Google Contacts as data source

For myself and many others, my app revolves around a customer database consisting of Name, Address, Phone number and Email. From that information I can then add an entry with their initial enquiry which will then evolve through the job stages from the initial enquiry, sending a quotation, creating a staff job sheet, invoice, late payment reminders then receipt for payment.

The reason for the request is firstly, it just makes logical sense. Secondly, to save time from having to add the contact in the app then going into google contacts to duplicate that contact again. Finally, it's just as much of a pain when it comes to updating or deleting the contact. 

It would be a useful feature to be able to use Google contacts as a data source. I know that there was a way to do this using the Google contacts API which @MultiTech showed us how to do and worked brilliantly. However the Google contacts API is now depreciated and moved over to the new people API and from what I've read is only able to be implemented by enterprise customers. 

There may be other work arounds  (I'm still searching) but since appsheet is marketed as a no code platform, I feel that it should be able to use Google contacts as a data source at the click of a couple of buttons (especially since appsheet can use google calendar and even the folder structure of Google drive itself as a data source) . After all, the data structure in Google contacts is already there!

Please consider this.



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Bronze 1
Bronze 1

It would be nice to have an answer from Google representatives about this request. At least an indication of how to use Google Contacts more productively, considering that connecting the dots is in Google's DNA.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Raising this, as it has come several times with my clients 🙂

@lizlynch would you have any insight about such integration?


@Clint_Hutchinso @Aurelien @andrealuca - Am checking in with the team with regards to this enhancement. Thank you for the suggestion!


@Clint_Hutchinso @Aurelien @andrealuca - Confirmed that this is integration is not in the short term plan. But I've raised this to the team that is tracking future enhancements.