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Sen. Thomas Carper’s Cosponsors

Carper has gotten 3,396 cosponsors (by 693 unique Members of Congress) on his 458 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Jun 20, 2024. Here they are in order from most cosponsored bills to fewest.

Sen. Christopher Coons [D-DE]
64 bills from Feb 10, 2011 to Jul 20, 2023
Foreign Trade and International Finance (17); Health (9); Government Operations and Politics (8); Taxation (7); Environmental Protection (7); Water Resources Development (5); Public Lands and Natural Resources (3); Education (2); Energy (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Immigration (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Susan Collins [R-ME]
47 bills from Jul 22, 2003 to Jul 27, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (23); Taxation (11); Environmental Protection (9); Law (6); Labor and Employment (5); Economics and Public Finance (5); Health (5); Science, Technology, Communications (4); Emergency Management (3); Social Welfare (3); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Energy (2); Families (2); Animals (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Arts, Culture, Religion (1); Commerce (1); Education (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Immigration (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
44 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to May 22, 2024
Environmental Protection (10); Government Operations and Politics (8); Taxation (7); Transportation and Public Works (6); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (2); Water Resources Development (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Health (1); Law (1)
Sen. Judd Gregg [R-NH, 1993-2010]
42 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Feb 4, 2010
Foreign Trade and International Finance (30); Environmental Protection (5); Government Operations and Politics (5); Economics and Public Finance (4); Law (4); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Energy (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); International Affairs (1); Water Resources Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Animals (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI]
36 bills from Mar 11, 2008 to May 22, 2024
Environmental Protection (12); Taxation (8); Government Operations and Politics (6); Health (4); Transportation and Public Works (2); Education (2); Energy (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez [D-NJ]
32 bills from Aug 1, 2007 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (9); Taxation (7); Environmental Protection (5); Water Resources Development (4); Health (3); Transportation and Public Works (2); Law (2); Education (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
30 bills from Jul 28, 2009 to Jun 11, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (7); Environmental Protection (6); Transportation and Public Works (3); Taxation (3); Water Resources Development (3); Education (3); Health (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer [D-NY]
28 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (11); Environmental Protection (6); Water Resources Development (5); Education (5); Economics and Public Finance (4); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Transportation and Public Works (2); Commerce (1); Animals (1); Energy (1); Law (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Health (1)
Sen. Cory Booker [D-NJ]
27 bills from Apr 7, 2014 to Apr 18, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (10); Environmental Protection (8); Water Resources Development (4); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Immigration (1); Education (1); Health (1); Law (1)
Sen. Jon Tester [D-MT]
26 bills from Dec 2, 2010 to Jun 20, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (10); Health (4); Environmental Protection (3); Education (2); Social Welfare (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Native Americans (1)
Sen. Sherrod Brown [D-OH]
26 bills from Sep 4, 2007 to Dec 13, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (11); Taxation (8); Environmental Protection (4); Health (2); Education (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Robert “Bob” Casey [D-PA]
25 bills from Jul 19, 2007 to Apr 25, 2023
Environmental Protection (10); Government Operations and Politics (9); Water Resources Development (6); Economics and Public Finance (2); Animals (2); Law (2); Emergency Management (2); Health (2); Commerce (1); Education (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Energy (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito [R-WV]
24 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to May 22, 2024
Environmental Protection (8); Health (6); Transportation and Public Works (4); Water Resources Development (2); Government Operations and Politics (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Animals (1)
Sen. Edward “Ed” Markey [D-MA]
24 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (8); Taxation (4); Environmental Protection (4); Education (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL]
23 bills from Dec 14, 1987 to Mar 30, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (11); Environmental Protection (4); Education (3); Labor and Employment (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Health (1); Law (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Taxation (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Claire McCaskill [D-MO, 2007-2018]
23 bills from Sep 5, 2007 to Mar 22, 2018
Government Operations and Politics (14); Health (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Law (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Social Welfare (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Angus King [I-ME]
22 bills from Feb 28, 2013 to May 7, 2024
Environmental Protection (7); Taxation (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Education (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]
22 bills from Aug 2, 2011 to Jan 9, 2024
Environmental Protection (7); Government Operations and Politics (6); Education (4); Health (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
22 bills from Aug 2, 2007 to Jul 20, 2023
Health (8); Environmental Protection (7); Government Operations and Politics (7); Economics and Public Finance (2); Commerce (1); Education (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Water Resources Development (1); Animals (1); Energy (1); Law (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
22 bills from Jun 22, 2009 to Apr 25, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (9); Environmental Protection (8); Education (2); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Mark Warner [D-VA]
22 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (9); Health (6); Social Welfare (3); Environmental Protection (3); Economics and Public Finance (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren [D-MA]
21 bills from Feb 28, 2013 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (9); Taxation (4); Environmental Protection (3); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Native Americans (1)
Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I-CT, 1989-2012]
21 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Jun 20, 2012
Government Operations and Politics (15); Environmental Protection (6); Economics and Public Finance (5); Law (4); Science, Technology, Communications (3); Health (2); Education (2); Families (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Animals (2); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Commerce (1); Water Resources Development (1); Energy (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Emergency Management (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]
20 bills from May 6, 1986 to Mar 21, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (7); Environmental Protection (7); Economics and Public Finance (2); Animals (1); Energy (1); Law (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Education (1)
Sen. Martin Heinrich [D-NM]
20 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Feb 6, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (6); Health (6); Taxation (3); Environmental Protection (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Native Americans (1)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA, 1992-2023]
20 bills from May 4, 2006 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (10); Environmental Protection (6); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Energy (2); Law (2); Education (2); Commerce (1); Taxation (1); Animals (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Native Americans (1)
Sen. Gary Peters [D-MI]
19 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to May 9, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (7); Environmental Protection (5); Health (3); Education (2); Social Welfare (2)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow [D-MI]
19 bills from Aug 2, 2011 to Apr 25, 2023
Environmental Protection (6); Health (5); Government Operations and Politics (4); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]
19 bills from Sep 15, 2008 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (10); Environmental Protection (6); Education (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Tammy Baldwin [D-WI]
19 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (12); Environmental Protection (3); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Social Welfare (1); Health (1)
Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA, 1993-2016]
19 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Apr 19, 2016
Environmental Protection (6); Government Operations and Politics (5); Taxation (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Education (1)
Sen. Chris Van Hollen [D-MD]
17 bills from Mar 15, 2017 to Feb 8, 2024
Environmental Protection (7); Government Operations and Politics (5); Transportation and Public Works (2); Immigration (1); Education (1); Law (1)
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen [D-NH]
17 bills from Feb 4, 2010 to Jul 20, 2023
Environmental Protection (5); Health (5); Government Operations and Politics (4); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Brian Schatz [D-HI]
17 bills from Jun 19, 2013 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (7); Taxation (4); Environmental Protection (3); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. John F. “Jack” Reed [D-RI]
17 bills from May 26, 2010 to Jan 24, 2023
Taxation (6); Government Operations and Politics (4); Education (3); Environmental Protection (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Olympia Snowe [R-ME, 1995-2012]
17 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Jun 28, 2012
Economics and Public Finance (6); Environmental Protection (5); Taxation (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (2); Labor and Employment (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Law (1); Housing and Community Development (1)
Sen. George Voinovich [R-OH, 1999-2010]
17 bills from Sep 6, 2006 to Sep 28, 2010
Government Operations and Politics (11); Economics and Public Finance (5); Science, Technology, Communications (5); Taxation (3); Environmental Protection (3); Health (3); Commerce (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Education (1); Water Resources Development (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Sen. Timothy “Tim” Kaine [D-VA]
16 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jul 20, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (7); Environmental Protection (4); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Health (1); Education (1); Law (1)
Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
16 bills from Sep 4, 2007 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (8); Environmental Protection (3); Education (3); Transportation and Public Works (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. John Boozman [R-AR]
15 bills from Jun 6, 2012 to Jun 20, 2024
Environmental Protection (5); Health (2); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Commerce (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Emergency Management (1)
Sen. Michael Bennet [D-CO]
15 bills from Mar 31, 2009 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (6); Environmental Protection (3); Health (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Ron Johnson [R-WI]
15 bills from Jul 28, 2011 to Feb 7, 2019
Government Operations and Politics (12); Health (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Margaret “Maggie” Hassan [D-NH]
