The Look of Amie Martine Quotes

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The Look of Amie Martine (The Amie Series, #1) The Look of Amie Martine by Laurie Perez
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The Look of Amie Martine Quotes Showing 1-25 of 25
“I chose to live in the Ether, to be starlight and legend....”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“There’s no matter here you can’t re-matter into love.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Now, what’s stirring in this murky sea of complexity and foolishness is an almost suffocating need to breathe fresh history.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“It's a curse to have traumas imprinted in our wiring, to accept that what we fear and grieve and impale ourselves upon from day to day defines the way we translate the chemistry of emotions into a fixed identity wired for suffering.

It's also a marvelous asset, our malleability. When the imprinting experience is loving, exciting, rich and worthy of our more expansive nature, we align pleasurably with harmony and bliss.

But let's face it, we're humans.

Disasters entertain our brains far more than comforts, ease and joy ever will.

No one straps into the ride for the smoothness of it all going well.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Corporeal reality is much more rich and precious than we realize. It feels good to have a body, to surge on currents of emotion, to have nerve endings, mitochondria in our cells, tangible focused energy, the embodiment of light — given a voice.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Crossing the Atlantic on that new day was supposed to be a sharp delineation, a from-now-on demarcation in my life story. What I took off from was not supposed to arrive with me upon landing or ever pulse in me again. From the ocean and sky and the hours in flight, I intended to extract a selective, permanent amnesia.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“His eyes spark with revolutions, enlightened trickery and unconditional affection.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“The chaos, the organized, instrumental fear and pestilence was everywhere, and still he was in love with his existence. In. Love. With the whole mad mess, the goldenness, the ripening young psyche of the world.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“This is no ordinary gallery; a stellar infinity impeccably well-organized to harbor spontaneity.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“A track I’ve always liked by Mogwai goes on a loop while I pour a second glass of Reyka. This time it tastes of lava fields and thermal springs, aromatic alcohol evaporating stale thoughts, familiar and foreign. Something unnamed is melting, germinating, potentiating the currents of tomorrow across frozen, unpopulated dreamscapes.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“IN HIS PRESENCE, I FEEL OUR AXIS RECALIBRATING. Where North was once —and for eons — the assigned pull of the Earth, in Sunny’s universe, all magnets drive us South. Or West. Or deep into the core because that’s more interesting to him. He’s a world-creator; he doesn’t walk from A to B the way most humans do, seeing what’s provided then dealing with, lamenting or pondering it. He creates what he wants and when you walk a path with him, you get shaped and reinvented, too. Not against your will, but more in tune with aspects of it, unfolding into the potential of a secret craving, fully funded.

~Amie, getting to know Sunny in The LOOK”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Not in the sense of confessionals and shameful deeds, but in the sense of self-loathing translated into madness. The sin of a psyche revolting against its own free will, tagging every human interaction with scarring scabs of meanness while inwardly cowering from inadequacy and fear.

This sin has been imposed on him and he bought into it, which in itself is the most sinful fall from grace a human being can take.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“At the last minute, he broke the rule and he looked. He was so rapt in his view of the light at the end of the tunnel, he got excited, tuned up, he got crazy nervous and for a second he wavered in his confidence and he looked! To confirm or affirm or just firm up,’ students laughing ‘his manly love for her and in that motion of divine stupidity, he killed her dead forever with a glance. Hades ripped her back into his den and that was, proverbially, that.’

A girl across from me says bitterly, ‘No second, second chance for Orpheus.’

‘He was fucked,’ D continues, nodding. ‘Not because the gods were heartless, but because he fucked up. The guilt of that. Can you imagine? Spent the rest of his pathetic days wallowing, lamenting, composing (or was it decomposing?) heartbreaking tunes upon his lyre, dissolving in grief and music and art, never being the least bit happy or lovable. The saddest sap of all. How do we tell a story like that without being sappy? Oh woe! How do we shape into lines our most harrowing mistakes and losses without drenching them in sticky poetic sap?”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“I’ve been traveling in a cocoon. It’s meant to rip apart.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Sometimes we get lost inside the process. In acting, Amie, it’s almost self-destructive, how much we care. How much of the world I let in and choose to feel. It can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“The sensuality of her grief, thawing. Her power coming into focus, still so chaotic inside her. I love the way she splurged on this hedonistic indulgence: a public cascade of tears. Not sobbing, not beaten, just allowing the ocean inside to surge and be visible, palpable, wet.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“We’re the ones who’ve chosen this role in life, to be taproots sucking on the juice of human consciousness.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“I’m fearless as long as my eyes are open. It doesn’t matter if I belong here or if I never truly gel with humanity. I’m in this game because it’s rich and I’m not going to bed tonight because who knows how much longer I’ll have to spend these endless coins of enlightenment.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“It’s neutral creative territory; it’s where we meet when we really want to connect and elevate the game. We’re not here to impose our brand on each other, but to experience, like embodied spiritual hedonists, the richness of what it means to be — well, what it means to exist, period.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“The scene is grim, a dank corridor rising out of Elysium, back to human climes and textures. I feel the man sensing what he’s done and the catastrophic change in the air around him. Grief as swift as a blade that cuts the cord of your innocence but leaves you stranded, still alive and pulsing while she stays stuck in death. Or did she? Now I’m chasing down Eurydice as she disappears into that tunnel. The story of Orpheus no longer interests me; I’ve been there, done that.
What I want to know is how she took it, what she wanted to happen in that moment.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“there, inside
the round, acidic aspirin dissolving
in your brain — this vital flagrancy emerged:

I’ve not come from nowhere to be nothing”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“This,” The Actor turns to indicate me, one arm casually wrapped around his good friend’s shoulder, “is the secret weapon I was telling you about. Amie Martine.”

“Amie,” he takes my hand, “you look surprised.”

“I’m sorry,” my smile’s so nonstop, it’s mechanically difficult to speak, “I guess, when he said ‘producer,’ I—”

“—didn’t picture me?”

“I’m guilty. Of thinking of you as an actor first.”

“Me, too.” His smile antes mine, then wins the bet. “I’m always an actor at heart. That’s who I am. You got it absolutely right.”

Compelling dark brown eyes with hints of golden amber. His body conducts such radiance, I’m sure the circuits in this room have all been blown by the solar flares in his present emanation.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“This. Is where you ARE. Be active in what you’ve got, not suckling some prescribed monastic salvation belonging to another era that isn’t yours.

Start living all these luminous philosophies in the down-n-dirty texture of the real world for others to see and trip over and align with. Try not segregating yourself so much, limiting your choices to one world or the other.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Light, Amie, can be blinding when it first comes on. Lasers can be deadly, even when streaming from benevolence. We need perspective. We need it to seem wiser than us, tested and tempered by time.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine
“Even as grief flickers in me, I feel something like a first kiss happening — a meeting with someone dearly amazing, life-changing, lucky....”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine