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Lucky Blue Smith & Nara Smith Take a Couples Quiz

It’s the GQ Couples Quiz, as we put Lucky Blue Smith and Nara Smith’s relationship to the test. What was their first impression of each other? What is Nara’s go-to In-N-Out order? What is Lucky’s pet peeve? Watch to find out the answers to all these questions and more, as Nara Smith and Lucky Blue Smith ace GQ's Couples Quiz.

Released on 08/07/2024


Hi, I'm Nara Aziza Smith.

I'm Lucky Blue Smith.

[Nara And Lucky] [in unison] This is The GQ Couples Quiz.

[upbeat music]

Rock, paper, scissors.

Oh, wow.

It's me.

[Lucky] All right, let's go.


Come on, bring it on.

Do you wanna start with something hard or something easy?

Something easy, let me ease into this.


What's the first thing I cooked for you?

Rice pilaf and turkey.


That was good, that was quick.

What are our kids' astrological signs?

This is tricky, 'cause we're not really into that.

A Leo, right?

[laughing] No.

[Lucky laughing]

[Nara squealing]

No, but it starts-



What am I?

You are...

[tense music]

Oh my goodness, this is bad.

[Nara] You know my sign.

I do know your sign.

[Nara] I know.

I genuinely don't know right now.

Okay, let's move on to the next question.

No, what is your sign though?

I'm a Libra.

A Libra.

You know that.

I knew that.

We talk about it.


Okay, next question-

You're just nervous.

What's my favorite nickname for you?

I have a few.

[Lucky] Yeah, you do have a few.

Name the top two.

Love is one.


No, no

[Nara laughing]

[Lucky laughing]


Okay, you can do better than this.

Take a deep breath.

Come on, next question.

How many kids do I want?

Well, we have three.

Yeah, you're done.

Yeah, I'm done.

Yep, good job.

But you did want six.

I did want six, good job-

When we first met, you wanted six.

Okay, you get an extra point for that.

What was my first impression of you?

I think we were both so nervous.

We really were.

I paced the hallway for 20 minutes

before knocking on your door.

Your hands were sweaty.

Yeah, my hands were sweaty.

They kind of always are.

I don't know what your impression of me was at first,

'cause I was so nervous to meet you.

It was cute that you were so nervous.

I think we both knew that we were both nervous.


And so it was just like, you know,

a cute little moment of us being little nervous weirdos.

I know, it was so,

it was intense.


What is my go-to In-N-Out order?

Oh man, no,

'cause it's like this whole list of things.

I get honestly embarrassed having to go up

to the person and ask and do the order.

[Nara] I have to order my own food.

Okay, you're into the Protein Style.


You need to have the chopped chilies on it.

Right, the chilies?

You need the burger mustard grilled.

[Nara] Yep.

Is that it?

It's a Double-Double.

Right, a double double-

Double Double, protein style.

Animal style, chopped chilies.

Chopped chilies.

Yeah, you see,

mine's easy, mine's just a number one.

Without sauce, without tomato.

Don't make it sound easy.

Alright, alright.


What's my favorite ice cream flavor?

Strawberry ice cream.


[Lucky] But that was when you were a child?

Yep, what's my current favorite?

I've made it a few times.

Oh, Oreo.


Oreo, yeah.

So good.

It's really good, I've made it a few times now.

What is my favorite show to binge?

It's that one doctor show.

Grey's Anatomy, right?

Good job, honey.

Yeah, there we go-

Two points for that.

That's great.

This is a tricky one.

Are you ready?

I hope so.

Let's go.

Get comfy.

What is my favorite German phrase?

It could be a word or a phrase.

Okay, first of all,

should I know this?

Yeah, because it's a word that I say

a lot that you also know,

'cause it's a swear word.

Oh, is it scheisse?

Yeah, good job.

There we go, there we go.

Scheisse, nice.

What is my favorite date spot?

A good restaurant?

[Nara] Yeah.

Yeah, a really good restaurant.

Yeah. I love food.

This I don't even know myself,

so if you can get it, extra points,

'cause then you can read my mind without me even knowing.