14 bills from May 25, 2017 to Jun 3, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (5); Environmental Protection (3); Health (2); Social Welfare (2); Education (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Tammy Duckworth [D-IL]
14 bills from Mar 15, 2017 to Jan 31, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (8); Environmental Protection (3); Immigration (1); Education (1); Health (1)
Sen. Mazie Hirono [D-HI]
14 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (6); Environmental Protection (3); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Health (1)
Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL, 2001-2018]
14 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Oct 11, 2018
Economics and Public Finance (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Transportation and Public Works (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Thomas Coburn [R-OK, 2005-2014]
14 bills from Jun 20, 2007 to Jul 22, 2014
Government Operations and Politics (11); Health (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Tina Smith [D-MN]
13 bills from Jun 19, 2018 to May 15, 2024
Health (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Environmental Protection (3); Education (1)
Sen. Charles “Chuck” Grassley [R-IA]
13 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Jul 20, 2023
Environmental Protection (4); Health (4); Government Operations and Politics (3); Economics and Public Finance (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT, 1975-2022]
13 bills from Jul 17, 2008 to Jan 26, 2021
Government Operations and Politics (6); Environmental Protection (3); Economics and Public Finance (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Emergency Management (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Lamar Alexander [R-TN, 2003-2020]
13 bills from Jul 14, 2003 to May 14, 2020
Government Operations and Politics (8); Environmental Protection (5); Law (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Taxation (2); Immigration (1); International Affairs (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Water Resources Development (1); Commerce (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Energy (1)
Sen. James “Jim” Inhofe [R-OK, 1994-2022]
13 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Mar 12, 2019
Environmental Protection (5); Economics and Public Finance (3); Government Operations and Politics (2); Health (2); Transportation and Public Works (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Thom Tillis [R-NC]
12 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to May 15, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Social Welfare (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Environmental Protection (1); Immigration (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. John Barrasso [R-WY]
12 bills from Nov 8, 2011 to May 7, 2024
Health (5); Environmental Protection (4); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1)
Sen. Bill Cassidy [R-LA]
12 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to Mar 8, 2024
Health (8); Government Operations and Politics (1); Education (1); Water Resources Development (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Christopher Murphy [D-CT]
12 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (4); Environmental Protection (3); Education (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Immigration (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto [D-NV]
12 bills from Mar 15, 2017 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (5); Environmental Protection (3); Immigration (1); Health (1); Education (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Richard Burr [R-NC, 2005-2022]
12 bills from Mar 10, 2009 to Mar 25, 2021
Health (5); Taxation (3); Agriculture and Food (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Pat Roberts [R-KS, 1997-2020]
12 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Jul 25, 2018
Health (4); Government Operations and Politics (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D-MD, 1987-2016]
12 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Jul 16, 2015
Taxation (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Environmental Protection (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Commerce (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); International Affairs (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Education (1)
Rep. Thomas Ridge [R-PA21, 1983-1994]
12 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Jul 25, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (6); Finance and Financial Sector (5); Government Operations and Politics (4); Education (3); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Foreign Trade and International Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R-AK]
11 bills from Sep 25, 2008 to Jul 20, 2023
Health (4); Environmental Protection (3); Agriculture and Food (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Commerce (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Robert “Rob” Portman [R-OH, 2011-2022]
11 bills from Mar 8, 2012 to Nov 4, 2021
Government Operations and Politics (6); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Health (1); Education (1); Commerce (1); Immigration (1)
Rep. William John Hughes [D-NJ2, 1975-1994]
11 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Aug 12, 1992
Environmental Protection (4); Economics and Public Finance (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Robert “Robin” Tallon [D-SC6, 1983-1992]
11 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Oct 3, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (4); Environmental Protection (3); Government Operations and Politics (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. John “Johnny” Isakson [R-GA, 2005-2019]
10 bills from Sep 6, 2007 to Jun 20, 2019
Health (3); Environmental Protection (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Taxation (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Alan “Al” Franken [D-MN, 2009-2017]
10 bills from Jul 23, 2009 to Nov 9, 2017
Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Environmental Protection (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Health (1); Immigration (1)
Sen. Kelly Ayotte [R-NH, 2011-2016]
10 bills from May 8, 2012 to Oct 28, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (6); Health (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Mary Landrieu [D-LA, 1997-2014]
10 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Oct 4, 2013
Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (3); Labor and Employment (2); Taxation (2); Families (2); Environmental Protection (2); Law (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Energy (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Rep. Chalmers Wylie [R-OH15, 1967-1992]
10 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (5); Finance and Financial Sector (4); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ben Erdreich [D-AL6, 1983-1992]
10 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (6); Education (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Emergency Management (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. David Dreier [R-CA26, 2003-2012]
10 bills from Oct 28, 1983 to Aug 3, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (5); Economics and Public Finance (4); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (2); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Roger Wicker [R-MS]
9 bills from Apr 13, 2011 to May 22, 2024
Health (3); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Kevin Cramer [R-ND]
9 bills from Mar 12, 2019 to May 22, 2024
Transportation and Public Works (3); Health (2); Water Resources Development (2); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Maria Cantwell [D-WA]
9 bills from Jul 28, 2008 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (5); Environmental Protection (4); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. John Thune [R-SD]
9 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Mar 21, 2022
Health (5); Economics and Public Finance (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Roy Blunt [R-MO, 2011-2022]
9 bills from Jun 22, 2011 to Jun 13, 2018
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Michael Enzi [R-WY, 1997-2020]
9 bills from May 23, 2007 to Apr 7, 2017
Health (3); Taxation (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Commerce (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Education (1)
Sen. John Kerry [D-MA, 1985-2013]
9 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Apr 16, 2012
Environmental Protection (5); Government Operations and Politics (4); Taxation (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Families (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Law (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Commerce (1); Water Resources Development (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James “Jim” Saxton [R-NJ3, 1993-2008]
9 bills from Jun 13, 1985 to Sep 18, 1992
Environmental Protection (3); Economics and Public Finance (3); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jim Cooper [D-TN5, 2003-2022]
9 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (5); Finance and Financial Sector (4); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Barney Frank [D-MA4, 1981-2012]
9 bills from Oct 28, 1983 to Feb 27, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Education (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Jerry Moran [R-KS]
8 bills from May 5, 2011 to Jun 20, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (3); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Health (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Sen. Lindsey Graham [R-SC]
8 bills from May 4, 2006 to Apr 15, 2024
Environmental Protection (3); Government Operations and Politics (2); Taxation (2); Energy (1); Law (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1)
Sen. Alejandro “Alex” Padilla [D-CA]
8 bills from Jan 26, 2021 to Mar 5, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (3); Transportation and Public Works (2); Environmental Protection (2); Health (1)
Sen. Michael “Mike” Crapo [R-ID]
8 bills from May 2, 2001 to Apr 25, 2023
Economics and Public Finance (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Environmental Protection (2); Health (1); Education (1); Families (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Commerce (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Jacky Rosen [D-NV]
8 bills from Feb 28, 2019 to Feb 13, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (5); Environmental Protection (3)
Sen. Tom Udall [D-NM, 2009-2020]
8 bills from Nov 15, 2011 to Feb 11, 2020
Environmental Protection (4); Government Operations and Politics (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Joe Manchin [I-WV]
8 bills from Nov 16, 2011 to Feb 28, 2019
Health (4); Environmental Protection (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Mark Begich [D-AK, 2009-2014]
8 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to May 21, 2014
Government Operations and Politics (4); Health (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ, 2003-2013]
8 bills from Feb 14, 2008 to Feb 28, 2013
Taxation (4); Transportation and Public Works (2); Water Resources Development (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1)
Rep. Bill McCollum [R-FL8, 1993-2000]
8 bills from Nov 9, 1983 to Sep 18, 1992
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Douglas “Doug” Bereuter [R-NE1, 1979-2004]
8 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (6); Finance and Financial Sector (4); Education (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Families (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Carroll Hubbard [D-KY1, 1975-1992]
8 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Albert Bustamante [D-TX23, 1985-1992]
8 bills from Nov 13, 1985 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (4); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Frank Jefferson Horton [R-NY29, 1983-1992]
8 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Oct 3, 1991
Environmental Protection (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Paul Kanjorski [D-PA11, 1985-2010]
8 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Feb 20, 1991
Finance and Financial Sector (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Emergency Management (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema [I-AZ]
7 bills from Feb 28, 2019 to May 24, 2022
Environmental Protection (2); Education (1); Social Welfare (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Health (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Patrick “Pat” Toomey [R-PA, 2011-2022]
