Plastic Fantastic Quotes

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Plastic Fantastic Plastic Fantastic by Simon Cheshire
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Plastic Fantastic Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7
“How can you claim to have a passionate interest in something, and then make no effort to properly understand it?”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic
“You can't be like pop stars, but you can be part of their story. You can be their fan.”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic
“Music is very personal. It means different things to different people. To you it means belonging. To me it means knowing I exist.”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic
“I suppose what I mean is, I never felt like I was part of a gang. No, that's the wrong word. Part of a MOVEMENT! That's it. It feels like there's a swirling, shining wind of change sweeping right at you, sweeping over everyone, and you're inside it. It feels like there is something that transcends you, that goes beyond whatever you are, that is great and whole and good. Great, because when it all comes together it's so much more than all its individual pieces. Whole because you're part of it and if you weren't, then both you and it would be diminished. Good because at its core is pure talent and skill, like you know you'll never have yourself.”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic
“There are some moments you feel like you'll remember forever. Rare, still moments when everything is NOW, as if everything has been stopped and hushed so that you can take it all in. When things are just as they should be, and everyone is one your side, and the whole world makes sense [...] Suddenly, there's peace, perfection, happiness. In that one, tiny moment of time.”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic
“For a moment, my eyes shift focus to the glass wall beside her and I see my reflection. There stands Dominic Smith, whose tinted specs make him look dead cool, thank you very much, although the scraggy black hair manages to spoil the effect. My hair stages more uprisings than a nineteenth-century revolutionary. I inherited it from my dad. Thanks, Dad.”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic
tags: humor
“Gran follows recipes by looking at picture—to the eye, delicious; to the tongue, boiled socks. Makes you wanna cry really.”
Simon Cheshire, Plastic Fantastic