A Candid Aim Quotes

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A Candid Aim A Candid Aim by Aida Mandic
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A Candid Aim Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“Lush scenery of the Lion’s hair
Illuminates the Regal Cat on High Chair
All those who come Across
The Outspoken jungle Boss
Seem to unanimously agree
It is better to cheer than to Flee”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“Lush scenery of the Lion’s hair
Illuminates the Regal Cat on High Chair
All those who come Across
The Outspoken jungle Boss
Seem to unanimously agree
It is better to cheer than to Flee”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“I was born to soar
in the clear skies,
chosen by fate
to fight for a life
that is true. I was
born to roar, with
a sense for justice, and
eyes that penetrate
in a manner that is
powerful and intense.
I was born wanting more
than just what was handed
to me on the obvious plate.”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“Living for the Approval Rating
Of Hypocrites and Tools
Makes one an Honorary Member of Fools”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“The angry father yells
To awaken a dreamer from her spell
But she wasn't born to be tamed, so you see
Her religion is passion that makes history
And as sure as night will turn into day
She will fight to find her way”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“i’m made of magic and madness
iron fist in a silk glove
and when i can’t bear sadness
that’s when i turn to love”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“we could stay in America
put up with agony and despair
or go back to Bosnia
no one promised it would be fair

how much more suffering am i supposed to take
how many more beatings until i finally awake
if you’re never placed in situations that make you doubt your faith
how will you ever come to know what makes the heart leap and grow”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“it’s fascinating to note
how some people treat you
when they think that
nobody relevant is watching them”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“not everything i think or feel
is going to be socially acceptable
i’m sick of watering things down
making them more digestible

i’ll roll the dice
i’ll take my chances
being politically correct
isn’t my definition of respect

i’ll shout this only once
and you’ll begin to believe
i’ll shout this only today
i’m not what i seem”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“I want to discover something new
a different way of interpreting humanity perspective is a kind of augmented reality that teaches us to change our view”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“I want to discover something new
a different way of interpreting humanity
perspective is a kind of augmented reality
that teaches us to change our view”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“I'm not sure how you gather such strength
If you weren't my Mom, I wouldn't be the same
When everything seems to go against you
You are queen of the universe, a confident dame”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“My Mom is an amazing lady who has conquered much
She always makes me feel like I'm worth the world
I hope that she carries this song forever in her heart
Because distance will never manage to keep us apart”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“The patient mother waits
The sad poet changes fates
The determined lightning is scared to be free
The opened boxes each demand a certain fee
They know their value, and ask for a price
Waiting to see whether you'll roll the dice”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“This spirit knows nothing of bounds
It soars despite numerous obstacles
This spirit will use earthly grounds
And make achievement top priority
This spirit transforms night into day
To brighten the streets we all walk
The strength of my spirit will forever say
What my heart believes to be true”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“Touch the paper and hear the sound,
Of my values system in clear view
Of what helps me to leave the ground,
Of the ideas that shape my mind and soul,
Of visions that manage to keep me whole.
Even though I am often misunderstood
I will promise this to you all –
As long as there is blood in my veins
And a heart beating within my chest
I will push forward with the knowledge
That I have done my absolute best.”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“Limits are illusions that live in our mind
Limits are struggles that we will often find
Limits are questions that we are scared to ask
Limits are boundaries that hide in our social mask”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“the more that they sought to bring me down
the more i fought to rise above
gaining tremendous will power and drive
i have never felt more alive

sometimes the events that scare us
remind us of what is important
life has become my favorite drink
because every moment has a link”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“iconic women travel the world
charming others with their beauty
their distinct personality leaves a mark
on everyone who is around
because a warm and genuine smile
has a special kind of style”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“schools want students to conform
rewarding an outdated art form
but innovators have their place
helping transform the human race”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“By staying true to yourself
You will discover what makes a person whole
History written down in your heart’s scroll”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“I dream of a better tomorrow, tomorrow is already here
Tomorrow summons yesterday, to make our path clear
The way towards happiness is to avoid senseless fear
And cherish the things that make our heart feel dear”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“MashAllah! I thank Allah for Giving me
A Generous portion of Goodness, all for Free
I long to spread my knowledge with Glee
Take everyone on a miraculous carpet ride to Spiritual Sea”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“if perceptions are an experiment,
then why do we always lament
that a fool unkindly proclaimed our visible flaws?
when did we start making these laws?

for whom do we play this act
and when did we introduce such a pact
are we so hopelessly vain
to see that we have nothing to gain

we are just bystanders to our own lives
our instincts urge us to take nosedives
into the dimensions of our inner bliss
where we do not have to hiss

we seem to be thoroughly convinced
that if we acted as ourselves, we would be minced
when did living the truth become so ugly
held prisoner by mental chains, our ego smugly

i shall not honor this unspoken code
i will not walk down the beaten road
you may ridicule me, you may even condemn
but you will not sew my hem!”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“you seek identity through raw emotions
instead of going through the motions
karma played a rough hand
but it helped you to understand”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“bitterness and pity are there for a reason
they help you to choose the season
enlighten the soul with the wisdom of the earth
hand it to you whenever you experience a rebirth”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“feel compassion as it lingers inside
forgiveness will overcome the hurt pride
shower the world with beautiful love
inspire everyone to feel above

the distrust and hate that make us all irate
difficult memories which carry enormous gait
attempts at progress seem like a distant dream
ongoing frustration makes us want to scream”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“our collective psyche is not achieving its goal
our hearts are as black as coal
if only we could stop being clumsy
progress would not seem so flimsy”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“Ignorance and Arrogance Thud
Manifesting a Labyrinth from a Flood
They are brothers, share the same Blood
It is from them that Apathy can Bud

Devil’s advocate rests in the Mud
Showing its assets like a Stud
Projection of right and wrong without Consent
These brothers never say a word they Meant”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim
“Shout out to all my early Americans
– Irish, Italians, Jews, Natives, and Blacks
Despite your overwhelming Hardship, you kept going
Past all the barricades, your Blood Still flowing

Red, white, and blue, will not abandon our flag
History has been unkind, we carry it as a Bag
A painful reminder of the prejudice of Man
We have a ways to go, starting with the Ban
Of the Evil and Sadistic Ku Klux Klan”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim

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