You Can Heal Your Life Quotes

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You Can Heal Your Life You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
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You Can Heal Your Life Quotes Showing 1-30 of 318
“Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
LOUISE L. HAY, You Can Heal Your Life
“I have never understood the importance of having children memorize battle dates. It seems like such a waste of mental energy. Instead, we could teach them important subjects such as How the Mind Works, How to Handle Finances, How to Invest Money for Financial Security, How to be a Parent, How to Create Good Relationships, and How to Create and Maintain Self-Esteem and Self-Worth. Can you imagine what a whole generation of adults would be like if they had been taught these subjects in school along with their regular curriculum?”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete,
I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself
As the Universe sees me --- perfect, whole, and complete.”
Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of love.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Think thoughts that make you happy. Do things that make you feel good. Be with people who make you feel good. Eat things that make your body feel good. Go at a pace that makes you feel good.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“I forgive you for not being the way I wanted you to be. I forgive you and I set you free.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“If you want to understand your parents more, get them to talk about their own childhood; and if you listen with compassion, you will learn where their fears and rigid patterns come from. Those people who “did all that stuff to you” were just as frightened and scared as you are.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Well, I believe you created those experiences over and over because they mirrored something you believed about yourself. It doesn’t really matter how long we have had a problem, or how big it is, or how life-threatening it is. The Point of Power Is Always in the Present Moment”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“The past has no power over us. It doesn’t matter how long we have had a negative pattern. The point of power is in the present moment. What a wonderful thing to realize! We can begin to be free in this moment!”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“If we want a joyous life, we must think joyous thoughts. If we want a prosperous life, we must think prosperous thoughts. If we want a loving life, we must think loving thoughts. Whatever we send out mentally or verbally will come back to us in like form.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Loving the self, to me, begins with never ever criticizing ourselves for anything. Criticism locks us into the very pattern we are trying to change. Understanding and being gentle with ourselves helps us to move out of it. Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Love who and what you are and what you do. Laugh at yourself and at life, and nothing can touch you. It’s all temporary anyway. Next lifetime you will do it differently anyway, so why not do it differently right now?”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Exercise: Letting Go As you read this, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, allow all the tension to leave your body. Let your scalp and your forehead and your face relax. Your head does not need to be tense in order for you to read. Let your tongue and your throat and your shoulders relax. You can hold a book with relaxed arms and hands. Do that now. Let your back and your abdomen and your pelvis relax. Let your breathing be at peace as you relax your legs and feet. Is there a big change in your body since you began the previous paragraph? Notice how much you hold on. If you are doing it with your body, you are doing it with your mind. In this relaxed, comfortable position, say to yourself, “I am willing to let go. I release. I let go. I release all ten- sion. I release all fear. I release all anger. I release all guilt. I release all sadness. I let go of all old limitations. I let go, and I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am at peace with the process of life. I am safe.” Go over this exercise two or three times. Feel the ease of letting go.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Every Experience is a Success.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“each of us is doing the very best we can at this very moment. If we knew better, if we had more understanding and awareness, then we would do it differently.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“When there is a problem, there is not something to do, there is something to know.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Would you really dig into yesterday’s garbage to make tonight’s meal? Do you dig into old mental garbage to create tomorrow’s experiences? If a thought or belief does not serve you, let it go! There is no written law that says that because you once believed something, you have to continue to believe it forever.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable,” and to hold on to that new affirmation and to repeat it often, then it will become true for me. Now, loving people will come into my life, the people already in my life will become more loving to me, and I will find myself easily expressing love to others.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“One of the first affirmations to use is: “I am willing to release the NEED for the resistance, or the headache, or the constipation, or the excess weight, or the lack of money or whatever.” Say: “I am willing to release the need for. . .” If you are resisting at this point, then your other affirmations cannot work.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Blame is useless. Blaming only gives away our power. Keep your power. Without power, we cannot make changes. The helpless victim cannot see a way out.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Your security is not your job, or your bank account, or your investments, or your spouse or parents. Your security is your ability to connect with the cosmic power that creates all things.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“When we want to change a condition, we need to say so. “I am willing to release the pattern within me that is creating this condition.” You can say this to yourself over and over every time you think of your illness or problem. The minute you say it, you are stepping out of the victim class. You are no longer helpless; you are acknowledging your own power. You are saying, “I am beginning to understand that I created this. I now take my own power back. I am going to release this old idea and let it go.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“Knee Problems: Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility. Won’t give in. Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I bend and flow with ease, and all is well.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“I forgive you for not being the way I wanted you to be. I forgive you and I set you free.” This affirmation sets us free.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“We forget that we create the situations, then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration. No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for “we” are the only thinkers in our mind. We create our experiences, our reality, and everyone in it. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our mind, we will find it in our lives.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“If a thought or belief does not serve you, let it go! There is no written law that says that because you once believed something, you have to continue to believe it forever.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack.”
Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life

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