Dorothy in the Land of Monsters Quotes

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Dorothy in the Land of Monsters (Oz ReVamped, #1) Dorothy in the Land of Monsters by Garten Gevedon
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Dorothy in the Land of Monsters Quotes Showing 1-5 of 5
“Like Oz, life is full of beauty and horror. Whether you’re in the magical realm or the so-called civilized one, you can look at the world around you and see both things at almost any time. But what being in Oz taught me is that no matter how horrific a situation may be, no matter how devastating or scary or chaotic, there is still always beauty in the colors of it all, even in the grays. As I look back on the last four years of my life, on everything that led me to the place where my life changed forever for a second time, I might think I wasted too many crucial years perceiving my world through a lens that leeched the color from everything I set my eyes on, but now I can forgive myself for my mistakes and maybe even be grateful for the trials I’ve faced. After all, a rainbow only comes out when it rains. The most spectacular rainbows are set against a backdrop of a half dark sky where gray clouds hover and rain batters the surface of the earth, but the horizon is clear and bright—a pure, radiant blue surrounding a shining golden sun. When I’m in Oz, that rainbow is who I am—a vivid, radiant spectrum of colors with a clear bright landscape ahead only made more rich-hued and vibrant by the darkness that lies behind it.”
Garten Gevedon, Dorothy in the Land of Monsters
“People sometimes get ripped from our lives and it’s devastating. It’s as though the hand of fate reaches inside your chest, rips out your guts, tosses them around a bit, then shoves them back in. Senseless and savage acts seem to be her forte.

I’m tired of fate. Tired of hating her. She’s cruel to too many of us, she ignores most of us, and half the time she favors the unscrupulous.

Where did all the good fates go? Did they ever exist? Or on the rare occasions fate shines on good people is it only a fluke?

Maybe it was never fate that shined on them. Maybe they just slipped under her radar long enough to accomplish something significant without loss or grief or devastation. Or maybe there’s something out there stronger than fate. Too bad it’s frugal in choosing its battles with her.”
Garten Gevedon, Dorothy in the Land of Monsters
“Atmospheric dust billows in polychromed glitter above me, the vibrant, shimmering haze decorating the blue-blackness of space, and its luminous, variegated hues remind me of the one wish I made on countless stars—I wanted to live in a world of colors, where I could travel to bright and exotic places, where I could see and do magical things. Well, here I am in the most exotic of places, in a world of vivid radiance, with magic all around me. How was I to know the countless times I made that wish I should have specified that those places be free of evil monsters?”
Garten Gevedon, Dorothy in the Land of Monsters
“I hid from fate because I feared her. I didn’t allow myself to want anything more than color because I was afraid fate would shatter my hopes with tragedy. If I let myself love too much, fate would rip it away. Misconceptions grayed out my world, dulled it to dust and ash and fog, clouding my pain. Wrong thinking gave me the illusion of a chaotic world that made rational sense when in reality it is our thoughts and actions that make us, and ‘meant to be’ is a bandage made of make-believe.”
Garten Gevedon, Dorothy in the Land of Monsters
“In a world without magic, there’s only action and chaos. Perhaps there’s some pattern so vast we can’t see it, like a giant universal machine we are all a part of, but actions are its fuel, actions steer it. God may exist. Angels might be real. Energies beyond the physical may take part in the actions of men, but nothing preordains to such a degree that we cannot determine our futures through the actions we do or don’t take.”
Garten Gevedon, Dorothy in the Land of Monsters