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S. 1564: AI Leadership Training Act

We don’t have a summary available yet.

The summary below was written by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan division of the Library of Congress, and was published on Dec 19, 2023.

Artificial Intelligence Leadership Training Act or the AI Leadership Training Act

This bill requires the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to develop and implement an annual training program on artificial intelligence (AI) for federal managers, supervisors, and other employees designated to participate in the program.

The program shall, at a minimum, include information relating to

what AI is and how it works, the benefits offered and risks posed by AI, ways to mitigate the risks of AI, organizational considerations for the development and deployment of AI, and other specified topics. The program must be updated at least every two years. OPM must establish a means by which to (1) understand and measure the participation of employees in the program, and (2) receive and consider feedback from participants.

The bill terminates 10 years after its enactment.