A Map of Days Quotes

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A Map of Days (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children, #4) A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs
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A Map of Days Quotes Showing 1-30 of 45
“All my life, normal people had mostly baffled me-the ridiculous ways they strove to impress one another, the mediocre goals that seemed to drive them, the banality of their dreams. The way people rejected anything that didn’t fit their narrow paradigm of acceptability, as if those who thought or acted or dressed or dreamed differently from them were a threat to their very existence.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Maybe. Maybe there was a way. And then things could be so good.
My brain was a hope-making machine.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“There´s always use in fighting,” said Emma. “Especially when it makes terrible people cry.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“It felt like we were claiming the world for ourselves and our lives as our own.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Good gravy,” said Elmer. “You’re getting a real crash course, then.”
“That’s for sure.”
“It’s definitely more crash than course,” said Enoch.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Travel is crucial to one’s development,” said Miss Peregrine, her tone strangely defensive. “Until they have traveled, even the most educated person is ignorant.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“War is a germ that can rarely be contained.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“I thought I’d never understand boys,” said Bronwyn, shaking her head. “But now I think I’ve got it. They’re all idiots!”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“I never claimed being peculiar was easy," she said after a moment. " There are many unpleasant and difficult things about being one of us. Learning how to negotiate a world of people who can't understand you and don't want to--that's probably the hardest bit. Many find it impossible and retreat into loops. But I never saw that for you. You've got a really special talent, and I don't mean your facility with hollowgast. You're a shape-shifter of sorts, Jacob, able to move easily between worlds. You were never meant to be tied to just one home, or one family. You'll have many, like your grandfather did.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“I think I'm in love.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“It's a brave new world, Mr. Portman, And we'll be right behind you.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“You're getting overwhelmed," said Emma. "Big tasks always seem that way if you try and figure out every little piece of them beforehand. We have to take it bit by bit.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“it’s a lot of cheese.” “It’s the pinnacle of human achievement,” he declared seriously. “I thought Britain was an empire. But this—this—is world domination!”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Decades of being depended on had made her practical to the core, but neither the responsibility nor the weight of years she carried had managed to snuff out the girlish spark that lit her so brightly from the inside. She was both hard and soft. sour and sweet, old and young. That she could contain so much was what I loved most about her. Her soul was bottomless.”
ransom riggs, A Map of Days
“The past is so much less terrifying than the future. Even the most terrible era of the past is at least knowable. It can be studied. The world survived it. But in the present, one never knows when the whole world could come to a terrible, crashing end.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“the Mel-O-Dee Restaurant, an old-school diner out on US 41, that had been serving greasy burgers and blue plate specials since God was a child (or 1936, which was close enough).”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Travel is crucial to one’s development,” said Miss Peregrine, her tone strangely defensive. “Until they have traveled, even the most educated person is ignorant. It’s important the children learn that our society is not the center of the peculiar universe.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“School cafeterias had long ranked among my least favorite places on the planet. They were loud, ugly, they stank, and they were filled—as this one was—with cliques of anxious teenagers swirling around in a complex social dance I could never quite figure out the steps to.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“They say it takes seven years for all the cells in your body to replace themselves. It doesn’t happen all at once, of course. You get an entirely new skin every three weeks. New blood every six months. A new liver every few years. Life changes are like that, too: Some parts of your life can change enormously while others seem frozen in amber.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“You caused quite a stir around here, you know that? Ruffled a lot of feathers.”
“My friends and I didn’t mean to upset anyone. Really.”
“I’m not saying you did a bad thing. Sometimes feathers need to be ruffled.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“But luck isn’t something you can depend upon, and my mistake was thinking I could dive in again and everything would work out somehow.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Sometimes imperfect situations must be tolerated in order to achieve a greater good.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“No fui lejos, sólo a dar la vuelta al perímetro del patio. Caminaba despacio, contemplando el despejado firmamento salpicado ahora por un billón de estrellas. También las estrellas eran viajeras del tiempo. ¿Cuántos de aquellos puntos luminosos eran los últimos ecos de soles ya desaparecidos? ¿Y cuántas nuevas estrellas habían nacido pero su luz todavía no llegaba hasta nosotros? Si todos los soles, excepto el nuestro, colisionan esa noche, ¿Cuántas generaciones tendrían que transcurrir hasta que nos diéramos cuenta de que nos habíamos quedado solos? Siempre había sabido que el cielo estaba lleno de incógnitas... pero nunca habría imaginado lo misteriosa que podía ser la Tierra.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“War is a germ that can rarely be contained. It would surely spread.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Nobody in this world just wants to help.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“That would accomplish nothing. The past – “
“I know, I know, the past heals itself.”
“The past? Is nothing but an open wound.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“My God. What kind of country is this?”
“A cruel one.”
“Is there any other kind?”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“But now that we’re in the present, it’s different. I’m getting older, and for the first time since I can remember, every day I live is one I’ll never live again. So, I’m going to take at least one picture every day to remember it by. Even if it’s not very good.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Our worth is measured by how we treat the people we love – something my grandfather used to say – and the blunt truth was that I loved my peculiar family more.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days
“Everyone must be allowed to air their ideas, even if they are misguided.”
Ransom Riggs, A Map of Days

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