Daisy Darker Quotes

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Daisy Darker Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney
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Daisy Darker Quotes Showing 1-30 of 210
“If you can’t find your way back to Happy, Navigate to the place you know as Less Sad.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“But if I do know more than most, it's because I read. Books will teach you anything you want to know, and they tend to be more honest than people.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“The only nobodies in this world are the people who pretend to be somebody; the people who think they are better than other people because of the way they choose to look, or speak, or vote, or pray, or love.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Families are like fingerprints; no two are the same, and they tend to leave their mark.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Don’t spend all of your ambition on other people’s dreams.”
Alice Feeney , Daisy Darker
“Where does the love go when someone dies? Their last breath disappears into the atmosphere, their body gets buried in the ground, but where does the love go? If love is real, it must go somewhere.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“There’s no need to be afraid of the dead. It’s the living you have to watch out for.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Denial is often a down payment for future heartbreak.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“The lies we tell for love are the lightest shade of white.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“weak people revenge, strong people forgive, and intelligent people ignore.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Books saved me, and I ran away inside the stories I read as a child. They were the only place where I could run, and swim, and dance without fear of falling and not being able to get back up. Books were full of friends and adventures, whereas my real childhood was cold, and dark, and horribly lonely.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“But children are more resilient than adults. They’re far better at making the most of what they have, and spend less time worrying about what they haven’t.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Childhood is a race to find out who you really are, before you become the person you are going to be. Not everybody wins.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“If you spend your present focusing on your past you will never change your future.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Nana taught us that the devil is not a fictional man with a red cape and horns; he’s the voice inside our heads that tells us to do things we shouldn’t; he’s the eyes that pretend not to see, and the ears that pretend not to hear. He’s you, he’s me, he’s all of us.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“It's always important to have adventures, even if only in your imagination. Sometimes those are the best adventures of all.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“They say that your life flashes before your eyes when you die, so you should make it a life worth watching.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“We spend our youth building sandcastles of ambition, then watch as life blows sands of doubt over our carefully crafted turrets of wishes and dreams, until we can no longer see them at all. We learn to settle instead for flattened lives, residing inside prisons of compromise.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Everyone you know is both good and bad, it’s part of being human.”
Alice feeney, Daisy Darker
“Pity fades with age, hate is lost and found, but guilt can last a lifetime.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Don’t waste your life wishing to be like someone else, decide who you are and be you.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Sometimes the things that make one person sad are the same things that can make another person happy.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Like my favorite resident says every time she sees me: the secret to having it all is knowing that you already do.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“The trouble with little white lies is that they sometimes grow up to become big dark ones.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Sometimes people don't know they're in love until they're not.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Sometimes when people try too hard to be more than they are, they end up being less than they were.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“When you know you can’t make long-term plans, it’s easy to let yourself make short-term mistakes.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“Our thoughts and feelings are there to be expressed and they are our own: unique. I don’t feel the same way as you about the world, and that’s fine. We’re not designed to always think and feel the same. We are not sheep. Agreeing with someone about something is a choice, try to remember that. Don’t waste your life wishing to be like someone else, decide who you are and be you.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“I often wonder wether we are born with love in our hearts and life just slowly erases it, eating it away little by little, until all the empathy and warmth is completely rubbed out. We learn to love regardless of whether there is anyone in our lives to teach us how. Love is as instinctive as breathing, but we don’t have to give it away. Like our breath, we can hold onto it if we choose to. But not forever. Because then it starts to hurt.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker
“if you spend your present focusing on your past, you will never change your future.”
Alice Feeney, Daisy Darker

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