my head against his shoulder. “I so own you.”
Vaughn nodded. “He’s a keeper. I remember how poetic he was when I asked him if he could imagine himself as an old man. He turned to me and grunted. Real profound grunt too. Oh, and once I asked if he ever imagined himself as a father. I kid you not, he burped. The man is fucking Shakespeare.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“What the fuck was that about?” Vaughn said, standing over me.
“I pissed him off.”
Dark blue eyes flicking to the restroom, Vaughn reached back and scratched at his shoulder. “All I know is when Judd came back from Texas, he was all hollowed out. Like a ghost, I guess. This morning before his bitch fit, he looked alive again. Whatever you said or did, can’t be that big a deal compared to the shit mood he’s been in lately.”
Glancing at the restroom, I wanted to go back to before I said the words. My honesty ruined our happy morning.
“You can’t take it personally,” Vaughn added when I just stared at the restroom. “You know how moody Judd is. Always crying and bitching about something. A freaking drama queen.”
Grinning, I looked up at him. “Thank you.”
“Men like us aren’t used to pretty girls looking at them like you look at Judd. He’s not sure what to do with you and you’re just gonna have to be patient while he figures shit out.”
“Okay,” I said, studied him. Whereas Judd hid a deep sorrow and iced heart behind his walls, I sensed Vaughn concealed a barely contained rage. He smiled easily enough, but it was a ruse. Just like Judd who acted like the world didn’t touch him, Vaughn faked his exterior to avoid showing anything to the world.
“Why do they call you Outlaw?” I asked.
Vaughn sighed. “Because it’s better than calling me dead man walking.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You don’t need to, darlin. The drama queen returns.”
When Judd appeared next to me, his expression was unreadable while kissing me softly. When he pulled away, his gaze flickered to Vaughn. “Thanks.”
“You are so premenstrual sometimes.”
Grinning, Judd sat down across from me then glanced at Vaughn. “Fuck off.”
Vaughn leaned his hip against the side of the booth and sized me up. “What is it about the Smith sisters that makes otherwise strong men lose their balls?”
“I have no idea and I’m out of sisters, so I guess you’re out of luck.”
“Thank the Lord too. I like my balls attached.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“I want to be strong.”
“You are strong.”
“Not really.”
Judd exhaled softly. “No, I guess not, but you’re stronger than you think. You’re stronger than when we met. Hell, you told me no and we both know that couldn’t have been easy.”
Giving him a little grin, I shrugged again. “Wasn’t that hard either.”
Grinning wider, I sighed. “I really wanted you.”
Judd’s smile faded. “I know. I wanted you too.”
“That time has passed.”
“No. We still want it. That’s why you look at me like I’m both your salvation and a death sentence. You still want me and I clearly still want you.”
“You walked away.”
“I wanted you to do well on your own.”
“Then let me.”
“Now, I want you to do well on your own with me standing nearby. Also with me frequently inside you.”
“Don’t be nasty.”
“It wouldn’t be. Somehow, it’d be better than anything I’ve known.”
Even as my skin flushed at the thought of us alone and naked, I shrugged with disinterest. “That’s the Arby’s thing talking.”
“Stop with the Arby’s shit, will you? You’re a beautiful chick and I can’t get you out of my head. Comparing you to a fucking shit eatery isn’t acceptable. It’s like comparing the Sistine Chapel to my auntie’s house. Ain’t even close.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“As we dried off, Judd demanded, “Say you’re mine.”
The dark look in Judd’s eyes was intense. The angry tension in his expression made me feel like someone had doubted his right to me and he was proving them wrong.
“I’m yours forever.”
“I won’t let you go. Even if you want to leave, I won’t be able to let you leave.”
“Wait, are you threatening me?” I asked, squinting at him.
“I’m threatening the guy who tries to take you away.”
“What’s he like?” I teased, stepping away from his curious fingers. “How does he woo me from my man?”
“Who cares? He’ll be dead before he touches you.”
“Because I’m yours?” I said, backing up towards the bed. “Because I’ll always be yours?”
Watching me slide under the covers and hold them up for him, Judd gave me a soft smile. “You really are my angel.”
