Oedipus Rex Quotes

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Oedipus Rex  (The Theban Plays, #1) Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
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Oedipus Rex Quotes Showing 1-30 of 112
“To throw away an honest friend is, as it were, to throw your life away”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“I have no desire to suffer twice, in reality and then in retrospect.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Fear? What has a man to do with fear? Chance rules our lives, and the future is all unknown. Best live as we may, from day to day.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Time, which sees all things, has found you out.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“How dreadful the knowledge of the truth can be
When there’s no help in truth.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Alas, how terrible is wisdom
when it brings no profit to the man that's wise!
This I knew well, but had forgotten it,
else I would not have come here.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“The tyrant is a child of Pride
Who drinks from his sickening cup
Recklessness and vanity,
Until from his high crest headlong
He plummets to the dust of hope.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Oblivion - what a blessing...for the mind to dwell a world away from pain.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“The truth is what I cherish and that's my strength”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
tags: truth
“...count no man happy till he dies, free of pain at last.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“How terrible-- to see the truth when the truth is only pain to him who sees!”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“All my care is you, and all my pleasure yours.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“In time you will know this well: For time, and time alone, will show the just man, though scoundrels are discovered in a day. ”
Sophocles, Sophocles: Oedipus Rex (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
“Let every man in mankind's frailty consider his last day; and let none presume on his good fortune until he find Life, at his death, a memory without pain.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“The pain we inflict upon ourselves hurt most of all.”
Sophocles, Oedipus the King
“Those who jump to conclusions may go wrong.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Weep not, everything must have its day.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Never honor the gods in one breath and take the gods for fools the next.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Whatever is sought for can be caught, you know, whatever is neglected slips away.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Give me a life wherever there is an opportunity to live, and better life than was my father's.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“It's perfect justice: natures like yours are hardest on themselves.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Despite so many ordeals, my advanced age and the nobility of my soul make me conclude that all is well.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“They are dying, the old oracles sent to Laius, now our masters strike them off the rolls. Nowhere Apollo's golden glory now -- the gods, the gods go down.”
Sophocles, Oedipus The King
“Whose tale more sad than thine, whose lot more dire? O Oedipus, discrowned head, Thy cradle was thy marriage bed.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“And if you find I've lied, from this day on call the prophet blind.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“In matters where I have no cognizance
I hold my tongue.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“It is but sorrow to be wise when wisdom profits not.”
Sophocles, The Oedipus Tyrannus
“(...) I, for one, prize less
The name of king than deeds of kingly power;
And so would all who learn in wisdom’s school.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“I am free! for I have in me the strength of truth.”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“What is God singing in his profound Delphi of gold and shadow?”
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

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