Inward Quotes

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Inward Inward by Yung Pueblo
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Inward Quotes Showing 1-30 of 137
“before i could release
the weight of my sadness
and pain, i first had
to honor its existence.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“i cannot
make you happy,
but i can
commit to support you
in the creation
of your own happiness”
yung pueblo, Inward
“i do not wish
to change the past
it made me
who i am today
i only want
to learn from it
and live in a new way”
yung pueblo, Inward
“i want a love that doesn't break
one that gives me water
when i am consumed by fire
one that offers me shelter
when i am lose
one that helps me see
that the hero
i am looking for
is me”
yung pueblo, Inward
“true power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero, and leader. it is when you share your truth with compassion and peace. your power grows when you make progress in your own freedom and wisdom. those who are truly powerful do not harm themselves or others; instead, they use their energy to enrich all they know with love.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“a real sign
of progress
is when we no longer
punish ourselves
for our imperfections”
yung pueblo, Inward
“i closed my eyes
to look inward
and found a universe
waiting to be explored”
yung pueblo, Inward
“a hero
is one who heals
their own wounds
and then shows others
how to do the same”
yung pueblo, Inward
“don't run away
from heavy emotions
honor the anger;
give pain the space
it needs to breathe
this is how we let go”
yung pueblo, Inward
“if you measure

the length

of your ego,

it will equal

the distance

between you

and your freedom

if you

are far away

from yourself,

how could

you ever be

close to another?”
yung pueblo, Inward
“i can only

give to you

what i have already

given to myself

i can only


the world as much as

i understand myself”
yung pueblo, Inward
“sometimes deeper mental clarity
is preceded by great internal storms
healing yourself can be messy
seeing yourself through honesty
can be jarring and tough; it can even
temporarily cause imbalance in your life
it is hard work to open yourself
up to release your burdens
like removing thorns from your body,
it may hurt at first, but it is
ultimately for your highest good
the dark clouds of rainfall are
necessary for new growth.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“you have
walked through fire
survived floods
and triumphed
over demons
remember this
the next time you doubt
your own power”
yung pueblo, Inward
“Do not forget
To send your love
Into the earth
Into the water
Into the sky”
yung pueblo, Inward
“much of my confusion and sadness came from being disconnected from myself. the greatest journey i have taken so far is the one where i ended the alienation between me and all that i am, the once where i connected my light and my darkness, where i united what i wanted to know with what i did not want to face. only through this union and truthfulness did i begin to feel at home within my own being.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“self-love is a sincere
acceptance of the past
an agreement to make
the most of the present
and a willingness to allow
the best to occur in the future”
yung pueblo, Inward
“i kept running away
from my darkness
until i understood
that in it i would
find my freedom”
yung pueblo, Inward
“you were born to create
let it flow”
yung pueblo, Inward
a sign of growth is being
okay with not being okay”
yung pueblo, Inward
“sometimes growth hurts, but it is the type of pain that is easier to endure because it is helping us come forward as a better version of ourselves.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“the most widespread affliction
that people suffer from is a lack
of belief in their own power
to be so broken
to have
so deeply
that the only thing
you can do is
into a new you”
yung pueblo, Inward
“your growth in the midst of a
big leap forward; hold steady
and allow yourself to bloom.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“letting go is medicine that heals the heart letting go is a habit that requires practice letting go is best done through feeling, not thinking”
yung pueblo, Inward
“sometimes people are simply meant to teach you how not to act in the future”
Yung Pueblo, Inward
“real love began when we both stopped expecting and instead focused on giving”
yung pueblo, Inward
“as she looked into her past, she noticed that the road she had traveled was no simple straight line. her journey toward fully loving herself and the world was full of forward and backward movement, twists, turns, detours, and even some pauses. at times, she doubted her progress, her potential, and even her power to change. but today, with the wisdom of experience at hand, she knows she could not have gotten to where she is without every movement she has ever made. (experience)”
Yung Pueblo, Inward
“to expect another to resolve all of our issues and give us the happiness we desire is to expect to see the sunrise without opening our own eyes. it is to ask a river to give us nourishment without dipping our own hands into the water. another cannot answer a riddle that was only ever meant for our own minds to solve. the universe seeks to enlighten and empower us, thus it is only rational that we are our own greatest healers.”
yung pueblo, Inward
“do not confuse self-love with thinking that you’re better than everyone else true self-love is accepting yourself for all that you are, especially the darkest parts”
Yung Pueblo, Inward
“ask yourself: is this worry real or is my mind just looking for something to grab onto?”
yung pueblo, Inward
“three things make life harder: not loving yourself refusing to grow not letting go”
Yung Pueblo, Inward

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