Tao of Jeet Kune Do Quotes

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Tao of Jeet Kune Do Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee
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Tao of Jeet Kune Do Quotes Showing 1-30 of 52
“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Not being tense but ready.
Not thinking but not dreaming.
Not being set but flexible.
Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement.
It is being wholly and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
tags: zen
“Using no way as a way, having no limitation as limitation.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“All knowledge leads to self-knowledge.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“In Buddhism, there is no place for using effort. Just be ordinary and nothing special. Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water and when you're tired go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“If you think a thing is impossible,you'll only make it impossible.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Bring the mind into sharp focus and make it alert so that it can immediately intuit truth, which is everywhere. The mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought processes and even ordinary thought itself.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“It is compassion rather than the principle of justice which can guard us against being unjust to our fellow men.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Effort within the mind further limits the mind, because effort implies struggle towards a goal and when you have a goal, a purpose, an end in view, you have placed a limit on the mind.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Relationship is understanding. It is a process of self-revelation. Relationship is the mirror in which you discover yourself -- to be is to be related.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow -- you are not understanding yourself.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“I'm moving and not moving at all. I'm like the moon underneath the waves that ever go on rolling and rocking. It is not, "I am doing this," but rather, an inner realization that "this is happening through me," or "it is doing this for me." The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“...we have more faith in what we imitate than in what we originate. We cannot derive a sense of absolute certitude from anything which has its roots in us. The most poignant sense of insecurity comes from standing alone and we are not alone when we imitate. It is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Voidness is that which stands right in the middle between this and that. The void is all-inclusive, having no opposite--there is nothing which it excludes or opposes. It is living void, because all forms come out of it and whoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all beings.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Using no way as way. Having no limitation as your only limitation.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Having totality means being capable of following "what is," because "what is" is constantly moving and constantly changing. If one is anchored to a particular view, one will not be able to follow the swift movement of "what is.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Simplicity is the shortest distance between two points.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“The perfect way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth are set apart; if you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between “for” and “against” is the mind’s worst disease.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“To see a thing uncolored by one’s own personal preferences and desires is to see it in its own pristine simplicity.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Give up thinking as though not giving it up. Observe techniques as though not observing.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“The attitude, “You can win if you want to badly enough,” means that the will to win is constant. No amount of punishment, no amount of effort, no condition is too “tough” to take in order to win. Such an attitude can be developed only if winning is closely tied to the practitioner’s ideals and dreams.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“...good technique includes quick changes, great variety and speed. It may be a system of reversals much like a concept of God and the Devil. In the speed of events, which one is really in charge?...to put the heart of martial arts inyour own heart and have it be a part of you means total comprehension and the use of a free style. When you have that you will know that there are no limits.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Jeet Kune Do, you see, has no definite lines or boundaries — only those you make yourself.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“There is “what is” only when there is no comparing and to live with “what is” is to be peaceful.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“Use no way as way, make no limitation, limitation.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
“The martial arts are based upon understanding, hard work and a total comprehension of skills. Power training and the use of force are easy, but total comprehension of all of the skills of the martial arts is very difficult to achieve.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do: New Expanded Edition
“To understand techniques, you must learn that they contain a lot of condensed movement.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do: New Expanded Edition

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