What's my favorite gift that you've given me?

I want to say it's this necklace that you're wearing now.


That I gave to you on our first Christmas together.

Yep, good job.

Good job, yep.

[Lucky] Great.

What is my favorite color?

White and black.


Wow, that was quick.

Which is boring, by the way.

I just wanna let you know.

Oh, okay.

Mr. Blue and Green, okay.

I mean, come on.

Okay, this is a tricky one.

You get one point for each.

Talk to me.

Talk to me then, let's go.

Name all the instruments I grew up playing.

Well, one is the piano.

That's the one I played the longest.

Okay, one is the flute,

which is very random for you.

It is pretty random.

I love it though.

[Nara] I know

The violin?


Was it actually though, or are you kidding?


Was it really?

And there's another string instrument, it's big.

I don't know, cello?


Good job.

I forgot that you did that.

Yeah, okay-

Look at you, you musician.

Oh yeah.

You need to start playing the drums again, actually.

I do, I do.

What's my favorite restaurant?


Name the top two, 'cause there's a bunch.


You love a good Nobu situation.

[Nara] I do.

Love your good sushi.

Yes, name another one.

I genuinely don't know.

Okay, what type of food?

Thai food?

Yeah, that's true.

Is it the one that we get from a lot?


Okay, what's it?



At least you know which one you're talking about?

You're not good with names, so I'll,

you'll get a point for that.

Thank you, thank you.

Okay, what food do I hate the most?


Yeah, shrimp.

What was my first job?

Your first job was, I know this.

You've talked about it a lot.

It was at a smoothie shop, right?

Yeah, it was a smoothie shop.


I wish I would've ordered a smoothie from you.

I would've made one real good for you.

[Lucky] I like that.

And also,

you just stopped showing up, right?

You didn't even quit, you just stopped showing up-

That's a story for another day, but yeah.

I feel bad about it, don't bring it up.

Wait, and then didn't you run into

your old boss when you visited,

went back home and visited?

Yes, I did.

[Lucky] How was that?



Is that it?

That's it.

Honey, you did so good.

Lucky, this is your score.

You did really good.

Let's see how I'll do.

All right.

I don't know if you're gonna get this.

What is my all time favorite band?

I don't even know if I have one, but.

I don't think you have one.

I know what your favorite song is.

Your all time favorite song?

Okay, we'll go with that.

Acid Raindrops.

Is that what it's called?

Yeah, yeah.

Good job.

What did I wear on our first date?

Dark denim, a brown leather belt,

black like vintagey looking boots.

And then you wore this button down Varsity T-shirt.

It's like a thicker material, you still have it.

You wore it without anything under it, unbuttoned,

and it was red and blue.

How did that make you feel?


It was great, I loved it.

[Nara laughing]

What did I wear?

If it's the outfit that you wore

when you we first met, was it that?


Yeah, so she had these.

Oh, I have a fun.

Oh, I'm not even gonna go there.

Should I?

No, don't.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm very sure.

I'm actually curious what you think.

What is my worst habit?

Okay, a random worst habit that you have

is you start writing into notebooks,

and then you stop and think you have to buy a new one.

So we have a thick stack of notebooks

that have like one or two pages written on,

and sometimes they're even like

in the middle you start writing on them.

Yeah, that's good.

The kids can use 'em for coloring and stuff.

Love that.

Okay, what's my biggest pet peeve?

There's a few.

Can I name off a few?

[Lucky] Yeah.

The sound of styrofoam.

I know, right?


You cannot hear it.

Or, random,

people blowing their noses.

Oh my goodness.

[Nara] You hate that.

I can't do it.

Okay, but what's another one?

Bad drivers.

I get so frustrated-

Bad drivers, that is true actually.

Bad drivers, okay.

I didn't really think of that.

You have quite a few.

I do, I really do.

But what one do you think would be

the biggest pet peeve out of all of those?

It's the bad drivers.


That's the biggest pet peeve out of all of them.

Okay, what is my favorite movie?