7 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Aug 1, 2019
Taxation (2); Health (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp [D-ND, 2013-2018]
7 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 22, 2018
Government Operations and Politics (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Health (1); Education (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Dean Heller [R-NV, 2011-2018]
7 bills from Nov 9, 2011 to Jun 22, 2017
Taxation (3); Health (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Education (1)
Sen. Daniel Coats [R-IN, 2011-2016]
7 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Jun 3, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (2); Health (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Tim Johnson [D-SD, 1997-2014]
7 bills from Sep 23, 1988 to Oct 4, 2013
Economics and Public Finance (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Taxation (1); Education (1); Commerce (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Christopher Dodd [D-CT, 1981-2010]
7 bills from May 4, 2006 to Sep 23, 2010
Environmental Protection (5); Government Operations and Politics (5); Law (4); Emergency Management (2); Animals (2); Energy (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Families (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Evan Bayh [D-IN, 1999-2010]
7 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Sep 16, 2010
Economics and Public Finance (4); Taxation (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Agriculture and Food (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Rep. Norman Lent [R-NY4, 1973-1992]
7 bills from Sep 26, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Paul Henry [R-MI3, 1993-1993]
7 bills from Jun 12, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (4); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Barton “Bart” Gordon [D-TN6, 1985-2010]
7 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William “Billy” Tauzin [R-LA3, 1979-2004]
7 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Druie Barnard [D-GA10, 1977-1992]
7 bills from Nov 1, 1985 to Jun 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Charles McMillen [D-MD4, 1987-1992]
7 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Jun 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Environmental Protection (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. John LaFalce [D-NY29, 1993-2002]
7 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Jul 25, 1991
Finance and Financial Sector (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Foreign Trade and International Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Charles “Charlie” Stenholm [D-TX17, 1979-2004]
7 bills from Aug 15, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (4); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Thomas “Tom” Petri [R-WI6, 1979-2014]
7 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (4); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Rep. Nancy Johnson [R-CT5, 2003-2006]
7 bills from May 22, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (4); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Marge Roukema [R-NJ5, 1983-2002]
7 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to May 24, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Families (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. John Hiler [R-IN3, 1981-1990]
7 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to May 2, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (4); Finance and Financial Sector (4); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Thomas Foglietta [D-PA1, 1981-1997]
7 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Mar 1, 1990
Environmental Protection (4); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Royden Dyson [D-MD1, 1981-1990]
7 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Feb 27, 1990
Environmental Protection (4); Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Harry “Steve” Bartlett [R-TX3, 1983-1991]
7 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Dec 3, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (4); Government Operations and Politics (4); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Families (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. George Wortley [R-NY27, 1983-1988]
7 bills from Nov 15, 1983 to Jul 30, 1987
Finance and Financial Sector (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Marco Rubio [R-FL]
6 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Sep 21, 2022
Government Operations and Politics (2); Social Welfare (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. John Cornyn [R-TX]
6 bills from Jun 19, 2009 to May 25, 2021
Health (3); Government Operations and Politics (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Vice President Kamala Harris [D]
6 bills from Mar 15, 2017 to Mar 5, 2019
Government Operations and Politics (2); Environmental Protection (2); Immigration (1); Education (1)
Sen. Kay Hagan [D-NC, 2009-2014]
6 bills from Apr 12, 2010 to Jun 18, 2014
Taxation (2); Health (2); Education (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Scott Brown [R-MA, 2010-2012]
6 bills from Apr 21, 2010 to Jul 22, 2011
Transportation and Public Works (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Environmental Protection (1); Health (1)
President Joseph Biden [D]
6 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Feb 14, 2008
Transportation and Public Works (4); Public Lands and Natural Resources (3); Armed Forces and National Security (2); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (2); Commerce (2); International Affairs (2); Native Americans (2); Sports and Recreation (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Environmental Protection (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Law (2); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Animals (1); Energy (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Michael “Mike” DeWine [R-OH, 1995-2006]
6 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 9, 2006
Social Welfare (2); Labor and Employment (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (1); Emergency Management (1); Health (1)
Rep. Peter Kostmayer [D-PA8, 1983-1992]
6 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 25, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. John Kasich [R-OH12, 1983-2000]
6 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Helen Bentley [R-MD2, 1985-1994]
6 bills from May 14, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Arthur Ravenel [R-SC1, 1987-1994]
6 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Environmental Protection (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. Austin Murphy [D-PA20, 1993-1994]
6 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Matthew Martínez [R-CA31, 1993-2000]
6 bills from Nov 1, 1985 to Sep 18, 1992
Environmental Protection (2); Economics and Public Finance (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Robert Lagomarsino [R-CA19, 1975-1992]
6 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James “Jim” Kolbe [R-AZ8, 2003-2006]
6 bills from Jun 3, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. George E. Brown [D-CA42, 1993-1999]
6 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. William Blaine Richardson [D-NM3, 1983-1997]
6 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to Aug 11, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Health (1); Sports and Recreation (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Byron Dorgan [D-ND, 1992-2010]
6 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 11, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Health (1); Sports and Recreation (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Curtis “Curt” Weldon [R-PA7, 1987-2006]
6 bills from Apr 8, 1987 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Stephen Neal [D-NC5, 1975-1994]
6 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Robert Matsui [D-CA5, 1993-2004]
6 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Rodney Chandler [R-WA8, 1983-1992]
6 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Jul 2, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (4); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Theodore Weiss [D-NY17, 1983-1992]
6 bills from Nov 15, 1983 to Mar 26, 1992
Environmental Protection (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. John Alexander, III “Alex” McMillan [R-NC9, 1985-1994]
6 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Nov 27, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (5); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Gerry Studds [D-MA10, 1983-1996]
6 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Oct 3, 1991
Environmental Protection (3); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. John Spratt [D-SC5, 1983-2010]
6 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Sep 24, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Robert Roe [D-NJ8, 1969-1992]
6 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Jul 24, 1991
Environmental Protection (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Emergency Management (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Harris Fawell [R-IL13, 1985-1998]
6 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Robert Dornan [R-CA46, 1993-1996]
6 bills from May 14, 1986 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT4, 1987-2008]
6 bills from Dec 18, 1987 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. James Rowland [D-GA8, 1983-1994]
6 bills from May 13, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1)
Rep. John Ripin Miller [R-WA1, 1985-1992]
6 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Gerald “Jerry” Kleczka [D-WI4, 1983-2004]
6 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Norman Shumway [R-CA14, 1979-1990]
6 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (4); Education (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Esteban Torres [D-CA34, 1983-1998]
6 bills from Oct 24, 1985 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Martin Sabo [D-MN5, 1979-2006]
6 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Rep. Thomas Manton [D-NY7, 1993-1998]
6 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur [D-OH9]
6 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Mar 1, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Frenzel [R-MN3, 1971-1990]
6 bills from May 22, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Sander Levin [D-MI9, 2013-2018]
6 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Sep 15, 1988
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Bruce Morrison [D-CT3, 1983-1990]
6 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Dec 2, 1987
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Mike Braun [R-IN]
5 bills from Feb 7, 2019 to Sep 26, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (3); Social Welfare (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. John Hoeven [R-ND]
5 bills from Oct 12, 2011 to Sep 18, 2023
Health (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Ben Ray Luján [D-NM]
5 bills from Feb 24, 2021 to Jul 20, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (3); Health (2)
Sen. Dan Sullivan [R-AK]
5 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to May 31, 2023
Health (2); Government Operations and Politics (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV, 1987-2016]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Jun 25, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Mark Kirk [R-IL, 2010-2016]
5 bills from Sep 21, 2011 to Jun 22, 2015
Health (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John McCain [R-AZ, 1987-2018]
5 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Jun 3, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (2); Emergency Management (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Mark Pryor [D-AR, 2003-2014]
5 bills from Mar 8, 2012 to Nov 21, 2013
Government Operations and Politics (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Mike Johanns [R-NE, 2009-2014]
5 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Oct 4, 2013
Health (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Saxby Chambliss [R-GA, 2003-2014]
5 bills from Nov 17, 2010 to Oct 4, 2013
Health (2); Environmental Protection (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. James “Jim” Jeffords [I-VT, 1989-2006]
5 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Apr 25, 2006
Labor and Employment (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (1); Emergency Management (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1)
