Bronze 1
Since ‎03-29-2024

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Task Name: rw-id3779-task4000-par4000-stage0-download.Task UID: rw-id3779-task4000-637b650e-07c4-429d0. 1942 succeeded, 2056 tasks failed, 2 running. (Total 4K tasks).I'm getting a lot of errors of the form:```docker: Error response from daemon: Head...
When using GCP batch, I'm getting lots of "Unexpected EOF" errors when pulling the docker containers. I'm wondering if this is because my containers are 16-17GB, and maybe the machines don't have enough disk?
I'm using GCP batch with GPUs, but I'm getting errors like the following:```assert torch.cuda.is_available(), "GPU not available"``` or:```RuntimeError: Found no NVIDIA driver on your system. Please check that you have an NVIDIA GPU and installed a d...
I'm getting the following error:```docker: Error response from daemon: Head "": denied: Unauthenticated request. Unauthenticated requests do not have per...
When running `df -h`, on a GCP batch VM, I see the following:```Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 2024-05-09 12:18:05.691 PDToverlay 28G 3.1G 25G 12% /``` Does this mean, I have around 25G of scratch space on a GCP batch VM, or ... is the co...