“And you’ll always be my knight.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“How will I choose?” she finally muttered.
“Pick something that doesn’t make you look like a slut. That’ll narrow it down,” Bailey said, now frowning at a headless mannequin wearing a tiny wedding dress with a long train. “Oh, and stay away from too much lace. Don’t want to look like someone’s grandma.”
A wide-eyed Farah looked at me as I took her hand. “This is fun. We’re going to look at them all and pick our favorites. Then, you’ll try them on and narrow them down. With so many to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect dress.”
“I just don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard.”
“You’re an idiot,” Bailey snorted. “Trying too hard to what?”
“Look fancy.”
“You’re wearing a fucking wedding dress. You’re supposed to look fancy. It’s not like you’re ever getting married again. If things don’t work out with Coop, he’ll never let you go. Nope, you’ll be heading for a shallow grave.” While Farah rolled her eyes, I stared at Bailey who shrugged. “Too honest?
“Is that a real question?”
Bailey grinned. “What I meant to say was Farah and Cooper are so fucking perfect for each other that they’ll never get divorced, so she should wear the fanciest damn dress she can find. It’s what I would do if I was once dirt poor and now had money.”
“Great effort, but you lost a little bit of your fake niceness at the end.”
Bailey grinned. “Great effort is still something.”
“Yes, it is,” I said, taking Farah’s hand. “Let’s start narrowing things down. I’ll show you a dress and you decide if it’s too poofy or not poofy enough. We’ll eventually hit the right level of poofy.”
Farah laughed. “I want a good amount of poofy. It’s rare that a girl can be poofy without looking stupid.”
“Maddy will be poofy no matter what she wears,” Bailey said as Maddy entered with Jodi and Sawyer. “I don’t even know how she can get a bridesmaid dress if she’s going to swell up more before the wedding.” Everyone frowned at Bailey who glanced at me then back at Maddy and added, “You’re swelling with the gift of life.”
Maddy laughed. “Was that you being nice?”
“That was me trying, yes.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Judd returned during the last hour of my Friday shift. Without seeing him coming as I wiped a table, I knew something was up because two large burly men flinched.
Turning, I found Judd moving fast towards me. Before I could speak, his hands cupped my face and his lips were on mine.
Murmuring at the deepening kiss, I tossed aside the wash towel and wrapped my arms around his waist. He felt like perfection.
Judd pulled away and stated to speak then his gaze focused on the two men watching us and smiling. His dark stare killed their enthusiasm and they returned to eating.
“Back less than a minute and you’re already losing me tips,” I teased, causing Judd to smile grudging. “You taste like peppermint.”
“I slept for shit and chewing gum keeps me alert.”
Caressing his lips, I couldn’t stop grinning. “You’re so fucking beautiful and you’re mine. How did that happen?”
Judd finally gave me a great smile. “I laid eyed on you and was done for.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“You tempt the devil,” he whispered then laid his head down and sighed. “Angels always do.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“After my shower, I found him shuffling cards he bought at the convenience store we stopped at before the hotel. Grinning, I sat across from him.
“You told me that you’re good at cards,” Judd said, recalling my reaction to passing a casino on the drive.
“I said I liked cards. I never claimed to be good.”
“The only people who like cards are gambling addicts and those who are good at it. You’re not an addict.”
“Do you like cards?” I asked while he dealt.
“Do you like me?” I asked softly, looking over my cards.
Judd never looked up from his hand. “I’m playing cards, ain’t I?”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Why did you call me angel this morning?”
Judd shook his head. “Doesn’t matter.”
“No one’s ever called me something pretty like that before.”
“You never had a guy call you anything nice?”
“Farah and I weren’t allowed to date.”
“If every kid listened to their parents, the world would be less crazy, but considerably less fun.”
“You ever try to sneak out of a motel room you share with your dad?”
“Can still have a boyfriend. Just harder to hook up.”
“Do you wish I had a boyfriend?”
