The Web of Karma Quotes

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The Web of Karma The Web of Karma by Anurag Shrivastava
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The Web of Karma Quotes Showing 1-26 of 26
“Jealousy is one of the blackest emotions that humans possess: it stems out of weakness and ultimately bears the bitter fruits of wickedness, which quite often end up poisoning the innocent victims, who have never done any harm to the possessor.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Even he himself, a moment later, was aghast at the curse that he had just spewed: it wasn’t his words… Maybe it was Karma who had sat upon his tongue, and put her curse on the family through him. Maybe it was Karma who had used him as an instrument to do the inevitable. Maybe it was Karma! Maybe!”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Diverging from singularity, being became in plurality,
Entrapped in the web of karma, pivoted to the void.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“The ant… the foolish ant,
sitting on the edge of an enormous disc
spinning about its axis,
reckons at every instant of time,
that it’s progressing forward.
Who would hold a mirror up to it?
And convey it the truth,
Clearing out its fallacy,
Clean as a hound’s tooth.
The fallacy that it can see
the whole dimension in entirety.
Shall it ever concede,
If one tries to enlighten?
Or, inured by canard shall it fight
To win against what is right?”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Why fear death? After all nothing in this universe of being is fairer than the end of being,
which we call by the name of death, which sees no difference in people while playing its tune to them…
We mustn’t see it as a frightening thing, but as a beautiful reality, and the only absolute truth.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“All of us humans are hypocrite, owing to the multiplicity of our psyche.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Love is the law of life, and foolish is he who tries to win over someone any other way.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“I don't believe in these customs and rituals, as it's like manufacturing culture-fits on the graveyard of diversity. But then I haven't yet found any other alternative to this prevalent system, which doesn't have its fair share of drawbacks. So if following a custom means being courteous to someone, why not?”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Egotism is what we humans are fraught with… We boast of our intellectual superiority, but why do we have to depend upon a dog to sniff out a thief, one from our own race? Why do we need a dog for that? Why don't we just train ourselves and do the job on our own?”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web Of Karma
“Neither this one nor that one,
Truth is the entire spectrum;
The wholeness how can I see,
Unless the I-ness ceases to be.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“It's curious that life came into existence with its most basic attribute of protecting itself.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“The best gift one can give to one's children is a happy marriage.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“It may drive us insane when we see the simple mathematics apparently failing in the system surrounding us: just a handful of wrongdoers oppressing the vast number of the wronged ones! But it’s not the truth, if we have a closer look at it… The unfortunate truth is that the majority of the wronged ones are shackled within their own periphery by fear, greed, egoism and many other trammels, but it’s not that they remain there all the time… They, now and again, come out of their periphery to register themselves among the wrongdoers whenever it suits them and then retreat again inside their periphery after serving their purposes. Once inside the periphery they are once again the innocent wronged ones… They can’t see the transition, as there are masks upon their faces, which restrict their vision: the masks of sanity, behind which they are allowed to commit all the insanities. And at times the mask of sanity appears so dreadful that insanity feels saner before it. The fanaticism, the terrorism, the cast-carnages! Inflicting punishment upon an insane person for his insanity! Beating him black and blue for a crime he isn’t even conscious of having committed! Just to protect honor! The honor, which doesn’t get tarnished by the heinous crimes they commit! But it gets tainted by an insane act from an insane person! What an irony!”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“He milled about his garden, lost in the thoughts of his dear Hariom's whereabouts, unmindfully crushing under his feet the fallen leaves of his darling trees. Why does it become inevitable sometimes to walk upon your shattered dreams to carry out your duty, he ruminated.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Curiosity crucified is the future denied.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Like his son, he too was under a false presumption that he could get justice by the way of law in a country where justice was too expensive a commodity for a poor man to afford.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Blessed are the children with the boon of innocence that creates a shield of forgetfulness around them to keep them from being tormented by bad memories and grudges.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Mediocrity rules in this world, and successful is he who knows how to appease them - the mediocre class.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Tears are one of the wonders that manifest God’s greatness: they ooze out of the eyes to bear off the pain when it gets unbearable. They wash away the painful memories, and keep our hearts from drowning in the ocean of dark emotions: if not for them this world would be full of bitter obnoxious people.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“A voice came from his inside, and shook him up by the roots; the inner voice that had been drowned long back, somewhere deep within, by the noise of opinions of others; the voice that had been constantly screaming ever since, albeit failingly, from the depth to make itself heard; the voice that was now distinctly audible in silence, suggesting him to take a new path, a path that he would have to walk upon alone.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“sacrifices are not easy to endure: they create a vacuum within, which constantly craves to be filled up by something tantamount.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“How can we humans claim ourselves to be superior to other animals? Is it because of the technological development we’ve made? Destroying one resource to create another one! Egotism is what we humans are fraught with… We boast of our intellectual superiority, but why do we have to depend upon a dog to sniff out a thief, one from our own race? Why do we need a dog for that? Why don't we just train ourselves and do the job on our own? The defence we produce here is that we don't have as many olfactory receptors in our nose as there are in a dog, and a part of a dog’s brain is devoted to analyzing smells. But then why is our developed logical and intellectual ability considered superior to their developed instinctive abilities? Isn't it ironical that a race that considers itself superior to others needs another race that it looks down upon, to sniff out someone of its own race? Doesn't it seem at variance with our own asset, logic that is, that we, who haven't yet developed a reliable device to predict an earthquake, consider ourselves better than a race that has an uncanny ability to predict future catastrophe? Being at the top of the food chain isn’t everything; even the dinosaurs disappeared, and the ones which were at the bottom still exist… I truly believe in nature's impartiality.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Zero is the ultimate truth. It indeed is. It’s the ultimate resultant of the chaos. It’s curious how things on its own get added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided to finally give a unique result, zero that is. It’s zero inside which the universe resides chaotically.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“Is there really a particular state, chaotic and wild, whereat the world stands stable? Is it gospel that no matter how much effort we humans may exert upon it to tame it, to drag it to another state of equilibrium where we feel superior to other animals, it’s ultimately going to hark back to the natural state of equilibrium, chaos that is?”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“It’s curious that nothing has ever been as damaging to unity than the concept of unity itself: all it has done is to create a divide in a bigger unity to form smaller unities. What an irony!”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma
“You are at constant battle with life… Your success is defined by how long you have had the upper hand over it. The key is to never yield when you have the lower hand. Life is after all not so fierce a warrior. So fetter the fear before it fans out its feather.”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma