Feature Request: Enhance Table View Functionality

Hi Team Dev,

I'm writing to request some essential features for the table view

1. Wrap Text for Long Text:

Currently, long text entries can overflow cells, hindering readability. Implementing "wrap text" feature for the "longtext" type would ensure all text fits within the cell boundaries.

2. Adjustable Column Width:

Enabling manual column width adjustment would improve flexibility and data visualization. This could be achieved through drag-and-drop functionality on column borders.

3. Freeze Selectable Sequence Column:

Currently, only the key or label column can be frozen. Allowing users to freeze any chosen sequence column while scrolling horizontally would significantly enhance the user experience, especially for tables with numerous columns.

4. Multi-Column Group Aggregation:

Expanding group aggregation capabilities to support multiple columns would be highly beneficial. For instance, users should be able to calculate the count of POs, sum of quantities, and sum of amounts by "Day" instead of being limited to a single aggregated value per group.

5. Inline Column Grouping:

For tables with a large number of columns, introducing an "inline group" feature would be valuable. This would allow users to visually group related columns together, reducing horizontal scrolling and improving data organization.

Implementing these features would significantly improve the table view's usability and functionality. I believe these enhancements would be highly beneficial for users and would greatly appreciate your consideration.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Best regard

Status Open
9 3 216
Silver 4
Silver 4

Imagine a user entering data in a long text column that fills out a an entire google doc or ms word page.   If this gets wrapped, then you wouldn't be able to possible scrolldown through your table. 

Being able to adjust column widths by dragging the header divisions is already available in AppSheet table views now.

Freezing multiple columns only makes sense in a desktop mode view, which is still in beta.

You can have more than one grouping and each of them will habe their own aggregations. But being able to choose whether it would be count or sum sounds like a good idea.

Inline column grouping also just makes sense for desktop mode view




Silver 2
Silver 2
  • Do you think the current interface of the appsheet is optimal or does it need improvement? Try looking at competitors Powerapps, Airtable or Larsuite... they already do all the features I mentioned. Why is Appsheet still so outdated and behind the trend?
Bronze 3
Bronze 3

The wrap could be limited to a certain size (cell height, say 5 lines) until clicked then either A a simple dialogue box pops up like the input() dialogue but with just the long text (either editable or not) or B have that cell only extend down over top of the other data to view the whole contents.  I like A best, especially if editable!