A Blue So Dark Quotes

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A Blue So Dark A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler
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A Blue So Dark Quotes Showing 1-13 of 13
“They say it's the woman's prerogative to change her mind. But that's wrong. Guys are the one who get to say, "You know what? I don't want to be with you after all." They get to say it after they've sucked all the sweetness out of you, just like those cheap, liquid filled wax candy things we used to get for Halloween. They leave you dried up, empty piece of wax, and head off to find somebody else who still has some sweetness inside.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“Sanity is a sonnet with a strict meter and rhyme scheme-and my mind is free verse.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“There's a book of poetry
in the lines of my hands
that no one wants to read”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“As we stand there, it hits me how quickly everything changes - how life is like peering into a kaleidoscope, and just as you're looking at a gorgeous pattern you think you'd maybe even like to keep around forever, the colors morph into something completely different, and there's no getting back to that first pattern. No matter how much you'd like to see it again.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“For the first time in what seems like eons, my body doesn't feel so clenched, so hot. And suddenly, I realize that the dot out there on my horizon line--the same dot everything in my world points to, like in the one-point perspective sketches Mom taught me how to draw--it's not any old spot, you know. It's not some charcoal smudge. It's peace.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“Schizophrenia: A psychotic disorderncharacterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations. See also: Nightmare.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“He's standing in a cluster of black T-shirts - together, they look like the wilted petals on a single dead flower.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“Few family members act on warning signs when they first present themselves in a schizophrenic patient. It is often quite hard to realize, in fact, that something is clinically wrong.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“Occasionally, family members may reach a point in which they cannot tolerate the odd behavior of the schizophrenic any longer. Often, this leads them to seek help. Other times, it causes said family member to walk away, like the complete raving jerk that she is.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“mad at me. For Dad, parenting has become just like shooting one of his stupid insurance ads-some makeup to cover the blemishes, a flashy smile, and wham! He's got himself a regular picture-perfect family.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“The best I can manage is to pretend that I don't notice him - which is like saying I have never once noticed the sky, or the itchy feel of grass against my legs, or the pelt of wind through an open car window. He's something you just have to notice - there's no overlooking about it”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
tags: love
“Not everybody's the heroine, you know. Some of us just have bit parts in somebody else's
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
“When I got close to him, he smelled clean and steamy, like a late June-rain. And I was reduced to a ridiculous, blubbering pile of melting Jell-O. Criminy.”
Holly Schindler, A Blue So Dark
tags: love