Rep. Leon Panetta [D-CA17, 1993-1993]
5 bills from Nov 15, 1983 to Oct 2, 1992
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. David O’Brien Martin [R-NY26, 1983-1992]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 25, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Carl Pursell [R-MI2, 1977-1992]
5 bills from May 6, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3)
Rep. Solomon Ortiz [D-TX27, 1983-2010]
5 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Sep 24, 1992
Environmental Protection (2); Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. James Hayes [R-LA7, 1987-1996]
5 bills from Sep 22, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Steven Gunderson [R-WI3, 1981-1996]
5 bills from May 22, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Dean Gallo [R-NJ11, 1985-1994]
5 bills from Sep 19, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Robert Coughlin [R-PA13, 1969-1992]
5 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Herbert Bateman [R-VA1, 1983-2000]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Michael Andrews [D-TX25, 1983-1994]
5 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Housing and Community Development (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Robert Torricelli [D-NJ, 1997-2002]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Raymond McGrath [R-NY5, 1981-1992]
5 bills from Nov 13, 1985 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Richard Lehman [D-CA19, 1993-1994]
5 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Sep 18, 1992
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Joseph Kolter [D-PA4, 1983-1992]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Environmental Protection (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Henry Hyde [R-IL6, 1975-2006]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Thomas “Tom” DeLay [R-TX22, 1985-2006]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Tom Bliley [R-VA7, 1993-2000]
5 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Romano Mazzoli [D-KY3, 1971-1994]
5 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Aug 12, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Richard Stallings [D-ID2, 1985-1992]
5 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3)
Rep. Francis McCloskey [D-IN8, 1983-1994]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Marilyn Lloyd [D-TN3, 1975-1994]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. John Bryant [D-TX5, 1983-1996]
5 bills from Nov 15, 1983 to Aug 6, 1992
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Gillespie “Sonny” Montgomery [D-MS3, 1973-1996]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Andrew Jacobs Jr. [D-IN10, 1983-1996]
5 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jim Moody [D-WI5, 1983-1992]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Jul 21, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Itimous “Tim” Valentine [D-NC2, 1983-1994]
5 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Emergency Management (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Philip Sharp [D-IN2, 1983-1994]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Edgar “Ed” Jenkins [D-GA9, 1977-1992]
5 bills from May 22, 1986 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Chester Atkins [D-MA5, 1985-1992]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Jun 23, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Bernard Dwyer [D-NJ6, 1983-1992]
5 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to May 28, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Lipinski [D-IL3, 1993-2004]
5 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to May 12, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Robert Mrazek [D-NY3, 1983-1992]
5 bills from Nov 19, 1985 to Oct 29, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Nancy Pelosi [D-CA11]
5 bills from Jun 23, 1987 to Oct 3, 1991
Emergency Management (2); Animals (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Mary Oakar [D-OH20, 1977-1992]
5 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Jul 25, 1991
Armed Forces and National Security (2); Foreign Trade and International Finance (2); Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Rep. Robert Wise [D-WV2, 1993-2000]
5 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Timothy Penny [D-MN1, 1983-1994]
5 bills from May 22, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (4); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Elizabeth Patterson [D-SC4, 1987-1992]
5 bills from Sep 22, 1987 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Earl Hutto [D-FL1, 1979-1994]
5 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Howard Nielson [R-UT3, 1983-1990]
5 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. James A. “Jim” Leach [R-IA2, 2003-2006]
5 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (4); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. William Clinger [R-PA5, 1993-1996]
5 bills from Jun 13, 1985 to May 10, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Environmental Protection (2); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. James Traficant [D-OH17, 1985-2002]
5 bills from Dec 6, 1985 to Mar 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Nick Rahall [D-WV3, 1993-2014]
5 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Stanford Parris [R-VA8, 1981-1990]
5 bills from Oct 24, 1985 to Mar 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3)
Rep. Douglas Bosco [D-CA1, 1983-1990]
5 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Glenn Anderson [D-CA32, 1975-1992]
5 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Murtha [D-PA12, 1973-2010]
5 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Howard Berman [D-CA28, 2003-2012]
5 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Feb 27, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Rep. Michael Lowry [D-WA7, 1979-1988]
5 bills from Nov 9, 1983 to Sep 27, 1988
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Robert Garcia [D-NY18, 1983-1990]
5 bills from Oct 24, 1985 to Oct 15, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3)
Sen. James Lankford [R-OK]
4 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to Jun 11, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (3); Education (1)
Sen. Mark Kelly [D-AZ]
4 bills from May 18, 2023 to May 22, 2024
Transportation and Public Works (2); Water Resources Development (1)
Sen. Tim Scott [R-SC]
4 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to May 15, 2024
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1)
Sen. Marsha Blackburn [R-TN]
4 bills from Mar 4, 2021 to Dec 7, 2023
Health (4)
Sen. Mike Lee [R-UT]
4 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Aug 1, 2019
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Social Welfare (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. Doug Jones [D-AL, 2018-2020]
4 bills from Apr 10, 2018 to Aug 1, 2019
Environmental Protection (2); Education (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Sen. James Risch [R-ID]
4 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Jun 3, 2015
Economics and Public Finance (1); Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Bob Corker [R-TN, 2007-2018]
4 bills from Jun 22, 2011 to Jun 3, 2015
Health (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John “Jay” Rockefeller [D-WV, 1985-2014]
4 bills from May 15, 2008 to Sep 15, 2014
Government Operations and Politics (2); Education (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Mark Udall [D-CO, 2009-2014]
4 bills from Apr 28, 2009 to Oct 4, 2013
Economics and Public Finance (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Environmental Protection (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Jim Webb [D-VA, 2007-2012]
4 bills from Jun 19, 2009 to Feb 16, 2012
Government Operations and Politics (3); Education (1)
Sen. Edward Kaufman [D-DE, 2009-2010]
4 bills from Oct 20, 2009 to Sep 29, 2010
Environmental Protection (2); Taxation (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1)
Sen. Daniel Akaka [D-HI, 1990-2012]
4 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Sep 28, 2010
Government Operations and Politics (2)
Sen. Jim Bunning [R-KY, 1999-2010]
4 bills from Aug 3, 1988 to Jun 7, 2010
Economics and Public Finance (2); Taxation (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Hillary Clinton [D-NY, 2001-2009]
4 bills from Mar 6, 2007 to Jul 28, 2008
Environmental Protection (4); Economics and Public Finance (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Transportation and Public Works (2); Law (2); Commerce (1); Education (1); Water Resources Development (1); Animals (1); Energy (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Lincoln Chafee [R-RI, 1999-2006]
4 bills from Oct 17, 2002 to Sep 29, 2006
Government Operations and Politics (4); Environmental Protection (3); Law (3); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); International Affairs (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Water Resources Development (2); Energy (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. W. Bill Young [R-FL13, 2013-2013]
4 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Fred Upton [R-MI6, 1993-2022]
4 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Carlos Moorhead [R-CA27, 1993-1996]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Thomas F. Lewis [R-FL16, 1993-1994]
4 bills from Sep 19, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jerry Lewis [R-CA41, 2003-2012]
4 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James Hansen [R-UT1, 1981-2002]
4 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Elton Gallegly [R-CA24, 2003-2012]
4 bills from Jul 13, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Broomfield [R-MI18, 1983-1992]
4 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Robert Smith Walker [R-PA16, 1977-1996]
4 bills from Jun 18, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Christopher “Chris” Smith [R-NJ4]
4 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Robert Linligthgow Livingston [R-LA1, 1977-1999]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Walter “Wally” Herger [R-CA2, 1987-2012]
4 bills from Aug 3, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest [R-MD1, 1991-2008]
4 bills from Jun 7, 1991 to Sep 18, 1992
Environmental Protection (2); Public Lands and Natural Resources (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Sam Gibbons [D-FL11, 1993-1996]
4 bills from May 22, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jack Fields [R-TX8, 1981-1996]
4 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Edward Feighan [D-OH19, 1983-1992]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Dennis Eckart [D-OH11, 1983-1992]
4 bills from Nov 1, 1985 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Rep. Howard Coble [R-NC6, 1985-2014]
4 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Joe Barton [R-TX6, 1985-2018]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Beryl Anthony [D-AR4, 1979-1992]
4 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Gerald Sikorski [D-MN6, 1983-1992]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Beverly Byron [D-MD6, 1979-1992]
4 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Norman Sisisky [D-VA4, 1983-2001]
4 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Larry Hopkins [R-KY6, 1979-1992]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Robert Clement [D-TN5, 1988-2002]
4 bills from Oct 6, 1988 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. L. Callahan [R-AL1, 1985-2002]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ralph Hall [R-TX4, 1981-2014]
4 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Jul 21, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3)
Rep. David McCurdy [D-OK4, 1981-1994]
4 bills from May 22, 1986 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (4); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Claude Harris [D-AL7, 1987-1992]
4 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Glenn English [D-OK6, 1975-1994]
4 bills from Aug 15, 1986 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Thomas Huckaby [D-LA5, 1977-1992]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Jul 2, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Frank Guarini [D-NJ14, 1979-1992]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Jun 5, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Peter Hoagland [D-NE2, 1989-1994]
4 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to May 7, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Rep. Hamilton Fish Jr. [R-NY19, 1993-1994]