Judd studied me in a soft way. “I wish you had someone to say sweet things to you.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Judd kissed me gently, comforting me with his touch. “I would die without you, angel. I would fucking lose the will to live. My old life wouldn’t be worth shit. Not now that I’ve seen what it could be.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“You like to say fucking a lot, don’t you?” I muttered while adding the sweatpants to the cart. “It’s like verbal salt. I enjoy sprinkling it on everything.” Smiling”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Life is about disappointments. Without the pain, how will we appreciate the good stuff?” “True.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Do you live in Ellsberg?” I asked as he flipped from channel to channel too quickly to really be looking for anything to watch.
“Did you grow up there?”
“Do you like it there?”
“Do you think I’ll like it there?”
“Your sister is shacked up with the prince of the fucking place. I’m sure you’ll live a pretty sweet life in Ellsberg.”
“Are the people friendly there?”
“Not really. Maybe two percent of the people are.”
“So the other ninety eight percent are like you?”
Judd grinned. “Sounds about right. You should fit in.”
“How am I not friendly?”
“You got a look about you. Like the little girl act is a con and you’ll shiv me while I sleep.”
“It’s getting late, so I guess we’ll see.”
Smiling growing, he watched the TV, instead of me. “I’m sleeping in here next to my weapons and keeping one eye open. You best mess someone else, little girl.”
“I’m not feeling great, so I’ll probably wait to shiv you until I’m up to all the laughing and pointing I’ll want to do after I get the drop on you.”
Judd laughed. “You would mock me afterwards, wouldn’t you?”
“Of course. You’re a big guy. Fast and strong too. If I take you down, I’m totally enjoying the triumph.”
“Good for you,” he said quietly, a smile on his lips and a strange look in his eyes.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Life is about disappointments. Without the pain, how will we appreciate the good stuff?”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Everything about you makes me crazy,” he said, thrusting harder. “I can’t think of anything without you at the edges. Everything I see is a reminder of you. My life was empty, yet sufficient a month ago. Now, it’s pointless without you.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“You saved me, Judd. Months ago and that night in the rain and the day in the woods and today and every day we’re together, you always save me. You’re my knight.”
Giving me a heartbreakingly beautiful smile, Judd took my hand. “And you’re my angel.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Walking to him, I gave him my best smile. “With you, I feel safer than I’ve ever felt. Even in that room full of bikers, I felt like I would be okay because you were with me. I really believed you’d use Cooper as a shield to protect me.”
Judd laughed. “I would so shove his ass in front of you to take a bullet. He knows it too. It’s why he’s not being a bitch about our relationship anymore. He knows I’m not fucking you. I’m…”
Unable to finish, Judd just stared into my eyes and I hoped that look meant what I thought it did. Instead of talking about feelings, Judd handed me the gun and showed me the basics.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight
“Tucker entered the room and sighed. “Maddy’s a hormonal mess. Can’t wait until she pops the kid out and we’re done with that moody shit.”
“I think chicks are still moody after they pop them out,” Cooper said, studying me. “Judd thinks Tawny can figure out our mole.”
“Is she psychic?”
Glancing at Tucker, I smiled. “You haven’t gotten laid in days. You know you did something wrong, but you don’t know what and Maddy won’t tell you. Instead of just asking, you decided she’s hormonal. Maybe you oughta ask and end the suspense, Tuck?”
Tucker grinned. “Bring her so we can kill the mole and clean this shit up before Pop decides our balls ain’t big enough to take over.”
Cooper sighed. “What about Farah?”
Judd chewed on a piece of bacon and glanced at me. “Tell her Tawny is your assistant. Farah knows her sister can read people. If you don’t find the mole soon, it’s going to affect her too.”
Leaning back against a desk, Cooper crossed his muscular arms and stared at me. “What did you tell her?” he asked Judd, even though his eyes remained on me.
“Fuck,” Cooper muttered. “Fine, but if there’s trouble, we get her out of the way.”
Judd rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t planning on using my woman as a shield, boss. I’d let them shoot you before I let anything happen to her.”
Cooper smirked. “I’m glad I never got all stupid and whipped like you are now.”
Laughing so hard at his brother’s bullshit, Tucker both farted and burped. Soon, everyone was laughing.”
Bijou Hunter, Damaged and the Knight

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