Betrayal of Justice Quotes

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Betrayal of Justice (Zachary Blake Betrayal, #2) Betrayal of Justice by Mark M. Bello
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Betrayal of Justice Quotes Showing 1-30 of 58
“As John finished his speech, Zack couldn’t help but wonder how a country that had been served by a brilliant and inclusive president for eight years now chose to elect a narcissistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic racist with no experience in government.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“In the midst of all of this local peace and harmony, a man named Ronald John was now the President-elect of the United States. He campaigned on a platform that promised to “rid America of the Muslim scourge.” What does this mean? Arya pondered. Does this man seriously intend to engage in the process of deporting all Muslims, whether here legally or illegally, whether citizens or non-citizens? Isn’t that unconstitutional? Arya Khan was inspirited and . . . terrified.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Where is the sense of outrage for our Muslim neighbors, Dearborn citizens all? Should we not feel the same sense of violation and shock even though these worshipers pray to a different version of God than we do?”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Change was, indeed, possible, one person at a time.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“We will make America safe again. We will make America strong again. We will put America first again. We will make America secure again. We will make America prosperous again. We will make America pure again.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“My message to the person or persons who did this: You can burn buildings, even destroy them. You can attack people who are, perhaps, weaker than you. But you cannot destroy faith. You cannot destroy resolve.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Perhaps we don’t pray the same as our Christian brothers and sisters do, but many men and women of God believe, regardless of our religion or our religious differences, we all pray to the same God. I have never read such evil thoughts. How does someone who writes such hateful words have the unmitigated gall to call himself a Christian?”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“When it was over, Goodman won the popular vote, but John won the decisive Electoral College and the presidency. Gerrymandering played a prominent role in the shocking result.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“The ages of individual Supreme Court Justices were of significant concern to Zack, as were the nominations President John would make if these elderly Supreme Court Justices retired or passed away. Zack smiled to himself and wished the justices good health and long life.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“We conclude this joyous ceremony with the traditional breaking of the glass. The fragility of this glass suggests the frailty of human relationships. The glass is broken to protect this marriage with prayer . . . May your bond of love be as difficult to break as it would be to put together the pieces of this glass.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“When the address was over, Blackwell stood at attention, saluted, and shouted aloud at the television. “God bless you, Mr. President!” The John victory was a victory for all white nationalists. “Make America pure again? Hell yeah!” he and his friends cheered.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“But did guys like Dylan care about her people? Or did he believe, like many others, the victims had it coming? Arya compared the situation to a rape accusation by someone who was sexually promiscuous. She was asking for it, wasn’t she? In this case, Muslims were asking for it, weren’t they? ”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“If he is anti-Muslim, Noah reasoned, then he is probably an anti-Semite and a racist, too. What sites would he migrate to online? Noah logged in and opened Safari. He entered “anti-Semite, racist, anti-Muslim” on the search line and clicked ‘return.’ He was surprised to see how much animosity and bigotry there was in the world. Before his eyes was a smorgasbord of hate.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Out of two different and distinct traditions, Jennifer and Zachary have come together to learn the best of what each has to offer, appreciating their differences, and confirming that being together is far better than permitting religious differences to keep them apart. As we bless this marriage under the chuppah, we will also light a unity candle, the Christian symbol of two people becoming one in marriage . . .”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“We must learn to celebrate, not fight over, our differences. A pluralistic society requires no less, and the world will be a vastly better place if we can find a way to embrace this simple truth.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“This is what I do. More than that, this is who I am. When I see injustice, I am compelled to seek justice. When I see a wrong, I try to right it.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“So, you decided to act like Angela Lansbury and solve crimes for the police?”
“Who’s Angela Lansbury?” Arya wondered.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“This is a constitutional democracy, not a dictatorship. Unchecked power, even if well-intentioned, is the reason the geniuses that founded our democracy set it up the way they did.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“America does not need to be made ‘pure’ again, at least, not in the context President John invokes. America’s purity exists not in the isolation of its diverse people, but in the embracing of all people as one, dedicated to the proposition, as the Declaration of Independence states, that all are created equal.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“If these were normal times, I could tell you, with absolute certainty, these proceedings are unconstitutional and will be dismissed or withdrawn. But these are not normal times. For the first time in my lifetime, we have a president who I consider openly bigoted.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“A horrible year in which faith was tested and justice was betrayed transitioned into a new year, one filled with the joyful and tangible rebirth of love, justice, faith, and, as Allah willed it, salaam. Peace.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“If we could all see racial or religious differences from the eyes of a child.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Have you read about Timothy McVey in school?”
“The Oklahoma bomber guy?” Kenny boasted, with pride he knew the answer.
“Yeah, the Oklahoma bomber guy. He was Christian. Does the fact he was a Christian and a terrorist make all Christians terrorists?” Zack queried.
“Of course not,” Kenny agreed, as if the question was ridiculous.
“Of course not,” Zack mimicked. “So why then, if a terrorist is Muslim, are we so quick to assume all Muslims are terrorists?”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Why should we hate or trash someone because of his or her faith? After all, religion, regardless of how it is practiced or who is practicing it, is supposed to be a good thing, right? Religion can just as easily be used as a force for evil rather than a force for good. Since we know this to be true, doesn’t this present us with opportunity? Shouldn’t we seize the moment to be more tolerant of each other’s beliefs, so hatred is not victorious in this moral battle?”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Being different makes all of us more interesting and gives us each something to learn about another.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“If you have been intolerant, unkind or hurtful, you can ask God’s forgiveness, but wouldn’t it be better if you seek forgiveness and understanding from the victim or victims of your intolerance or hurtfulness?”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“I look forward to proving you wrong and making a fool out of you, Farhad.”
“I shall look forward to the making of a fool, sir,” Farhad quipped. He was tired of this nonsense, president or not.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Our mosque was bombed. Our community members were threatened with deportation, and one of our own has been framed for a murder she didn’t commit. And . . . we are the terrorists?”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice
“Now, the good news is the government of this great country has three branches for a reason.”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice

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