Appealed Quotes

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Appealed (The Legal Briefs, #3) Appealed by Emma Chase
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Appealed Quotes Showing 1-30 of 42
“You have the maturity of a 14-year-old boy!“ Kennedy hisses.
"And you have the chest of one.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“What if the reason I’ve never let myself fall in love with a woman is because I didn’t have anything to give? Because I’d already given my heart to her when we were seventeen years old? And all these years…I’ve just been waiting for her to come back to me with it.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I am in love with you. When I look at you, think about you, I can’t decide if I want to fuck you, strangle you, or just hold you in my arms. Usually all three. And if that’s not love, I don’t know what is” … “You’re everything I’ve been searching for, before I even knew I was looking.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“There are few words in the English language that are capable of grabbing immediate and undivided attention. Fire is one. Bingo is pretty high on the list. I'm going to come is my personal favorite. But, much like the One Ring, my water broke rules them all.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“The ride is the only thing that makes the fall worth it.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“It's scary, I know. Giving someone that kind of power over you – accepting that your happiness will forever hinge on theirs. But it's worth it.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“How would you react if it was her walking into the lion’s den?”
Jake’s voice is low and lethally calm. “Chelsea can walk into any damn den she wants. Because I am the lion. And I’d make sure I was with her.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“What'd you do to your face?" she asks, folding her arms. I touch my chin. "I grew a beard." "Well ungrow it. It looks like a vagina from a 1970s porn film.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
tags: humor
“What’s your nickname?”
She frowns, trying to figure it out. “Because your middle name is Charles?”
I shake my head and tell her with the straightest face, “Big Cock.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Now that she’s back, here where I can see her and touch her, where I can talk to her and tease her, maybe even one day make her smile – there’s no fucking way I’m letting her go ever again.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I’ve never forgotten you, sweetheart. Not even close.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I want to figure her out, to learn every part of her – the soft curves, the sharp edges, the dark, shadowy corners she tries so hard to hide. I want to break down her doors, climb her ivory tower. I want to slay all her fucking dragons.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“If I could go back and change all of that, I would. But this is where we are now. We have to move forward. I’m in love with you. And if it takes awhile for you to wrap your head around that – to wrap your heart around it – then I’ll wait. Because you’re worth waiting for. You always were.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“You might want to grab some popcorn. Because a good lawyer could argue with himself. Two attorneys going head to head is like a verbal MMA cage match with no rules.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Brent…” She gasps, fingers running through my hair. “This is real. Tell me this is real.”
My eyes jerk up to hers and I cup her jaw in one hand. “It’s real. This is so real I can’t stop shaking.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Fuck off!”
I used to have a way with women.
If the word fuck came out to play, it was always followed by me and then words like harder, please, and my friend, more.
Those were the days.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Insults are our flirting. Arguing is our foreplay. One time, she was so worked up she hauled off and took a swing at me – and my reaction was a boner that wouldn’t be denied.
It’s not as twisted as it sounds. It works for us.”
emma chase, Appealed
“She looks me straight in the face. “I could never be with someone like you – you have the maturity of a twelve-year-old boy.”
I raise my glass. “And you have the chest of one.”
I expect her to come back with a clever, biting retort, but she just gestures to me with an open palm. “I rest my case.”
Ironically, my first instinct is to stick my tongue out at her. But I won’t give her the satisfaction.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I don't know how women do it. I don't know how they even like any of us – a significant portion of the male population deserves to have their dicks cut off. And don't think I say that lightly.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I have money. I have properties I didn't buy, cars and carpets, antiques and jewels-and none of them means a damn to me if I don't have her. So-give me a number.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Challenge rises in her eyes. “You’re assuming I actually liked you to begin with. You know what they say about people who assume, ass.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I thought for sure you were about to ravish her. I've read a lot of books, and that was just like a scene that ends with the hero ravishing the maiden."
"I was closer to strangling her."
The little old lady chuckles in a knowing kind of way. "That's a different kind of book, sonny.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I’m not going to let us fall this time, Kennedy.”
Her eyes are back on my chest. “I’m not sure--”
“All you have to do is take my hand.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I take my time raising my eyes to hers. There’s a difference between pity and compassion, and I’ve had twenty-two years of practice in noting the distinction. Pity is feeling sorry for someone, while being glad you’re not them. Compassion is a shared pain—you hurt with them; their pain becomes your own.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“You planned this all along, didn’t you?” Screwing me silly, lulling me into a false sense of security so I’ll drop my guard and you can win the case,” she hisses.
She moves to hop off the bed but I grab her arm. “You think my cock is powerful enough to turn you stupid? Aw, precious, that’s really flattering.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I want to figure her out, to learn every part of her – the soft curves, the sharp edges, the dark, shadowy corners she tries so hard to hide. I want to break down her doors, climb her ivory tower. I want to slay all her fucking dragons.
She probably won’t appreciate it at first – but eventually she’ll come around. It’ll be great.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“This is... beautiful, Brent. Thank you."
"That smile is all the thanks I need.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Brent and I are . . . friends.”
And fuck me, the benefits are fantastic”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“I march forward, pushing and elbowing my way through the crowd. “Pardon me. Excuse me. Coming through.”
Finally, I reach the unhappy couple. I nod to Prince. “How’s it going, Dave?”
He looks a little confused. “Uh . . . fine, thanks.”
Then I scoop Kennedy up into my arms—and I run.
The element of surprise is on our side, several moments pass before anyone behind us thinks to react.
“What are you doing?” Kennedy squeaks.
“Saving you.”
For a horrible second, I think maybe she didn’t want to be saved. Until her arms tighten around my neck and her body presses closer. “Hurry. They’re coming.”
I pick up the pace and smile. “Relax. I’ve got you.”
Emma Chase, Appealed
“Okaaay. Time to go, peanut.”
“Go? But I like it here! It’s fun.”
I sweep her into my arms. Even at dead weight, she feels like nothing. “It’s all fun and games until someone gets a concussion.”
Emma Chase, Appealed

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