To Sleep in a Sea of Stars Quotes

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To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Fractalverse, #1) To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini
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To Sleep in a Sea of Stars Quotes Showing 1-30 of 124
“I’ve seen a greater share of wonders, vast
And small, than most have done. My peace is made;
My breathing slows. I could not ask for more.
To reach beyond the stuff of day-to-day
Is worth this life of mine. Our kind is meant
To search and seek among the outer bounds,
And when we land upon a distant shore,
To seek another yet farther still. Enough.
The silence grows. My strength has fled, and Sol
Become a faded gleam, and now I wait,
A Viking laid to rest atop his ship.
Though fire won’t send me off, but cold and ice,
And forever shall I drift alone.
No king of old had such a stately bier,
Adorned with metals dark and grey, nor such
A hoard of gems to grace his somber tomb.
I check my straps; I cross my arms, prepare
Myself to once again venture into the
Unknown, content to face my end and pass
Beyond this mortal realm, content to hold
And wait and here to sleep—
To sleep in a sea of stars.
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The path to our goal is rarely straight. It tends to turn and twist, which makes the journey far more enjoyable than it would otherwise be.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“when air, food, and shelter are assured, only two things matter. Work and companionship. To be alone and without purpose is to be the living dead.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“There's no such thing as safety. Only degrees of risk.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The hardest lesson in life is learning to accept that there are some things we can't change." Falcone paused, his eyes hard and glittering.
Then he unbuttoned the cuffs on his shirt and rolled back his sleeves to expose the melted surface of his forearms. He held them up for Kira to see.
"Why do you think I keep these scars?"
"Because you feel guilty over ..."
"No," Falcone said harshly.
Then, in a gentler tone, "No. I keep them to remind me of what I can survive. Of what I have survived. If I'm having a rough time, I look at my arms and then I know I'll get through whatever problem I'm dealing with. Life's not gonna break me. It can't break me. It might kill me, but nothing it throws at me is gonna make me give up.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The universe wasn’t ideal, but it was hardly a prison. After all, you had to exist somewhere; it might as well be here.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The hardest lesson in life is learning to accept that there are some things we can’t change.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“I was in fractures before. I am in fractures now. But the pieces still form the same broken picture.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“I'm glad to have known you, oh Queen of Flowers. You are a prickly and problematic person, but life is more interesting with you around.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“One could argue that all that really matters is that we learn to deal with where we are at any given moment, not where we were.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Everyone messes up. How you deal with it is what determines who you are.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Suffering was inescapable, but to care for another and to be cared for in turn—that was the closest any person might come to heaven.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Falconi said, "Hey, Gregorovich, you're in fine form. How about a few words to send us on our way?"
The ship pretended to clear his throat. "Fine. Here me now. The Lord of Empty Spaces protect us as we venture forth to fight our foes. Guide our hands - and our thoughts - and guide our weapons that we may work our will upon these perversions of peace. Let daring be our shield and righteous fury be our sword, and may our enemies flee at the sight of those that defend the defenseless, and may we stand unbowed and unbroken in the face of evil. Today is the Day of Wrath, and we are the instruments of our species' retribution. Deo duce, ferro comitante. Amen."
"Amen," said Hwa-jung and Nielsen.
"Now that. was a prayer!" said Sparrow, grinning.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Have you ever considered the fact that everything we are originates from the remnants of stars that once exploded?” Jorrus said, “Vita ex pulvis.” “We are made from the dust of dead stars.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“We are the universe watching itself, watching and learning.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Perhaps we can help you, Prisoner. Meaning comes from purpose—” “—and purpose comes in many forms.” Veera steepled her fingers. Surprisingly, Jorrus did not. She said, “Have you ever considered the fact that everything we are originates from the remnants of stars that once exploded?” Jorrus said, “Vita ex pulvis.” “We are made from the dust of dead stars.” “I’m aware of the fact,” said Kira. “It’s a lovely thought, but I don’t see the relevance.” Jorrus said, “The relevance—” “—is in the logical extension of that idea.” Veera paused for a moment. “We are aware. We are conscious. And we are made from the same stuff as the heavens.” “Don’t you see, Prisoner?” said Jorrus. “We are the mind of the universe itself. We and the Jellies and all self-aware beings. We are the universe watching itself, watching and learning.” “And someday,” said Veera, “we, and by extension the universe, will learn to expand beyond this realm and save ourselves from otherwise inevitable extinction.” Kira said, “By escaping the heat death of this space.” Jorrus nodded. “Even so. But the point is not that. The point is that this act of observation and learning is a process we all share—” “—whether or not we realize it. As such, it gives purpose to everything we do, no matter—” “—how insignificant it may seem, and from that purpose, meaning. For the universe itself, given consciousness through your own mind—” “—is aware of your every hurt and care.” Veera smiled. “Take comfort, then, that whatever you choose in life has importance beyond yourself. Importance, even, on a cosmic scale.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Blaming yourself is perfectly normal, but it doesn’t do you any good. Until you stop, unless you can stop, you’ll never be able to fully recover.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Kira fixed Trig with a look. "Hey. What do you call a really smart newt?"
He grinned. "What?"
"Newton, of course."
"Permission to jettison both of them as punishment, Captain?" said Nielsen.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
tags: humor, puns
“Gregorovich continued: "Could I advise myself in the past, prior to my transition, I would tell myself to make the most of what I had while I had it. Too often we don't appreciatethe value of something until it has slipped our grasp.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The hardest lesson in life is learning to accept that there are some things we can’t change.” Falconi paused, his eyes hard and glittering. “Blaming yourself is perfectly normal, but it doesn’t do you any good. Until you stop, unless you can stop, you’ll never be able to fully recover.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Names are powerful things; you should be careful whom you share yours with. You never know when a person might turn your name against you.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“It was a frantic, ugly dance, but a dance all the same, and despite its ugliness, filled with moments of grace and daring.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“I like to be wherever interesting things are happening. It’s a terribly bad habit of mine.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“How much reality did the contents of one's mind actually possess?”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Bullshit. The truth is you don’t want to. It makes you feel good to blame yourself. You know why?” Kira shook her head, mute. “Because it gives you a sense of control. The hardest lesson in life is learning to accept that there are some things we can’t change.” Falconi paused, his eyes hard and glittering. “Blaming yourself is perfectly normal, but it doesn’t do you any good. Until you stop, unless you can stop, you’ll never be able to fully recover.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“It's not easy is it?-Kira

Why should it be? Nature has no regard for those who squirm and crawl within its tainted depths. The storm that batters, batters all. None are spared. Not you, not I, not the stars in the sky. We bind our cloaks and bend our heads and focus on our lives. But the storm, it never breaks, never fades.- Gregorovich”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The universe was so beautiful it hurt. So very, very beautiful. And yet, at the same time, so full of ugliness. Some born of the inexorable demands of entropy; some born of the cruelty that seemed innate to all sentient beings. And none of it made any sense. It was all glorious, horrible nonsense, fit to inspire both despair and numinosity.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“If you're looking for guarantees in life, you're going to be sorely disappointed.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The happiness of two beings might be a small thing when compared with the immensity of the universe, but what, ultimately, was more important? Suffering was inescapable, but to care for another and to be cared for in turn-that was the closest any person might come to heaven.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Sometimes the cure to the dark was to find another flame burning bright.”
Christopher Paolini, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

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