The Self is a Belief Quotes

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The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering by Vic Shayne
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“The subjective experience is an incalculable, immeasurable personal experience of what it is like to be alive, to exist. It is the feeling of knowing that one exists, no matter how unexplainable or unprovable. This continues to be a thorn in the side of scientists, because science demands proof for everything, yet even the most skeptical scientist knows that he has the subjective experience of knowing what it is like to say, 'I am.”
Vic Shayne, The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering
“...there is nothing that is truly objective, because all is consciousness, which is an undivided whole. As such, what is termed subjective and objective — the seer and the seen — are fictitious fragments of the whole. Both the seer and the seen are actually perceived aspects of a single consciousness.”
Vic Shayne, The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering
“Silence has been widely recognized by poets, philosophers, sages, and mystics as the source of all that is, the starting point of the infinite and unknown that collapses into awareness until each of us can so readily say, 'I am.”
Vic Shayne, The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering
“The self is a story of who you are. The biological body has no ability to make up any stories, and consciousness has no need to do so. The practical mind merely goes about its business of making practical decisions and thinking without unnecessary emotions. But the self has been forged by millions of years of ideas, experiences, culture, history, biology, evolution, teachers, nature, education, religion, and all manner of influences.”
Vic Shayne, The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering
“Because science has given modern society the things of comfort, solutions to important issues (sanitation, electricity, transportation, food production, entertainment, etc.), we have become conditioned to depend upon it for answers to everything. And because of this conditioning, we have come to rely upon science to also provide answers for that which is beyond its capacity to provide.”
Vic Shayne, The Self is a Belief: The idea that causes suffering