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666: Connection with Crowley 666: Connection with Crowley by Laurence Galian
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“The uncertainty, the void, is the perfect place from which to create. It is the place where you can re-invent yourself.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“We humans are a strange mixture of dirt and divinity.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Just as it was not necessary for Beethoven to know the science of the physical manufacture of the instruments in his orchestra in order for him to compose, it is not necessary for you to understand vortex based mathematics, fractal field theory, dodecahedrons, geometric solids, calculus, Fibonacci series, centripetal force, and quantum physics in order to become enlightened.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“The body is the unconscious mind.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Our leaders may proffer various explanations about protecting us from terrorism, but the fact is that these leaders are worshiping a monstrous deity. Through the Oligarchical Cartels, as well as Corporatism (such as the Rockefeller Corporations) and through the Queen of England personally, a deliberate depopulation policy is being enacted. They are using substances such as depleted uranium in various United States international conflicts which result in severe birth defects. This increases the death rate through various radiation induced diseases, causing the men and women to become infertile. The result is that the family is broken apart, and the species becomes weak. Therefore, reproduction is severely reduced.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Our DNA has a galactic history. True writers, composers, fine artists writers, who go deep within themselves, bring forth galactic information. We are soul-libraries of the galaxy.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Theosophists refer to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel as the Silent Watcher (the reader might here recall the author's suggestion to make self-observation or self-watching a major magickal goal). Another term for It is the Great Master. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn call It the Genius. Gnostics say the Logos. Zoroaster talks about united all these symbols into the form of a Lion (see Austin Osman Spare's work). Anna Kingsford calls It Adonai (Clothed with the Sun). Buddhists call It Adi-Buddha. The Bhagavad-gītā calls It Vishnu (Krishna is an Avatar of Vishnu). The Yi King calls him The Great Person. The Kabbalah calls It Jechidah.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Yet, there is another robe that wisdom yet clothes Herself, and of which we must, in most persuasive language induce Her to remove for us. As Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton wrote in Zanoni 'What is it that conceals itself behind this veil?' The fabric is not as coarse as silk but morphic instead; Her diaphanous robe is woven of pure energy.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“You are the crowing glory. Remember your splendor.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“As above; so below. As the Sun represents the most exalted planetary body in our solar system, the Orgasm represents the most exalted human experience.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“If you want to make something in your own image, you must sacrifice a part of yourself.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“We are becoming universal humans.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Sound is the secret. The great Qabbalists taught that a prayer sung is one thousand times more efficacious than a prayer simply recited. This is because a human being instantaneously goes into a state of trance when he or she begins singing, or someone starts to sing at them.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Beware of the urge to suffer. For many think that suffering is a way to pay God 'bribes to a corrupt God,' as Crowley put it, to gain His approval.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Certainly, many people, especially Christians and those easily affected by popular culture, think that Aleister Crowley was 'the wickedest man in the world.' Surprisingly, among the Sufi dervishes there is a tradition called the Malamati. The Sheikh of Sheikhs (in other words the great Sufi teacher), Ibn al-Arabi, referred to a hierarchy among saints, at the pinnacle of which were the blameworthy (Malamiyya, or Malamatis). But rather than promoting a form of elitism, he and other classical Sufis claimed that Malamatis hid themselves among the common people. Turning to a current encyclopedia of Islam, we find that the Malamatiyya (Way of Blame) is described as 'the designation of a tendency, or of a psychological category, of people who attract blame to themselves despite their being innocent.' Crowley demonstrates in 'The Book of Lies' his gnosis that the teachers who are the very pinnacle of wisdom very often disguise their inner reality.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“The One Thing can never be another thing, for then it would not be The One Thing. Therefore, the texture of the living braille of Reality may play with the senses, but it is only 'play.' For example, the 'words' in braille may be beautiful or terrible words, but the sheet of paper on which the braille is written always remains one sheet of paper. The Self-Realized Human Being (who in olden times was called 'God') transcends all religion, all opposites. As we discover our divinity, our inner and outer wars are transcended, as we are shocked to learn that we have been in love with both sides all along.