You love your older movies.

[Lucky] Yes, it is an older movie.

It is The Breakfast Club.

[Lucky] Yes.


Good job.


What is my favorite thing to bake?

Your chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.

Good job, there you go.

Yeah, I love those.

They're so good.

You're a good baker, actually.

Better than I am.

Okay, what is my biggest fear?

[Nara] Drowning.

That was quick.

Wow, I'm impressed.

That's impressive, good job.

What is my shoe size?


But then sometimes you'll squeeze into a 12.

Yes, just depends on whoever makes the shoe.

Yeah, good job.

Thank you.


What is my favorite item of clothing?

You like your hats, you love your denim.

You love a good Levi's, what's it called?

Redline denim, double?

Redline denim?

Yeah, well done.

Old vintage T-shirts.

Yes, but I don't wear too many of those now.

But when we first met, that's,

I love those.

But you can never go wrong with a good

buttery feeling vintage T-shirt, you know?


[Lucky] You don't know, it's okay.

You don't know.

Not for me, but it's okay.

What is my favorite food?

Like your current favorite food,

your all time favorite food.

Like get specific with me, 'cause there's a few.

Okay, let's go with current.


Yeah, there you go.

Good job.


Alright, how do you know when I'm mad?

You go silent and red.

I don't go with that red when I'm mad-

Yes, you do.

It's okay, honey.

It's okay, shh.

[Nara laughing]

What is going on?

Okay, moving on.

Where was our first kiss?

I think I was about to leave,

and then you caught me by the door

and we had our first kiss.


Okay, I remember now.

There were a few moments.

I wanted you at the fitting, something to think about.

I love that.

I did think about that actually.

Okay, what are my parents,

what are my parents' names?

Sheridan and Dallon.

[Lucky] No.

You're messing with me right now.

You're right, you're right.


What was my first modeling job?

I don't know whether this was a job,

but it was one of your first, like,

shoots was with this one very famous photographer.

I forgot his name.

And designer.

And designer.

It's an S name.


Hedi Slimane.

[Nara] Yeah.

Yep, there you go.

Good job.

You're very welcome, honey.

What phrase do I overuse?

We both overuse this.

I dunno whether it's a phrase,

but we always say Fair enough.

Yeah, that's not the one.

I picked that up from you, but.


I don't know if I use it too much with you though.

Well, how would I know then?

It's classic.

A lot of things about you are classic.

Right, but I feel like that's a phrase that I use a lot.

Oh, that's the phrase.


It's like classic.

Oh, that's classic.

But that's a word.

You use it, you say classic.

You don't say the whole phrase.

No, you need to,

okay, you need to gimme points for that,

or you need to like change it to something else.

Okay, points for that one.

Because that's a word.

Right, right,

right, okay.

What's my secret talent?

Making up random songs in the moment,

with random lyrics, random tunes.

You just start singing a song that you've made up

to me and the kids, or yourself sometimes.

[Lucky] Do you have an example?


We would love an example.

One time when I wasn't paying attention to you.

You needed attention.

No, we're actually good now.

Thank you so much, we're okay.

We're okay.

You got out your guitar out of your closet-

Wait, what are you talking about?

Oh, this is what I'm talking about.

You got your guitar out from your closet,

the one that your dad sent,

and you started playing these chords.

It was like a quick paced thing.

And you were like, you stepped on my heart with spiky shoes.

Spiky shoes.

And you just kept singing it over

and over again until the kids picked it up,

and then it turned into a whole jamming session-

Remember how much they loved that?

They do.

It's great, I still remember it.

[Lucky] That's funny.


Honey, you did a good job.


You passed, so here's your score.

Thank you.

[Nara laughing]

I think we did good.

[Nara] We did great, we did.

[Lucky] Good job, honey.

Good job.

[Lucky] Good job.

Well, I have lipstick.

That's okay.

[Director] Perfect.

[camera crew laughing]

Thank you GQ for having us.

We'll see you next time.

Wait, hold on.

[mellow music]


Starring: Nara Smith, Lucky Blue Smith

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