4 bills from May 14, 1986 to Oct 29, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Ronald Dellums [D-CA9, 1993-1998]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 29, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. Walter Beaman Jones [D-NC1, 1965-1992]
4 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to Oct 3, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Dennis Hertel [D-MI14, 1981-1992]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 3, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Donald Ritter [R-PA15, 1979-1992]
4 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Charles Wilson [D-TX2, 1973-1996]
4 bills from Sep 26, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3)
Rep. Peter Visclosky [D-IN1, 1985-2020]
4 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James Slattery [D-KS2, 1983-1994]
4 bills from Jun 7, 1989 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Rep. Lee Hamilton [D-IN9, 1965-1998]
4 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Peter DeFazio [D-OR4, 1987-2022]
4 bills from Oct 12, 1988 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Charles Edward Bennett [D-FL3, 1967-1992]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Claudine Schneider [R-RI2, 1981-1990]
4 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Aug 3, 1990
Environmental Protection (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Benjamin Gilman [R-NY20, 1993-2002]
4 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Thomas Tauke [R-IA2, 1979-1990]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to May 24, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Patricia Saiki [R-HI1, 1987-1990]
4 bills from Mar 1, 1988 to May 2, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. George Hanks “Hank” Brown [R-CO, 1991-1996]
4 bills from May 22, 1986 to Apr 26, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Steny Hoyer [D-MD5]
4 bills from May 14, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. John Conyers [D-MI13, 2013-2017]
4 bills from Nov 13, 1985 to Mar 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Douglas Walgren [D-PA18, 1977-1990]
4 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Bruce Vento [D-MN4, 1977-2000]
4 bills from Oct 28, 1983 to Mar 1, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jerome Traxler [D-MI8, 1973-1992]
4 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Mar 1, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Rep. Edolphus “Ed” Towns [D-NY10, 1993-2012]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ike Skelton [D-MO4, 1977-2010]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Gus Savage [D-IL2, 1981-1992]
4 bills from Jun 13, 1985 to Mar 1, 1990
Environmental Protection (1)
Rep. Barbara Kennelly [D-CT1, 1981-1998]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Commish. Jaime Fuster [D-PR, 1985-1992]
4 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Walter Fauntroy [D-DC, 1971-1990]
4 bills from Jun 13, 1985 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Rep. Frederick “Rick” Boucher [D-VA9, 1983-2010]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. David Bonior [D-MI10, 1993-2002]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Lawrence Jack Smith [D-FL16, 1983-1992]
4 bills from May 14, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Charles Pashayan [R-CA17, 1979-1990]
4 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Feb 27, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Dale Kildee [D-MI5, 2003-2012]
4 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Armed Forces and National Security (1)
Rep. Jim Bates [D-CA44, 1983-1990]
4 bills from Nov 15, 1983 to Feb 27, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Alan Wheat [D-MO5, 1983-1994]
4 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Feb 21, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Kweisi Mfume [D-MD7]
4 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Feb 21, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Charles Hayes [D-IL1, 1983-1992]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Feb 21, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James Olin [D-VA6, 1983-1992]
4 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Feb 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James Courter [R-NJ12, 1983-1990]
4 bills from Sep 12, 1986 to Feb 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Lynn Martin [R-IL16, 1981-1990]
4 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Nov 21, 1989
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Toby Roth [R-WI8, 1979-1996]
4 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Oct 4, 1988
Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (3); Finance and Financial Sector (3); Government Operations and Politics (3); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Alan Mollohan [D-WV1, 1983-2010]
4 bills from Jun 18, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Robert Borski [D-PA3, 1983-2002]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Victor Fazio [D-CA3, 1993-1998]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 23, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Wilbur “Dan” Daniel [D-VA5, 1969-1988]
4 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Oct 29, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (2); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Harold “Hal” Daub [R-NE2, 1981-1988]
4 bills from May 6, 1986 to Sep 22, 1987
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Charles “Buddy” Roemer [D-LA4, 1981-1988]
4 bills from Jun 3, 1986 to Mar 5, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Stewart McKinney [R-CT4, 1971-1987]
4 bills from Nov 9, 1983 to Aug 8, 1986
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith [R-MS]
3 bills from Mar 4, 2021 to Mar 21, 2024
Health (2); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Todd Young [R-IN]
3 bills from Apr 13, 2021 to Jan 25, 2024
Health (2); Taxation (1)
Sen. Raphael Warnock [D-GA]
3 bills from Mar 18, 2021 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (2); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Jon Ossoff [D-GA]
3 bills from Apr 13, 2021 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (3)
Sen. Deb Fischer [R-NE]
3 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Apr 7, 2022
Government Operations and Politics (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. David Vitter [R-LA, 2005-2016]
3 bills from Apr 3, 2008 to Jun 3, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (2); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (1); Emergency Management (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Social Welfare (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Richard Shelby [R-AL, 1987-2022]
3 bills from Sep 12, 1986 to Jun 3, 2015
Economics and Public Finance (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Jefferson “Jeff” Sessions [R-AL, 1997-2017]
3 bills from Jul 28, 2011 to Jun 3, 2015
Health (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Thad Cochran [R-MS, 1979-2018]
3 bills from Apr 13, 2011 to Jun 3, 2015
Taxation (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Carl Levin [D-MI, 1979-2014]
3 bills from Jun 19, 2009 to Sep 10, 2014
Government Operations and Politics (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Thomas “Tom” Harkin [D-IA, 1985-2014]
3 bills from Feb 16, 2012 to Oct 4, 2013
Education (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Max Baucus [D-MT, 1978-2014]
3 bills from Oct 17, 2002 to Oct 4, 2013
Environmental Protection (2); Crime and Law Enforcement (2); Government Operations and Politics (1); International Affairs (1); Law (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Water Resources Development (1)
Sen. Arlen Specter [D-PA, 1981-2010]
3 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Mar 2, 2010
Taxation (2); Transportation and Public Works (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Ben Nelson [D-NE, 2001-2012]
3 bills from Jul 22, 2003 to Apr 28, 2009
Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (2); Agriculture and Food (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Arts, Culture, Religion (1); Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues (1); Commerce (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Education (1); Energy (1); Families (1); Health (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Immigration (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy [D-MA, 1962-2009]
3 bills from Feb 14, 2008 to Apr 28, 2009
Government Operations and Politics (3); Environmental Protection (2); Law (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Families (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman [D-NM, 1983-2012]
3 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Apr 20, 2009
Government Operations and Politics (2); Families (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1)
Sen. Norm Coleman [R-MN, 2003-2008]
3 bills from Mar 6, 2007 to Sep 16, 2008
Government Operations and Politics (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Science, Technology, Communications (2); Commerce (1); Education (1); Environmental Protection (1); Transportation and Public Works (1); Water Resources Development (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Law (1)
Sen. John Sununu [R-NH, 2003-2008]
3 bills from Apr 20, 2007 to Feb 25, 2008
Government Operations and Politics (3); Law (3); Environmental Protection (2); Animals (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Energy (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. Floyd Spence [R-SC2, 1971-2001]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 25, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. William M. “Bill” Thomas [R-CA22, 2003-2006]
3 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL27, 2013-2018]
3 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Michael Oxley [R-OH4, 1981-2006]
3 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Constance Morella [R-MD8, 1987-2002]
3 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Willis Gradison [R-OH2, 1983-1993]
3 bills from Sep 10, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Brian Donnelly [D-MA11, 1979-1992]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Anthony Beilenson [D-CA24, 1993-1996]
3 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Bill Archer [R-TX7, 1971-2000]
3 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Harold Volkmer [D-MO9, 1977-1996]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Gerald Solomon [R-NY22, 1993-1998]
3 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. James Quillen [R-TN1, 1963-1996]
3 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Government Operations and Politics (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. John Edward Porter [R-IL10, 1979-2000]
3 bills from May 22, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. William Paxon [R-NY27, 1993-1998]
3 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Ron Packard [R-CA48, 1993-2000]
3 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James Lightfoot [R-IA3, 1993-1996]
3 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Duncan L. Hunter [R-CA52, 1993-2008]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Amory “Amo” Houghton [R-NY29, 2003-2004]
3 bills from Oct 6, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Frederick Grandy [R-IA5, 1993-1994]
3 bills from Dec 18, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. George Gekas [R-PA17, 1983-2002]
3 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Michael Bilirakis [R-FL9, 1983-2006]
3 bills from Oct 5, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Cass Ballenger [R-NC10, 1986-2004]
3 bills from Dec 18, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Labor and Employment (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Education (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1)
Rep. Richard Baker [R-LA6, 1987-2008]
3 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. George “Buddy” Darden [D-GA7, 1983-1994]
3 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Aug 12, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Frank Pallone [D-NJ6]
3 bills from Mar 7, 1990 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1)
Rep. Richard Ray [D-GA3, 1983-1992]
3 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (3)
Rep. Porter Goss [R-FL14, 1993-2004]
3 bills from Aug 3, 1990 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. Jerry Costello [D-IL12, 1993-2012]
3 bills from Sep 27, 1988 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Preston “Pete” Geren [D-TX12, 1989-1996]