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“The Initiate is the spiritual son of Krishna, or rather of Vishnu, of whom Krishna is the main avatar. The world INRI is a modification of development of the Word of Krishna, AUM, a formula of major antiquity.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Time, Space and Causality - study these three.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Water never stops and says, 'Here I am. This is me.' It is forever in motion and twisting and turning into new forms every moment.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Sex magick existed before Crowley. It is quite ancient, having been observed by Gnostic and Tantric practitioners, and later by the pagan (indigenous) pre-Christian peoples of Europe.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Maybe the Bards function, and the function of story in general, is to constantly recreate us by re-observing us. The storyteller holds up a mirror to us, and he or she has great power to show us in a flattering or insulting manner. As we re-observe ourselves (and the author believes we are frequently distorting the image we have of ourselves) through the nightly news, advertising media (magazines, billboards, advertisements, and so forth), television, and film, we are the consciousness that collapses the wave function and recreates ourselves.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Female humans are the only primates with permanently enlarged buttocks. Enlarged female breasts evolved as a copy of the female posterior.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Crowley started painting in 1919 while in Greenwich Village, New York, Alesiter had extravagant tastes. By the time, he was a thirty-year-old, he had spent his inheritance. Nevertheless, he purchased the best quality oil paints that money could buy, for his new project, just as he always purchased the most expensive paper on which to write his written works. Crowley's image of Lam appeared as part of the Dead Souls art exhibition show of Crowley's art work in Greenwich Village, New York in 1919".”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“The magickian causes breath to enter the word. Written words are like dry bones. But with the shaking (vibration) of the wind (respiration) the bones shall live. The sophisticated manipulation of air molecules, in accordance with the alchemical instructions for the pronunciation of the God's 'Name' (usually only transmitted orally from teacher to student) thereby makes manifest, it brings to life, the Divine Being, the one who seemed to have died, before the one who intoned the Name.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Sadly, the presence of the sacred and the ecstatic is missing from many of these contemporary authors and speakers who focus so much of their effort on things like the Einstein-Rosen 'bridge' (a wormhole).”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Does our definition of successful magickal workings only go as far as getting a new job, or being financially secure? On the other hand, do we dare to dream big dreams, to construct magickal operations that change the very destiny or our nation, or to leave something that will stand for 10,000 years?”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“However, far worse, is the teacher who can only take sincere spiritual seekers half-way to their goal, like a used-car salesman who sells a young couple on the way to their honeymoon a car that the salesman knows will break down long before they reach their honeymoon cottage. Too many people today are looking for some mechanical or technological solution, when the answer is found in the subtle marriage of spirituality and science. Many spiritual masters have already made the journey to the center of the galaxy through manipulating consciousness.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“As Crowley realized that he was in the presence of the Egyptian gods, he knelt at the altar, placing both his hands upon the altar, the right over the left. At that moment, a most brilliant shining figure, dressed in white, became manifest and placed his hands upon Crowley's. He spoke thusly, 'I receive thee into the Order of the Silver Star.' Crowley was brought back to earth in what he described as a 'cradle of flame.' Crowley was now accepted as one of the Secret Chiefs.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“His [Crowley's] grief was profound. And he himself was far from the peak of health. It seems that all his recent traveling weighted heavily on his already weakened constitution from past illnesses. He was recovering from the debilitating after-effects of malaria, with raging migraines and throat pathology (for which he received surgery). Therefore, Crowley needed pain medication for an assortment of rare and exotic diseases and conditions. The fact that in Crowley's time certain extremely strong medications were regularly prescribed, even for polite and proper English ladies, does not deter Crowley's detractors from trying to paint him as a crazed drug fiend.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley
“Why do we humans have phobias? If we grew up and evolved with nature for so long, why do so many people have such a great fear of it? For example, evolution indicates we came out of the oceans, yet a great many people have an intense fear of swimming in the ocean, or even a tranquil backyard swimming pool For hundreds of thousands of years as we evolved we lied our nights in darkness, yet the fear of darkness is ubiquitous among humans. Insects and spiders, which generally can do us no harm whatsoever, and can easily be killed by us with only the slightest effort, cause many people to go into paroxysms of fear.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley

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