Hot Water Music Quotes

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Hot Water Music Hot Water Music by Charles Bukowski
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Hot Water Music Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27
“Life's as kind as you let it be.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“What is your advice to young writers?”
“Drink, fuck and smoke plenty of cigarettes.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Love is a form of prejudice. You love what you need, you love what makes you feel good, you love what is convenient. How can you say you love one person when there are ten thousand people in the world that you would love more if you ever met them? But you'll never meet them.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Never trust a man in a jumpsuit”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Ann, I love you. I hope my car starts. I hope the sink isn't plugged up. I'm glad I didn't fuck a groupie. I'm glad I'm not very good at getting into bed with strange females. I'm glad I'm an idiot. I'm glad I don't know anything. I'm glad I haven't been murdered. When I look at my hands and they are still on my wrists, I think to myself, I am lucky.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“There was nothing glorious about the life of a drinker or the life of a writer.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“If you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“I'm tired of waiting to die. Let's go out.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“That’s how they hooked you—they gave you just enough to keep alive but they never gave you enough so you could finally escape.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“But you know, only boring people get bored. They have to prod themselves continually in order to feel alive.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“What is your advice to young writers?"
"Drink, fuck and smoke plenty of cigarettes."
"What is your advice to older writers?"
"If you're still alive, you don't need any advice."
"What is the impulse that makes you create a poem?"
"What makes you take a shit?”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“You know, doctor, wisdom comes at a hell of an hour—when youth is gone, the storm is over and the girls have gone home.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Three a.m. drunks, all over America, were staring at the walls, having finally give it up. You didn't have to be drunk to get hurt, to be zeroed out by a woman; but you could get hurt and become a drunk. You might think for a while, especially when you were young, that luck was with you, and sometimes it was. But there were all manner of averages and laws working that you know nothing about, even as you imagined things were going well. Some night, some hot summer Thursday, night you became the drunk, you were out there alone in a cheap rented room, and no matter how many times you'd been out there before, it was no help, it was even worse because you had got to thinking you wouldn't face it again. All you could do was light another cigarette, pour another drink, check the peeling walls for lips and eyes. What men and women did to each other was beyond comprehension.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“What is your advice to young writers?” “Drink, fuck and smoke plenty of cigarettes.” “What is your advice to older writers?” “If you’re still alive, you don’t need any advice.” “What is the impulse that makes you create a poem?” “What makes you take a shit?” “What do you think of Reagan and unemployment?” “I don’t think of Reagan or unemployment.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Ευφυία είναι η ικανότητα να πεις κάτι βαθυστόχαστο με απλό τρόπο.”
Charles Bukowski, Βρόμικος κόσμος
“Το πιο δύσκολο πράγμα είναι να μαντέψεις ποια πρέπει να είναι η πρώτη σου κίνηση.”
Charles Bukowski, Βρόμικος κόσμος
“My only ambition is not to be anything at all; it seems the most sensible thing.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Well, we all ended up dead, that was just mathematics.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“I don’t think of Reagan or unemployment. It all bores me. Like space flights and the Super Bowl.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Bardak kullanmalısın," dedim. "Daha kolay olur."
"Evet. Haklısın." Etrafına bakındı. Bir kaç kirli bardak vardı görünürde. Hangisini seçeceğini merak ettim. En yakın olanı seçti.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Biliyor musun doktor, insanın aklı başına çok tuhaf zamanlarda geliyor - ya gençlik tükendikten sonra, ya fırtına dindikten sonra, ya da kızlar eve gittikten sonra.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Dışarı çıkarken kolum Bernadette'in belindeydi. Liseli bir kızı andırıyordu hâlâ. -uzun saçlar, ipek, hassas ve seksi dudaklar. İçinde bulunduğu cehennemi gözlerine baktığında fark edebiliyordun ancak.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Benim doğam onun umurunda bile değildi. Dediğim gibi, sadece birinin kollarında dönüp durduğunda hissedebiliyordu hayatın coşkusunu. Dans etmediği zamanlarda sıkıntıdan patlardı. 'Ondan sıkılıyorum, bundan sıkılıyorum, senle kahvaltı etmekten sıkılıyorum, seni yazarken görmekten sıkılıyorum. Harekete ihtiyacım var, mücadeleye ihtiyacım var.'"
"Çok da yanlış değil bu söyledikleri."
"Olmayabilir. Ama sana bir şey söyleyeyim mi, sıkıcı insanların canı sıkılır. Yaşadıklarını hissedebilmek için kendi kendilerini kışkırtıp dururlar.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Acı çekmek için ayyaş olmak, bir kadın tarafından sıfırlanmak gerekmiyordu, ama acı çekip ayyaş olunabilirdi. Bir süre, gençlikte özellikle, talihin senden yana olduğunu sanabilirdin, bazen senden yanadır da gerçekten. Ama senin farkında bile olmadığın ve senin aleyhine işleyen bir takım ortalama hesaplar ve kanunlar vardır, her şeyin yolunda gittiğini sandığın zamanlarda bile. Bir gece, sıcak bir Salı gecesi o ayyaş sen oluverirsin, sensin o ucuz pansiyon odasında olan, ve daha önce o odalarda olmuş olmanın da bir yararı olmaz, daha da kötüdür hatta, çünkü bir daha bu duruma düşmemeye karar vermişliğin vardır. Bir sigara daha yakmaktan, bir içki daha içmekten, o sıvası dökük duvarlarda bir çift göz, bir çift dudak aramaktan başka bir şey gelmez elden. Erkeklerle kadınların birbirlerine ettikleri insanın idrak gücünü aşıyordu.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“Mulloch sefil yaşantıya bayılırdı, yoksulluğa da bayılıyordu bence. Yoksulluğun insanı erdemli kıldığına inanıyordu. Mektupları böyle bir izlenim bırakmıştı bende. Zenginlerin inanmamızı istedikleri şey bu tabii ki, ama bu başka bir konu.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“I remember when I was a kid I read this book by Hemingway. A guy climbed into bed with this woman again and again and he couldn’t do it although he loved the woman and she loved him. My god, I thought, what a great book. All these centuries and nobody has written about this aspect of the thing. I thought the guy was just too blissfully dumb-ass to do it. Later on I read in the book that he’d had his genitals shot off in the war. What a let-down.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music
“The parrot sat on the back of a chair across from me. Suddenly he climbed down and walked across the table between the ashtrays and empty bottles and climbed up on my shoulder. “Don’t say that thing,” I told him, “it’s very irritating to me when you say that thing.” “Fuckin’ whore,” said the parrot.”
Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music