Kiss of the Night Quotes

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Kiss of the Night (Dark-Hunter, #4) Kiss of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Life is a tapestry woven by the decisions we make.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Law of the jungle. The betrayee gets to eat the betrayer.
--Dante Pontis ”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Some kisses are worth living for”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Have you ever noticed that salvation, much like your car keys, is usually found where and when you least expect it? (Acheron)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Dear Son,
I would call you by name, but I’m waiting for your mother to decide. I only hope she is joking when she calls you Albert Dalbert.
For weeks now I have watched your mother zealously gather her tokens for this box. She’s so afraid of you not knowing anything about her, and it bothers me greatly that you’ll never know her strength firsthand. I’m sure by the time you read this, you’ll know everything I do about her.
But you’ll never know her for yourself and that pains me most of all. I wish you could see the look on her face whenever she talks to you. The sadness she tries so hard to hide. Every time I see it, it cuts through me.
She love you so much. You’re all she talks about. I have so many orders from her for you. I’m not allowed to make you crazy the way I do your Uncle Chris. I’m not allowed to call the doctors every time you sneeze and you are to be allowed to tussle with your friends without me having a conniption that someone might bruise you.
Nor am I to bully you about getting married or having kids. Ever.
Most of all, you are allowed to pick your own car at sixteen. I’m not supposed to put you in a tank. We’ll see about that one. I refuse to promise her this last item until I know more about you. Not to mention, I’ve seen how other people drive on the roads. So if you have a tank, sorry. There’s only so much changing man my age can do.
I don’t know what our futures will hold. I only hope that when all is said and done, you are more like your mother than you are like me. She’s a good woman. A kind woman. Full of love and compassion even though her life has been hard and full of grief. She bears her scars with a grace, dignity, and humor that I lack.
Most of all, she has courage the likes of which I haven’t witnessed in centuries. I hope with every part of me that you inherit all her best traits and none of my bad ones.
I don’t really know what more to say. I just thought you should have something of me in here too.
Your father (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Like black, do you? (Cassandra)
It serves its purpose. It’s hard to look intimidating in pastels. (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Guys, we’re so screwed. The women know we didn’t go hunting. (Kyrian)
You think? What idiot came up with that lie? (Zarek)
I’m not an idiot. And it’s not like I lied. I just omitted what exactly we were hunting and where we were doing it. (Talon)
Like your wives wouldn’t know better? When was the last time Mr. Armani hunted something that didn’t have a price tag on it? Oh, and the loafers and trousers are perfect camouflage. (Zarek)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“(Looking at their son on ultrasound.)
He looks like an angel. (Cassandra)
I don’t know. I think he looks like a frog or something. (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Law of the jungle. The betrayee gets to eat the betrayer. (Dante)
Law of my jungle. Kill them all and let Hades sort them out. (Zarek)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Again, I repeat, don’t ask questions you don’t want answered. Just accept the fact that Acheron is a freak of nature and let it go. (Zarek)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Have you no honor? No decency? No damn brains? You don’t kill me with bullets. You just piss me off. And you just ruined my friggin’ favorite coat. For that, you die. (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“How much longer will I live? (Urian)
You’re immortal, barring death. (Acheron)
That doesn’t make sense. (Urian)
Most of life doesn’t. (Acheron)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“You came after all, Z. Glad you made the party. (Acheron)
What the hell? I didn’t have anything better to do. Figured I might as well come kick ass and take names. Not that I really give a damn about their names. I’m just in it for the bloodlust. (Zarek)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“No, see the slide’s too high. He could fall and get a concussion. (Wulf)
Forget that. He could rack himself on the teeter-totter. (Chris)
Teeter-totter nothing. The swings are a choking hazard. Whose idea was it for him to have this? (Urian)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“It’s a sun lamp. I thought you might be tired of your pasty-pale complexion. (Chris)
Christopher, I happen to be a Viking in the middle of winter in Minnesota. Lack of a deep tan goes with the whole Nordic territory. Why do you think we raided Europe anyway? (Wulf)
Because it was there? (Chris)
No, we wanted to thaw out. (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Look at his hair. He looks like his father. (Cassandra)
He has your lungs. (Wulf)
Oh, please! (Cassandra)
Trust me. Every Apollite here knows that my parents were unmarried at my birth, and that if you survive the night, you plan on making me a eunuch. (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Out of my way, Dark-Hunter, or I’ll kill her. (Daimon)
You know, you should have stayed in your bolt-hole one more day. Tonight’s Buffy night, and it’s a whole new episode, too. Have you any idea how angry it makes me that I have to come out here in the freezing cold to slay you when I could be at home all toasty warm, watching Sarah Michelle Gellar kick ass in a halter top? (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“We’re so screwed. (Cassandra)
Yeah, well, I don’t let anyone screw me until they kiss me, and since there’s not even a snowball’s chance in hell of me kissing that bastard, we’re not screwed. (Wulf)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Why can’t you ever answer a simple question? (Wulf)
Ask me a simple question and you will get a simple answer. (Acheron)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“You love her. (Shanus)
I barely know her. (Wulf)
Time has no meaning to the heart. (Shanus)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Oh, goodie. Let the bloodbath commence. (Zarek)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“If it makes you feel better, I’m not happy with the way all this went down any more than you are. But sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right. (Acheron)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“This is where Wulf’s people would get drunk and party for a week. All hail the Vikings, forerunners to the frat boys! (Chris)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“You can party, but I better not catch you drunk. (Wulf)
(Chris rolled his eyes, then bent down to said to Cassandra’s stomach...)
Be wise, little guy, stay in there where Lord King Neurotic can’t kill all your fun. (Chris)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“It is through the light that we are born and through the night that we travel. The light is the love of our parents who greet us and welcome us into this world and it is with the love of our partner that we leave it. Wulf and Cassandra have chosen to be with each other, to ease their remaining journey and to comfort one another in the coming nights. And when the final night is upon them, they vow to stand together and ease the one who travels first. Soul to soul we have touched. Flesh to flesh we have breathed. And it is alone that we must leave this existence, until the night comes that the Fates decree we are reunited in Katoteros. (Apollite Marriage Vows)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“(The baby sneezed. Wulf jumped as fire shot out of its nostrils and almost singed his leg.)
Excuse me. I almost made Dark-Hunter barbecue, which would be really sad ‘cause I ain’t got no barbecue sauce with me. (Simi)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“You’re a wondering soul, looking for a peace that doesn’t exist. Lost you will be until you find the one inner truth. We can never hide from what we are. The only hope is to embrace it.’ (Old Seer)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“Boy, you better check that tone. (Wulf)
Yeah, yeah, ya scare me. I’m even wetting my pants while in your terrifying, gut-wrenching presence. See me shiver and quiver? Ooo, ahhh, ooo. (Chris)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“This can’t be happening. It’s just not possible. (Cassandra)
Oh, well, let’s not have reality intrude now, shall we? I mean, hey, you’re a mythological being descended from mythological beings and you’re in the house of an immortal guardian no human can remember five minutes after they leave his presence. Who’s to say that you can’t get pregnant in a dream by him? What? We’re jumping into the realm of reality now? (Katra)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night
“When I was a little girl, I used to try and bring sunshine to my mother. I felt so bad that she had never really seen or felt it. So I would try and catch it in jars. When that failed, I captured jars and jars of lightening bugs and told her that if we could catch enough of them, then it would look like the sun. She’d laugh, hug me, and then set them free and tell me that nothing should have to live its life in a cage. (Cassandra)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night

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