3 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Dennis “Denny” Hastert [R-IL14, 1987-2007]
3 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Jun 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Marvin “Mickey” Edwards [R-OK5, 1977-1992]
3 bills from Dec 6, 1985 to Jun 23, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. John Browder [D-AL3, 1989-1996]
3 bills from Mar 7, 1990 to May 28, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Daniel Glickman [D-KS4, 1977-1994]
3 bills from Sep 27, 1988 to May 7, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Eni Faleomavaega [D-AS, 1989-2014]
3 bills from Mar 7, 1990 to Nov 27, 1991
Environmental Protection (2); Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1)
Rep. Donald Pease [D-OH13, 1977-1992]
3 bills from May 21, 1987 to Sep 24, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Richard Schulze [R-PA5, 1975-1992]
3 bills from Aug 15, 1986 to Jul 24, 1991
Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Jan Meyers [R-KS3, 1985-1996]
3 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Jul 24, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Lewis Payne [D-VA5, 1988-1996]
3 bills from Sep 23, 1988 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Michael “Mike” Parker [R-MS4, 1989-1998]
3 bills from Mar 7, 1990 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Norvell “Bill” Emerson [R-MO8, 1983-1996]
3 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Douglas Owens [D-UT2, 1987-1992]
3 bills from Sep 22, 1987 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jill Long Thompson [D-IN4, 1989-1994]
3 bills from Feb 7, 1990 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Martin Lancaster [D-NC3, 1987-1994]
3 bills from Feb 7, 1990 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Dan Burton [R-IN5, 2003-2012]
3 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (3)
Rep. Terry Bruce [D-IL19, 1985-1992]
3 bills from Sep 23, 1988 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Richard Armey [R-TX26, 1985-2002]
3 bills from Mar 5, 1987 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. John “Jack” Buechner [R-MO2, 1987-1990]
3 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to May 10, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Butler Derrick [D-SC3, 1975-1994]
3 bills from Sep 19, 1986 to May 2, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. James Leath [D-TX11, 1979-1990]
3 bills from Aug 8, 1986 to Mar 22, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Thomas Sawyer [D-OH14, 1987-2002]
3 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Mar 7, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Charles Rose [D-NC7, 1973-1996]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. James Oberstar [D-MN8, 1975-2010]
3 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Mar 7, 1990
Environmental Protection (2)
Rep. Robert Michel [R-IL18, 1957-1994]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Lehman [D-FL17, 1983-1992]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Willie “Bill” Hefner [D-NC8, 1975-1998]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Hammerschmidt [R-AR3, 1967-1992]
3 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Mar 7, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Cardiss Collins [D-IL7, 1973-1996]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Jim Chapman [D-TX1, 1985-1996]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Corinne “Lindy” Boggs [D-LA2, 1973-1990]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Sidney Yates [D-IL9, 1965-1998]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. John Vincent Weber [R-MN2, 1983-1992]
3 bills from Jun 18, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Henry Waxman [D-CA33, 2013-2014]
3 bills from May 6, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Norman Mineta [D-CA15, 1993-1995]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Bob McEwen [R-OH6, 1981-1992]
3 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Nicholas Mavroules [D-MA6, 1979-1992]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Gray [D-PA2, 1979-1991]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Albert Espy [D-MS2, 1987-1993]
3 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ron de Lugo [D-VI, 1981-1994]
3 bills from Nov 13, 1985 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. George Crockett [D-MI13, 1979-1990]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. William “Bill” Clay [D-MO1, 1969-2000]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Allan Swift [D-WA2, 1979-1994]
3 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Feb 27, 1990
Finance and Financial Sector (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. David Nagle [D-IA3, 1987-1992]
3 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Feb 27, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. John Moakley [D-MA9, 1973-2001]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Rep. George Miller [D-CA11, 2013-2014]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Rep. Sam Gejdenson [D-CT2, 1981-2000]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Rep. Jonas “Martin” Frost [D-TX24, 1979-2004]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Feb 27, 1990
Rep. Major Owens [D-NY11, 1993-2006]
3 bills from May 14, 1986 to Feb 21, 1990
Rep. John R. Lewis [D-GA5, 1987-2020]
3 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Feb 21, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Julian Dixon [D-CA32, 1993-2000]
3 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Feb 21, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Chappell [D-FL4, 1969-1988]
3 bills from Jul 24, 1986 to Oct 5, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Gus Yatron [D-PA6, 1969-1992]
3 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Frank Wolf [R-VA10, 1981-2014]
3 bills from Jun 18, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ed Jones [D-TN8, 1983-1988]
3 bills from Sep 12, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Tony Hall [D-OH3, 1979-2002]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James Florio [D-NJ1, 1975-1990]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 28, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Les AuCoin [D-OR1, 1975-1992]
3 bills from Nov 19, 1985 to Sep 27, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Howard Wolpe [D-MI3, 1979-1992]
3 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Sep 22, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Larry Craig [R-ID, 1991-2008]
3 bills from Aug 15, 1986 to Sep 14, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Tommy Robinson [R-AR2, 1985-1990]
3 bills from Jun 12, 1986 to Jul 13, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Charles Dowdy [D-MS4, 1981-1988]
3 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Jul 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Ronnie Flippo [D-AL5, 1977-1990]
3 bills from Sep 12, 1986 to Jun 23, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Eligio “Kika” de la Garza [D-TX15, 1965-1996]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Dec 2, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. James Howard [D-NJ3, 1965-1988]
3 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Oct 15, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Robert Badham [R-CA40, 1977-1988]
3 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 15, 1987
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Kenneth “Buddy” MacKay [D-FL6, 1983-1988]
3 bills from May 22, 1986 to Apr 22, 1987
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Rowland [R-CT5, 1985-1990]
3 bills from May 15, 1986 to Mar 5, 1987
Housing and Community Development (2); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Timothy Wirth [D-CO, 1987-1992]
3 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Aug 13, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Michael Barnes [D-MD8, 1979-1986]
3 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Aug 11, 1986
Finance and Financial Sector (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. John McKernan [R-ME1, 1983-1986]
3 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Jun 12, 1986
Environmental Protection (2); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Fernand St. Germain [D-RI1, 1961-1988]
3 bills from Oct 21, 1983 to Jun 3, 1986
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Parren Mitchell [D-MD7, 1971-1986]
3 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Jun 3, 1986
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Stanley Lundine [D-NY34, 1983-1986]
3 bills from Nov 15, 1983 to Jun 3, 1986
Finance and Financial Sector (3); Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Sen. Cynthia Lummis [R-WY]
2 bills from May 18, 2023 to May 22, 2024
Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. John Hickenlooper [D-CO]
2 bills from Apr 13, 2021 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (2)
Sen. Joni Ernst [R-IA]
2 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to Mar 4, 2021
Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1)
Sen. Steve Daines [R-MT]
2 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to Jun 30, 2020
Government Operations and Politics (1); Social Welfare (1)
Sen. John Neely Kennedy [R-LA]
2 bills from Feb 5, 2018 to May 6, 2019
Social Welfare (2)
Sen. Cory Gardner [R-CO, 2015-2020]
2 bills from Jun 3, 2015 to Feb 28, 2019
Government Operations and Politics (1); Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Rand Paul [R-KY]
2 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jun 3, 2015
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Mitch McConnell [R-KY]
2 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jun 3, 2015
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-UT, 1977-2018]
2 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jun 3, 2015
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Jeff Flake [R-AZ, 2013-2018]
2 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jun 3, 2015
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Joe Donnelly [D-IN, 2013-2018]
2 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jun 3, 2015
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Ted Cruz [R-TX]
2 bills from Oct 4, 2013 to Jun 3, 2015
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Tom Cotton [R-AR]
2 bills from Mar 25, 2015 to Jun 3, 2015
Health (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. William “Mo” Cowan [D-MA, 2013-2013]
2 bills from Feb 28, 2013 to Jun 19, 2013
Government Operations and Politics (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Jon Kyl [R-AZ, 2018-2018]
2 bills from Aug 10, 1988 to Jul 28, 2011
Health (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. John Ensign [R-NV, 2001-2011]
2 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Apr 14, 2011
Taxation (2); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Robert Bennett [R-UT, 1993-2010]
2 bills from May 1, 2007 to Jul 14, 2010
Finance and Financial Sector (2); Commerce (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Roland Burris [D-IL, 2009-2010]
2 bills from Jun 19, 2009 to Jul 6, 2009
Government Operations and Politics (2)
Sen. John Breaux [D-LA, 1987-2004]
2 bills from Mar 30, 2001 to Oct 17, 2002
Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); International Affairs (1); Law (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Water Resources Development (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Richard “Rick” Santorum [R-PA, 1995-2006]
2 bills from May 20, 1991 to Mar 30, 2001
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Rep. Donald Sundquist [R-TN7, 1983-1994]
2 bills from Feb 7, 1990 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Robert Stump [R-AZ3, 1977-2002]
2 bills from Dec 14, 1987 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Frank Riggs [R-CA1, 1995-1998]
2 bills from Oct 29, 1991 to Sep 24, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Owen Pickett [D-VA2, 1987-2000]
2 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Melton “Mel” Hancock [R-MO7, 1989-1996]
2 bills from May 2, 1990 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. William Dickinson [R-AL2, 1965-1992]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Barbara Vucanovich [R-NV2, 1983-1996]
2 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Guy Vander Jagt [R-MI9, 1965-1992]
2 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Robert Lindsay Thomas [D-GA1, 1983-1992]
2 bills from Oct 12, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Sen. Craig Thomas [R-WY, 1995-2007]
