Eye of the Storm Quotes

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Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him by Ryan Stevenson
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Eye of the Storm Quotes Showing 1-12 of 12
“If you can't be out here and love on these people who have nothing to offer you, then you're not ready to serve. You need to trust that I am going to provide for you.' [God]”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“It was in letting go that I was finally able to see the purpose of the winds that roared around me, which were only there to carry me up into a higher realm and a different perspective. From there I could more clearly see the purposes God had in store for me.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“God loves to surprise us. His gifts often come from the most unexpected sources and in the most unanticipated ways. If we can just be patient and keep trusting, He will not fail us.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“Unless our brokenness gets healed, it will affect how we think and feel and act every day.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“God is at work even in those times where we don't see it or can't feel it. Everything ultimately comes down to trust.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“I know you are in a mess and you can't see a way out of it. Your eyes only see to the horizon though. You can't see what is around the bend. I'll be waiting there for you. In this uncertain world you will always face uncertainties, but I am going to walk the journey with you. It may not be clear to you right now, but I will cause all things to work together for your good. I am in the business of making beauty from ashes, of redeeming what seems hopeless and crafting you into a work of art that shows the world My mercy and goodness. I know you are hurt and angry, but don't lose hope. I am with you every step of your journey, even through the darkest valleys and in the middle of the scariest storms.

'I love you more than you can even possibly begin to understand,' the voice reminded me.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“When I look back over every struggle, heartache, disappointment, failure, and moment of fear, I recognize that God has been with me through it all. And I know that He will continue to be with me. There is no promise in Scripture that our lives will be free from pain or that everything will always go smoothly. But there is the promise that He is always with us, even in the darkest storms of our lives. We can find some peace in the middle of the hardest experiences because He is there in the middle of the storm. I can't imagine living my life without the truth of that promise.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“I have found so much freedom in living a life of simple trust in Jesus and letting go of all my efforts to be the "ideal Christian." When I finally got to the end of myself, it was there that I discovered for the first time how much my heavenly Father really cared for me. I saw that all the accomplishments I'd made on my own journey were not because of my hard work, but because of God's grace.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“If you can't be out here and love on these people who have nothing to offer you, then you're not ready to serve. You need to trust that I am going to provide for you.' [God]”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“...the fire doesn't burn you, it forges you. God, the consuming fire, is not about burning you, but about burning away everything that isn't you!”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“The storm cannot take you where the eye of God cannot see you.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him
“I believe in the One who is there with each of us in every storm we go through, who loves us unconditionally and unwaveringly. He walks with us through the dark times and dances with us to celebrate the best moments. He is what every father is meant to be, the very model of fatherhood: tender, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love. Whenever He needs to be a little tough on us, it is always for our best. He is not just our heavenly Father--He is Abba, our Daddy.

When circumstances are at their worst, He does not leave us to face them alone. He rolls up His sleeves and, without hesitation, dives into the middle of every mess in which we find ourselves. He is there with us in the middle of every one of our storms.

He is the Eye of the Storm.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him