2 bills from Mar 7, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Rhodes III [R-AZ1, 1987-1992]
2 bills from Apr 26, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Glenn Poshard [D-IL19, 1993-1998]
2 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Craig James [R-FL4, 1989-1992]
2 bills from May 2, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Joel Hefley [R-CO5, 1987-2006]
2 bills from Sep 14, 1988 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Christopher Cox [R-CA48, 2003-2005]
2 bills from Feb 7, 1990 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Richard Neal [D-MA1]
2 bills from Feb 27, 1990 to Aug 12, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Clifford “Cliff” Stearns [R-FL6, 1989-2012]
2 bills from Aug 3, 1990 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. David Skaggs [D-CO2, 1987-1998]
2 bills from Mar 22, 1990 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. James Bilbray [D-NV1, 1987-1994]
2 bills from Sep 23, 1988 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Richard Swett [D-NH2, 1991-1994]
2 bills from Oct 10, 1991 to Jul 29, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Charles Luken [D-OH1, 1991-1992]
2 bills from Jul 25, 1991 to May 28, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Rep. James “Jim” Moran [D-VA8, 1991-2014]
2 bills from Jul 25, 1991 to May 7, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1); Armed Forces and National Security (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Rep. Richard Zimmer [R-NJ12, 1991-1996]
2 bills from May 1, 1991 to Oct 3, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. James Jontz [D-IN5, 1987-1992]
2 bills from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 3, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Harry Johnston [D-FL19, 1993-1996]
2 bills from Mar 22, 1990 to Jul 24, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Gary Condit [D-CA18, 1993-2002]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1990 to Jul 24, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Tom Campbell [R-CA15, 1995-2000]
2 bills from May 10, 1990 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Sen. Ben Campbell [R-CO, 1993-2004]
2 bills from May 17, 1990 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (2)
Rep. Henry González [D-TX20, 1961-1998]
2 bills from Mar 1, 1990 to Feb 20, 1991
Armed Forces and National Security (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Foreign Trade and International Finance (1)
Rep. Dennis “Denny” Smith [R-OR5, 1983-1990]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Edward Madigan [R-IL15, 1983-1991]
2 bills from Sep 22, 1988 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1); Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Daniel Slaughter [R-VA7, 1985-1991]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to May 2, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Ralph Regula [R-OH16, 1973-2008]
2 bills from May 22, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Thomas Luken [D-OH1, 1983-1990]
2 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Dante Fascell [D-FL19, 1983-1992]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Silvio Conte [R-MA1, 1959-1991]
2 bills from May 6, 1986 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Douglas Applegate [D-OH18, 1977-1994]
2 bills from Jul 13, 1988 to Mar 7, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jolene Unsoeld [D-WA3, 1989-1994]
2 bills from Feb 7, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Stephen Solarz [D-NY13, 1975-1992]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Louise Slaughter [D-NY25, 2013-2018]
2 bills from Aug 2, 1988 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Elmer “Bud” Shuster [R-PA9, 1973-2001]
2 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. David Price [D-NC4, 1997-2022]
2 bills from Jul 28, 1988 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James “Jake” Pickle [D-TX10, 1963-1994]
2 bills from Sep 12, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Tom Lantos [D-CA12, 1993-2008]
2 bills from Jul 13, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Augustus “Gus” Hawkins [D-CA29, 1975-1990]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Lane Evans [D-IL17, 1983-2006]
2 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Mervyn Dymally [D-CA31, 1981-1992]
2 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. William Coyne [D-PA14, 1981-2002]
2 bills from Jul 28, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. James Clarke [D-NC11, 1987-1990]
2 bills from Jul 6, 1988 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Milton “Bob” Carr [D-MI8, 1993-1994]
2 bills from Oct 6, 1988 to Mar 1, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ben Blaz [R-GU, 1985-1992]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Gary Ackerman [D-NY5, 1993-2012]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. James Scheuer [D-NY8, 1983-1992]
2 bills from Sep 26, 1988 to Feb 27, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Floyd Flake [D-NY6, 1987-1997]
2 bills from Sep 27, 1988 to Feb 21, 1990
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Joseph Brennan [D-ME1, 1987-1990]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Oct 19, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Joseph DioGuardi [R-NY20, 1985-1988]
2 bills from Oct 29, 1987 to Oct 13, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Andrew “Andy” Ireland [R-FL10, 1983-1992]
2 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Oct 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Samuel Stratton [D-NY23, 1983-1988]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Lowery [R-CA41, 1981-1992]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Sherwood “Sherry” Boehlert [R-NY24, 2003-2006]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Dannemeyer [R-CA39, 1979-1992]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Sep 26, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Patrick Swindall [R-GA4, 1985-1988]
2 bills from Dec 2, 1987 to Sep 22, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Daniel Lungren [R-CA3, 2005-2012]
2 bills from Sep 22, 1987 to Sep 14, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Clyde Holloway [R-LA8, 1987-1992]
2 bills from Jun 23, 1987 to Jul 13, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Matthew Rinaldo [R-NJ7, 1983-1992]
2 bills from Oct 15, 1987 to Jul 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. William Nichols [D-AL3, 1973-1988]
2 bills from Sep 12, 1986 to Jul 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1); Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. George “Mickey” Leland [D-TX18, 1979-1989]
2 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Sedgwick “Bill” Green [R-NY15, 1983-1992]
2 bills from Aug 14, 1986 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Harold Eugene Ford [D-TN9, 1983-1996]
2 bills from Feb 8, 1984 to Dec 2, 1987
Economics and Public Finance (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Thomas Foley [D-WA5, 1965-1994]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Jack Brooks [D-TX9, 1967-1994]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Daniel “Dan” Schaefer [R-CO6, 1983-1998]
2 bills from Apr 8, 1987 to Oct 29, 1987
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Kenneth Gray [D-IL22, 1985-1988]
2 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. William David Ford [D-MI13, 1993-1994]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. Tom Bevill [D-AL4, 1973-1996]
2 bills from Aug 13, 1986 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. William Boner [D-TN5, 1979-1987]
2 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Sep 22, 1987
Rep. George Whitehurst [R-VA2, 1969-1986]
2 bills from Nov 1, 1985 to Aug 15, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. William Hendon [R-NC11, 1985-1986]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 15, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Don Fuqua [D-FL2, 1967-1986]
2 bills from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 15, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Sen. Connie Mack III [R-FL, 1989-2000]
2 bills from Jul 16, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Marion Snyder [R-KY4, 1967-1986]
2 bills from Jun 5, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Sen. Thomas “Tom” Daschle [D-SD, 1987-2004]
2 bills from May 22, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. David Monson [R-UT2, 1985-1986]
2 bills from Jun 12, 1986 to Jul 24, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Alfred McCandless [R-CA44, 1993-1994]
2 bills from Oct 16, 1985 to Jun 3, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (2); Education (2); Finance and Financial Sector (2); Government Operations and Politics (2)
Rep. Norman D’Amours [D-NH1, 1975-1984]
2 bills from Nov 18, 1983 to Nov 18, 1983
Environmental Protection (2)
Sen. Markwayne Mullin [R-OK]
1 bill from Feb 8, 2024 to Feb 8, 2024
Environmental Protection (1)
Sen. Laphonza Butler [D-CA]
1 bill from Jan 18, 2024 to Jan 18, 2024
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. J.D. (James) Vance [R-OH]
1 bill from Dec 7, 2023 to Dec 7, 2023
Health (1)
Sen. Ted Budd [R-NC]
1 bill from Sep 18, 2023 to Sep 18, 2023
Health (1)
Sen. Pete Ricketts [R-NE]
1 bill from May 18, 2023 to May 18, 2023
Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. Peter Welch [D-VT]
1 bill from Jan 24, 2023 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John Fetterman [D-PA]
1 bill from Jan 24, 2023 to Jan 24, 2023
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Rick Scott [R-FL]
1 bill from Jul 29, 2019 to Jul 29, 2019
Social Welfare (1)
Sen. Benjamin “Ben” Sasse [R-NE, 2015-2023]
1 bill from Jun 3, 2015 to Jun 3, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Mike Rounds [R-SD]
1 bill from Jun 3, 2015 to Jun 3, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. David Perdue [R-GA, 2015-2020]
1 bill from Jun 3, 2015 to Jun 3, 2015
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Jeffrey Chiesa [R-NJ, 2013-2013]
1 bill from Oct 4, 2013 to Oct 4, 2013
Crime and Law Enforcement (1)
Sen. Kent Conrad [D-ND, 1992-2012]
1 bill from Feb 28, 2012 to Feb 28, 2012
Health (1)
Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX, 1993-2012]
1 bill from May 5, 2011 to May 5, 2011
Taxation (1)
Sen. Richard Lugar [R-IN, 1977-2012]
1 bill from Mar 31, 2011 to Mar 31, 2011
Taxation (1)
Sen. Robert Byrd [D-WV, 1959-2010]
1 bill from Dec 11, 2009 to Dec 11, 2009
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. George LeMieux [R-FL, 2009-2010]
1 bill from Oct 8, 2009 to Oct 8, 2009
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Sen. Daniel Inouye [D-HI, 1963-2012]
1 bill from Jul 28, 2009 to Jul 28, 2009
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. Samuel “Sam” Brownback [R-KS, 1996-2010]
1 bill from Apr 28, 2009 to Apr 28, 2009
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond [R-MO, 1987-2010]
1 bill from May 15, 2008 to May 15, 2008
Government Operations and Politics (1)
Sen. John Warner [R-VA, 1979-2008]
1 bill from Aug 1, 2007 to Aug 1, 2007
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Families (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Health (1); Labor and Employment (1); Law (1)
Sen. Blanche Lincoln [D-AR, 1999-2010]
1 bill from Apr 20, 2007 to Apr 20, 2007
Animals (1); Economics and Public Finance (1); Energy (1); Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Public Lands and Natural Resources (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Ken Salazar [D-CO, 2005-2009]
1 bill from Sep 29, 2006 to Sep 29, 2006
Economics and Public Finance (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Taxation (1)
Sen. Mel Martinez [R-FL, 2005-2009]
1 bill from Dec 21, 2005 to Dec 21, 2005
Commerce (1); Crime and Law Enforcement (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1); Law (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Sen. Gordon Smith [R-OR, 1997-2008]
1 bill from Mar 30, 2001 to Mar 30, 2001
Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Sen. William “Bill” Frist [R-TN, 1995-2006]
1 bill from Mar 30, 2001 to Mar 30, 2001
Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Families (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Social Welfare (1); Taxation (1); Transportation and Public Works (1)
Rep. Paul Gillmor [R-OH5, 1989-2007]
1 bill from Oct 2, 1992 to Oct 2, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Dave Camp [R-MI4, 1993-2014]
1 bill from Oct 2, 1992 to Oct 2, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. William Brewster [D-OK3, 1991-1996]
1 bill from Oct 2, 1992 to Oct 2, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Timothy Roemer [D-IN3, 1991-2002]
1 bill from Sep 24, 1992 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Bill Barrett [R-NE3, 1991-2000]
1 bill from Sep 24, 1992 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Sen. George Allen [R-VA, 2001-2006]
1 bill from Sep 24, 1992 to Sep 24, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. James “Jim” Nussle [R-IA1, 2003-2006]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Sidney Morrison [R-WA4, 1981-1992]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Clarence E. Miller [R-OH10, 1967-1992]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Ronald Marlenee [R-MT2, 1977-1992]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Gregory Laughlin [R-TX14, 1989-1996]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Sam Johnson [R-TX3, 1991-2018]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Thomas W. Ewing [R-IL15, 1991-2000]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John J. “Jimmy” Duncan [R-TN2, 1988-2018]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Randall “Duke” Cunningham [R-CA50, 2003-2005]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. James Bacchus [D-FL15, 1993-1994]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Sen. Wayne Allard [R-CO, 1997-2008]
1 bill from Sep 18, 1992 to Sep 18, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Douglas “Pete” Peterson [D-FL2, 1991-1996]
1 bill from Aug 12, 1992 to Aug 12, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Michael Kopetski [D-OR5, 1991-1994]
1 bill from Aug 12, 1992 to Aug 12, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Thomas “Chet” Edwards [D-TX17, 2005-2010]
1 bill from Aug 12, 1992 to Aug 12, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Collin Peterson [D-MN7, 1991-2020]
1 bill from Aug 6, 1992 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. William Orton [D-UT3, 1991-1996]
1 bill from Aug 6, 1992 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Larry LaRocco [D-ID1, 1991-1994]
1 bill from Aug 6, 1992 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Cox [D-IL16, 1991-1992]
1 bill from Aug 6, 1992 to Aug 6, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Gene Taylor [D-MS4, 2003-2010]
1 bill from Jul 31, 1992 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Tanner [D-TN8, 1989-2010]
1 bill from Jul 31, 1992 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Calvin “Cal” Dooley [D-CA20, 1993-2004]
1 bill from Jul 31, 1992 to Jul 31, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Joan Horn [D-MO2, 1991-1992]
1 bill from Jul 9, 1992 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Robert “Bud” Cramer [D-AL5, 1991-2008]
1 bill from Jul 9, 1992 to Jul 9, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. John Boehner [R-OH8, 1991-2015]
1 bill from May 7, 1992 to May 7, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Robert “Rob” Andrews [D-NJ1, 1990-2014]
1 bill from May 7, 1992 to May 7, 1992
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Meldon Levine [D-CA27, 1983-1992]
1 bill from Feb 25, 1992 to Feb 25, 1992
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton [D-DC]
1 bill from Nov 27, 1991 to Nov 27, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. John Doolittle [R-CA4, 1993-2008]
1 bill from Oct 9, 1991 to Oct 9, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. William Jefferson [D-LA2, 1991-2008]
1 bill from Oct 3, 1991 to Oct 3, 1991
Animals (1); Emergency Management (1); Environmental Protection (1); Science, Technology, Communications (1)
Rep. Scott Klug [R-WI2, 1991-1998]
1 bill from May 20, 1991 to May 20, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. James “Jim” Ramstad [R-MN3, 1991-2008]
1 bill from May 1, 1991 to May 1, 1991
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Ronald Machtley [R-RI1, 1989-1994]
1 bill from Aug 3, 1990 to Aug 3, 1990
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Robert Whittaker [R-KS5, 1979-1990]
1 bill from Mar 7, 1990 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. George Sangmeister [D-IL11, 1993-1994]
1 bill from Mar 7, 1990 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Carl Christopher Perkins [D-KY7, 1983-1992]
1 bill from Mar 7, 1990 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. Ben Jones [D-GA4, 1989-1992]
1 bill from Mar 7, 1990 to Mar 7, 1990
Rep. James T. “Jim” Walsh [R-NY25, 1993-2008]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Louis Stokes [D-OH11, 1993-1998]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Charles “Charlie” Rangel [D-NY13, 2013-2016]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Jim McDermott [D-WA7, 1989-2016]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Joseph McDade [R-PA10, 1963-1998]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Joseph Patrick Kennedy [D-MA8, 1987-1998]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. George Hochbrueckner [D-NY1, 1987-1994]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Newton Gingrich [R-GA6, 1979-1998]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Norman “Norm” Dicks [D-WA6, 1977-2012]
1 bill from Mar 1, 1990 to Mar 1, 1990
Rep. Michael McNulty [D-NY21, 1993-2008]
1 bill from Feb 27, 1990 to Feb 27, 1990
Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY16, 2013-2020]
1 bill from Feb 27, 1990 to Feb 27, 1990
Rep. Donald Payne [D-NJ10, 1989-2012]
1 bill from Feb 21, 1990 to Feb 21, 1990
Rep. Don Bonker [D-WA3, 1975-1988]
1 bill from Oct 13, 1988 to Oct 13, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Arlan Stangeland [R-MN7, 1977-1990]
1 bill from Oct 6, 1988 to Oct 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Guy Molinari [R-NY14, 1983-1989]
1 bill from Oct 6, 1988 to Oct 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Clay Shaw [R-FL22, 1993-2006]
1 bill from Oct 5, 1988 to Oct 5, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Michael Synar [D-OK2, 1979-1994]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Robert Freeman Smith [R-OR2, 1997-1998]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Joseph Skeen [R-NM2, 1981-2002]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Patricia Schroeder [D-CO1, 1973-1996]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Manuel Luján [R-NM1, 1969-1988]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Charles Hatcher [D-GA2, 1981-1992]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Ronald Coleman [D-TX16, 1983-1996]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Edward Boland [D-MA2, 1953-1988]
1 bill from Oct 4, 1988 to Oct 4, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Henry Nowak [D-NY33, 1983-1992]
1 bill from Sep 14, 1988 to Sep 14, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. James “Jim” McCrery [R-LA4, 1997-2008]
1 bill from Sep 7, 1988 to Sep 7, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Vice President Richard Cheney [R, 2001-2009]
1 bill from Aug 10, 1988 to Aug 10, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. David “Mac” Sweeney [R-TX14, 1985-1988]
1 bill from Jul 28, 1988 to Jul 28, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Larry Combest [R-TX19, 1985-2003]
1 bill from Jul 28, 1988 to Jul 28, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Richard “Dick” Gephardt [D-MO3, 1977-2004]
1 bill from Jul 6, 1988 to Jul 6, 1988
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Jack Kemp [R-NY31, 1983-1988]
1 bill from Dec 14, 1987 to Dec 14, 1987
Sen. Trent Lott [R-MS, 1989-2007]
1 bill from Dec 2, 1987 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Robert Kastenmeier [D-WI2, 1959-1990]
1 bill from Dec 2, 1987 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Leslie Aspin [D-WI1, 1971-1993]
1 bill from Dec 2, 1987 to Dec 2, 1987
Rep. Jack Davis [R-IL4, 1987-1988]
1 bill from Oct 29, 1987 to Oct 29, 1987
Rep. William “Bill” Alexander [D-AR1, 1969-1992]
1 bill from Oct 29, 1987 to Oct 29, 1987
Rep. Don Young [R-AK, 1973-2022]
1 bill from Oct 15, 1987 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. Harley Staggers Jr. [D-WV2, 1983-1992]
1 bill from Oct 15, 1987 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. Bill Schuette [R-MI10, 1985-1990]
1 bill from Oct 15, 1987 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. Robert William Davis [R-MI11, 1979-1992]
1 bill from Oct 15, 1987 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. Anthony Coelho [D-CA15, 1979-1989]
1 bill from Oct 15, 1987 to Oct 15, 1987
Rep. William Goodling [R-PA19, 1975-2000]
1 bill from Jul 28, 1987 to Jul 28, 1987
Environmental Protection (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Fortney “Pete” Stark [D-CA13, 1993-2012]
1 bill from Jun 23, 1987 to Jun 23, 1987
Rep. Philip “Phil” Crane [R-IL8, 1993-2004]
1 bill from May 21, 1987 to May 21, 1987
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Eldon Boulter [R-TX13, 1985-1988]
1 bill from Mar 5, 1987 to Mar 5, 1987
Housing and Community Development (1); Labor and Employment (1)
Rep. Neal Smith [D-IA4, 1973-1994]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. John Seiberling [D-OH14, 1971-1986]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. Martin Russo [D-IL3, 1975-1992]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers [R-KY5]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. Daniel Mica [D-FL14, 1983-1988]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. Joseph Gaydos [D-PA20, 1967-1992]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. Bobbi Fiedler [R-CA21, 1981-1986]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. William Donlon “Don” Edwards [D-CA16, 1993-1994]
1 bill from Aug 13, 1986 to Aug 13, 1986
Rep. Jamie Whitten [D-MS1, 1973-1994]
1 bill from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 11, 1986
Rep. William Natcher [D-KY2, 1953-1994]
1 bill from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 11, 1986
Rep. Matthew McHugh [D-NY28, 1983-1992]
1 bill from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 11, 1986
Rep. Catherine Long [D-LA8, 1985-1986]
1 bill from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 11, 1986
Rep. William Carney [R-NY1, 1979-1986]
1 bill from Aug 11, 1986 to Aug 11, 1986
Rep. Charles Whitley [D-NC3, 1977-1986]
1 bill from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Wes Watkins [R-OK3, 1997-2002]
1 bill from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Charles Price [D-IL21, 1983-1988]
1 bill from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Rep. James Robert Jones [D-OK1, 1973-1986]
1 bill from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. William Franklin [R-MS2, 1983-1986]
1 bill from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. Joseph Early [D-MA3, 1975-1992]
1 bill from Aug 8, 1986 to Aug 8, 1986
Rep. Edwin Zschau [R-CA12, 1983-1986]
1 bill from Jul 24, 1986 to Jul 24, 1986
Economics and Public Finance (1)
Rep. George Miller O’Brien [R-IL4, 1983-1986]
1 bill from Jun 5, 1986 to Jun 5, 1986
Rep. Robert Edgar [D-PA7, 1975-1986]
1 bill from Jun 5, 1986 to Jun 5, 1986
Rep. Thomas Downey [D-NY2, 1975-1992]
1 bill from Jun 5, 1986 to Jun 5, 1986
Rep. Eugene Chappie [R-CA2, 1983-1986]
1 bill from Jun 5, 1986 to Jun 5, 1986
Rep. Peter Rodino [D-NJ10, 1949-1988]
1 bill from May 14, 1986 to May 14, 1986
Rep. Marjorie Holt [R-MD4, 1973-1986]
1 bill from May 14, 1986 to May 14, 1986
Rep. Sala Burton [D-CA5, 1983-1987]
1 bill from May 14, 1986 to May 14, 1986
Rep. Berkley Bedell [D-IA6, 1975-1986]
1 bill from May 14, 1986 to May 14, 1986
Rep. Mario Biaggi [D-NY19, 1983-1988]
1 bill from Nov 13, 1985 to Nov 13, 1985
Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. John Grotberg [R-IL14, 1985-1986]
1 bill from Oct 16, 1985 to Oct 16, 1985
Economics and Public Finance (1); Education (1); Finance and Financial Sector (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Raymond Kogovsek [D-CO3, 1979-1984]
1 bill from Feb 8, 1984 to Feb 8, 1984
Economics and Public Finance (1); Government Operations and Politics (1)
Rep. Cecil Heftel [D-HI1, 1977-1986]
1 bill from Feb 8, 1984 to Feb 8, 1984
Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Rep. James McNulty [D-AZ5, 1983-1984]
1 bill from Nov 18, 1983 to Nov 18, 1983
Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Rep. Edwin Forsythe [R-NJ13, 1983-1984]
1 bill from Nov 18, 1983 to Nov 18, 1983
Environmental Protection (1)
Rep. Frank Annunzio [D-IL11, 1973-1992]
1 bill from Nov 18, 1983 to Nov 18, 1983
Finance and Financial Sector (1)
Rep. Jerry Patterson [D-CA38, 1975-1984]
1 bill from Oct 21, 1983 to Oct 21, 1983
Finance and Financial Sector (1)